Chu Nan is happily flying through the alien space.

Sensing the vibrational trajectory of space energy with a special frequency in the surrounding different space, Chu Nan is sure that he is on the right path.

The exploratory action after passing through the stargate has been richer than he expected.

After obtaining this fully cracked personal terminal on his wrist, he not only successfully got in touch with the outside world, but also finally made him understand where he is now.

According to the complete star map queried on the Pan-Galactic Network, the Kasha Kingdom is actually the closest country on the Perseus spiral arm to the star gate after passing through the spiral arm, and the capital of the Kasha Kingdom is Xu. The straight-line starry sky distance between Eaton Star and the Stargate is only trifling less than 300 light-years away.

This also means that if Chu Nan wants to, he only needs to take their Chamber of Commerce's cross-arm spaceship with the help of Eto'o Chamber of Commerce, and he will be able to get the job within half a month. Crossing the two arms, returning to the Orion Arm, and returning to the sapphire Star Domain that he was relatively familiar with on the Orion Arm.

But obviously he doesn't want to go back alone.

In addition to helping Thiago and the others get out of trouble, more importantly, he also took the opportunity to investigate the news of Ovérie Venerable.

I finally came to the spiral arm of Perseus, and I also accidentally got the relevant information about Overie Venerable. , Chu Nan himself will not forgive himself.

But after careful consideration, Chu Nan first decided to help Thiago and the others out of trouble.

And it wouldn't be too much trouble, as Eto'o Chamber of Commerce helped him beyond his image.

After learning that Chu Nan wanted to get a spaceship as soon as possible, Captain Norman, whom Chu Nan was most familiar with, asked Chu Nan that his purpose was to help a group of people who were unintentionally drifted to the barren planet. After the companion escaped and returned to Orion's spiral arm, he patted his chest to express that Eto'o Chamber of Commerce was willing to help Chu Nan in return for Chu Nan's kindness.

Compared with what Chu Nan said to get a spaceship to pick up Thiago and the others across the Star Sea and return to the Orion Arm, the solution provided by Eto'o Chamber of Commerce is obviously more feasible .

Eto'o Chamber of Commerce said that they can provide a small spaceship to go to the planet designated by Chu Nan to take his companions to Eaton, and then arrange for Chu Nan and his companions to board together On the cross-arm civil spaceship heading to the Orion Arm.

Although this will take a little detour, it is a very good arrangement for Chu Nan, because if he lets him get a spaceship to take away Thiago and the others, first Not to mention the difficulty of getting a spaceship, even if it is obtained, it is not an easy task to successfully return the spaceship to Orion's spiral arm through the monitoring of the spiral arm stargate.

If you choose to take the cross-rotor civil aviation spaceship prepared by Eto'o Chamber of Commerce, these problems will be solved.

According to the star map, what Chu Nan detected when flying in different space before has been verified.

In fact, the star system where Thiago and the others are currently in is not far from Eaton's star. .

If all goes well, it will take two days to go from that planet to Eaton, and then five days to go from Eaton to the cross-spiral star gate, and then the next cross-spiral Super Space Jump It will take about ten days.

Together with the time it takes to prepare for the intermediate transfer, it should take more than 20 days in total.

Although it will take so long, it is the best solution compared to what Chu Nan expected before.

Thinking that it would only take less than a month for their group to return to the familiar environment on Orion's spiral arm, Chu Nan deeply felt that his luck was very good.

"If Urquia knew the news, she would be very happy too, right?"

Chu Nan couldn't help but smile.

The reason why he flew back alone now was just because Eto'o Chamber of Commerce still needed two days to prepare for this plan, so Chu Nan decided to come back to inform Urchia and the others first.

Especially when he had promised Urquia before that, whether or not he found any valuable information, he would come back and tell her within three days, lest they worry.

And now that Chu Nan is back with good news that surprised even himself, I believe that both Urchia and Thiago and the others will be delighted.

While thinking about the details of the next action, Chu Nan accelerated and flew in the different space.

Because there is no need to grope slowly in a different space like when he came, and with the complete star map guide on his personal terminal, Chu Nan can go back much faster than when he came, only It only took a total of less than six hours, and I felt that the spatial energy fluctuations in the space in the different space ahead were extremely stable.

Chu Nan was instantly overjoyed. This special situation, which is completely different from the overall situation inside the different dimension, is of course the location of the star gate.

After a while, Chu Nan has come to that space, because of the special structure of the star gate, he does not need to adjust the space energy to open the space wall, and he feels the space energy around him has changed from violent to peaceful. Stable, the scene in front of me also changed rapidly, the eyes darkened and then brightened, and then I found that the starlight flickered in the surrounding space, and a huge Fireball in front of the right was glowing in the starry sky.

Because there have been many times of crossing the wall of space, Chu Nan has now crossed out of the alien space and re-adapted to the positive space universe environment very quickly.

It only took a blink of an eye, and he quickly entered the state. The first thing he did was to raise his left hand to play, and open the complete volume personal terminal that he received from Eto'o's Chamber of Commerce.

Then he discovered that after entering this star system, his new personal terminal was still unable to connect to the pan-galactic network.

This proves that there is no pan-galactic network coverage in this star system at all.

"Strange, a star system that is only more than 100 light-years away from a kingdom's capital galaxy is so backward?"

Chu Nan frowned for a while, then looked back. I looked at the dilapidated stargate in the starry sky behind me, and I didn't know when it would be completely useless, and I was puzzled.

Obviously, this star system was still a very important galaxy before, because of the existence of star gates, but why is it now abandoned?

"I forgot to check it on the pan-galactic network before." Chu Nan shook his head, feeling a little misguided.

But now is not the time to consider these issues. Chu Nan has determined the position of the bright star ahead, and verified it with the star map he left in his mind after his personal exploration two days ago. He quickly confirmed his position, and then the energy in the space around his body fluctuated abnormally. In an instant, the wall of space had been opened, and he once again entered the different space with a physical body, and flew towards the planet where Urchia, Thiago and the others were located at high speed. .

Just 3 minutes later, Chu Nan's silhouette suddenly jumped out of the alien space and just appeared in the cosmic space outside the atmosphere of the blue planet.

"Finally back."

Chu Nan looked down and didn't have time to breathe a sigh of relief, but the complexion changed instantly.

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