Seeing the small spaceship driven by Thiago and the others rushed into the star gate and disappeared into the deep light that seemed to devour everything, Chu Nan immediately sighed in relief.

After tossing for so long and giving up so much energy, I finally sent these guys out.

Next, they only need to take this small spaceship to Eaton, and the people of Eto'o Chamber of Commerce will pick them up and arrange for them to return to the Orion Arm.

As for Chu Nan himself...

In fact, what Chu Nan said before was completely from his heart, these guys are simply a burden to stay here, not because of them, Chu Nan touched him before By the time of Eto'o's Chamber of Commerce, he had already slipped away, and he didn't need such trouble, even tossing himself so badly for them.

Thinking of this, Chu Nan turned his head to look at his empty right arm, shook his head and smiled wryly.

While it wasn't a big trouble for him, it was trouble after all.

And now this situation has seriously affected his strength, making it impossible for him to compete head-to-head with Rowe and Anklu.

Seeing that the rays of light driven by the condensation of two space energy in the distant starry sky are approaching at a high speed, Chu Nan is very clear that it should be Luo Wei and Anklu who are chasing after them.

He turned his head and looked towards the huge spaceship, but at this moment he seemed to have reacted, slowly turning the direction and heading towards the stargate.

It seems that this spaceship is also going to jump the stargate to track the small spaceship where Thiago and the others are.

Chu Nan thought for a while, and suddenly the body flashed, and in an instant, he had crossed the starry sky and appeared next to the star gate.

In the distant starry sky, Luo Wei and Anklu, who were chasing, flew towards the star gate at high speed.

Although there is still some distance from the stargate, the personal terminal on their wrist is connected to the main control lightbrain on the giant spaceship, and they can fully grasp the vicinity of the stargate through the picture provided by the main control lightbrain situation.

Before seeing Chu Nan blocking the high-energy particle beam of the spaceship with one person, the two had a new assessment of Chu Nan's strength.

And later saw that the small spaceship actually left Chu Nan alone and jumped into the star gate. After the two were stunned, they were first furious and then overjoyed.

Even if those guys don't know where they got a spaceship and jumped into the star gate under the cover of Chu Nan, but as long as they are still in this Star Domain, they are impossible to escape from their own forces. Take control, and sooner or later you will be caught.

And this guy Chu Nan doesn't have any spaceship to ride right now. No matter how strong he is, no matter how high his innate talent is, he is still a Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist. Now it is equivalent to being trapped in this Star Domain, with nowhere to escape.

This nasty boy can be said to have ridiculed them before and brought them a lot of trouble. The two of them are already full of murderous intentions towards Chu Nan, and they will never consider the idea of saving his life. .

If Chu Nan escaped with the spaceship, it would be very difficult for them to capture this powerful and cunning kid again.

As a result, this kid was sold by his comrades!

"Ha! This damn boy, I see where he can escape now!" Anklu happily whispered to Luo Wei, but just as he was about to speed up, he saw Chu Nan suddenly fly away. When I got to the star gate, I couldn't help but stare blankly at Luo Wei.

"Huh? What's this kid doing?" Both Rowe and Unkru have some unfathomable mystery.

However, after Chu Nan flew to the star gate, he did not do anything else, as if he was waiting for something.

Luo Wei and Anklu increased their speed, and soon they flew to the side of the star gate and stopped in front of Chu Nan.

The two did not rush to shoot, but looked at Chu Nan with a sneer.

Angklu's voice was full of sarcasm.

"Hey, boy, you worked so hard to rescue those guys, but now they are sold by them as soon as they turn around, how are you feeling?"

Chu Nan at this moment The breath of the whole body has been greatly weakened compared to when they fought with them just now, and it is even much weaker than when they first met Chu Nan. Obviously, the serious injury and the hard resistance to the high-energy particle beam just now brought him a great loss. , it is difficult to maintain a strong battle strength.

even more how now he