Although it was very unexpected, the two of Rowe did not panic at all, but sneered at the same time.

This kid dared to attack the spaceship in front of the two of them. Naturally, he was very daring. It was not easy to ask him to obediently surrender, but this kid actually dared to take the initiative to them. Attack, that's act recklessly!

Luo Wei raised his hand, the dark starry sky suddenly seemed to have a chill, which quickly spread out, covering the entire starry sky.

Anglu opened his hands, and the highly condensed light of space energy around his body flickered, instantly condensed into countless arrows that seemed to exist, and shot at Chu Nan with a chilling light.

These feathered arrows collided with thousands of bright feathered arrows shot by Chu Nan, and immediately caused countless strong explosions in the dark sky.

Where the rays of light burst, the space seemed to burst with it, and the ripples of space vibrations spread and overlapped with each other, and the positive space universe became extremely unstable, revealing countless waves A dark space crack that can swallow everything.

You don't need to experience it yourself, just by looking at it with naked eyes, you can see how terrifying this space has become now.

Angklu was surprised.

This time, because of the anger towards Chu Nan, he has a strong murderous intention in his heart. As soon as he comes up, he shoots with all his strength, so the formidable power of these feather arrow attacks is actually higher than when he first encountered Chu Nan before. A bit stronger.

However, Chu Nan had no resistance against these feather arrows before, but now he can block them with no difficulty, which is really puzzling.

Since this kid has such strength, why did he have to pierce his flesh through nearly a hundred small holes before?

Even if he didn't know what mysterious cultivation technique he had mastered, he could save his life, but it wouldn't be so good, would he?

Luo Wei was not at all surprised. He also used all his strength to attack as soon as he got started.

From the previous few contacts, he deeply felt that this kid named Chu Nan was extremely cunning, and his cultivation technique was peculiar. It is easy for him to appear in front of the two of them to challenge him, so he must seize this opportunity, kill him completely, and prevent all future troubles!

These two people are both super powerhouses with the strength of third rank Heavenly Reign Grade. Now they are attacking with all their strength, and the whole starry sky is affected by it. After a while, the starry sky seems to be completely frozen. , in which there are countless sharp arrows that seem to be able to tear apart the space.

Faced with such a powerful offensive, even if it is replaced by any third rank Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist of the same level as the two, it will be difficult to deal with.

Although Chu Nan's strength is beyond the average Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist, but after all, he succeeded in condensing the nebula.

If he just wanders and fights, he can also use his various strange abilities to find the possibility of winning, but now it is the most difficult to let him play to his advantage.

In the beginning, he could barely support it. With his powerful data ability and extreme sensitivity to the changes in the energy of the surrounding space, he responded to the attacks of Rowe and Anklu, and even the firepower was full, with bright feathers and arrows all over the place. The starry sky actually suppressed both Rowe and Anklu for a while.

However, after all, this situation is impossible for a long time. A large number of bright feather arrows not only consumes a lot of energy, but also consumes a lot of Inner Breath in the depths of dantian.

Although after the nebula condenses, the dantian breath can be naturally converted into space energy through the nebula flow, and it can easily drive the external space energy, but it still consumes the inner breath after all.

Chu Nan's condensing nebula is not long, and it is far from reaching the realm where the inner and outer nebulae are connected. Even with the super data ability, each attack will try to mobilize the most space with the least Inner Breath. energy, but also impossible to continue like this forever.

The crazy, even reckless, powerful offensive lasted for less than 3 minutes, and it obviously slowed down.

Feeling the pressure lightened, both Rowe and Unkru sighed in relief at the same time.

In fact, the two of them were even more surprised than before.

They thought that the two of them would be able to defeat and even kill this kid who was only a beginner Heavenly Reign Grade with all their strength, but they didn't expect Chu Nan to turn them around when they came up. suppress.

However, the two have been famous for a long time and have been Heavenly Reign Grade powerhouse for a long time. Naturally, it is clear that Chu Nan's offensive is impossible and lasting. On the contrary, it will cause a great burden on him, which is not a long-term solution at all.

Now that Chu Nan's offensive has weakened, it is obvious that he can no longer support such a strong offensive.

As soon as they sensed the weakening of Chu Nan's offensive, Luo Wei and Anklu naturally stepped up their offensive. For a time, the ray of space energy in the starry sky was more dazzling, but it was Almost all flickered towards Chu Nan.

"There are still 3 minutes."

Chu Nan narrowed his eyes, and thoughts rushed in his mind.

He knew very well that he was absolutely capable of sustaining such a violent offensive as before.

But it's only been less than two minutes now, and Thiago and the others probably haven't fully boarded the spaceship.

Now that the opponent's offensive is increasing, it may be extremely difficult for him to continue undefeated for 3 minutes.

Thinking of this, Chu Nan's body's breath circulates, and the nebula in the small universe in dantian circulate at a high speed together, but then under his deliberate control, he did not directly convert it into space energy through the nebula, but through the nebula. Out of dantian, it circulates rapidly in the meridian of the body for a week, and returns to dantian.

Nine Revolutions Core Technique The first cycle of pranayama is over.

“whiz whiz whiz ——”

At this moment, several feathered arrows from Angklu attacked, Chu Nan dodged at high speed in a small area with only his physical strength, avoiding After opening most of the time, he still couldn't avoid it completely, and was directly penetrated by several feather arrows.

Several blood arrows flew out of Chu Nan's body, but Chu Nan did not frown, nor did the expression on his face change at all, and he still concentrated most of his energy in his body.

The Inner Breath that completed the first cycle was stronger than before, but Chu Nan still deliberately controlled it not to transform through the nebula in the dantian, but to flow out of the dantian again, within the meridian of the body. A quick turn around for another week.

The second cycle of Nine Revolutions Core Technique is over.

“ka ka ka—”

The endless frost spread from the starry sky, Chu Nan instantly felt as if he was in an ice cellar, and almost completely covered his entire body. Freeze.

The place that was still spewing blood was frozen due to Extreme Cold, and the blood spewed from the wound was also frozen, so it recoiled back into the bloodline, almost making him circulate at high speed in the meridian The Inner Breath is also affected.

Chu Nan still ignored it, and continued to push Inner Breath to leave the dantian, and started the third cycle of breath regulation.

In this way, while dodging or simply carrying the attacks of Rowe and Anklu, the Inner Breath was activated. Although Chu Nan Inner Breath was running extremely fast, it instantly became Scarred all over.

However, Chu Nan seemed to be a normal person, still ignoring the attacks of Rowe and Anklu, and put the Inner Breath, which became dozens of times stronger after completing the 7-turn linkage, into the income dantian, and then All poured into the nebula.

The nebula that originally circulated slowly and naturally in the dantian at a certain speed seemed to be pushed by a big hand, and the circulation speed immediately became extremely fast.

dantian ** was affected in the small universe, driving all Inner Breaths to flow at the same high speed.

Chu Nan only felt that the entire dantian seemed to collapse in an instant, and endless pain came from within the dantian.

However, he was only slightly frowned, still dodging the attack, while trying to control the Inner Breath to continue to impact the nebula.

Chu Nan is different from ordinary Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist when he condenses nebulae. He not only condenses nebulae in dantian, but the nebula he successfully condenses covers the whole body.

Now the nebula in dantian is affected by it, and the nebula inside the entire flesh body is naturally affected by it, and under the influence of the nebula, the space energy in the space around Chu Nan is also naturally affected by it. Circling around Chu Nan at extremely high speed.

Between breathing, Chu Nan seems to be in the center of a huge space energy vortex, and the stars around him are affected by it, and a huge space like a black hole appears.

Chu Nan continued to endure the pain of terrifying, trying his best to maintain the state of high-speed Inner Breath driving the nebula to flow, while turning his attention to the opposite Rowe and Angklu.

This state is inspired by the high-turn Inner Breath brought by the Nine Revolutions Core Technique, called Nebula Nine Turns!

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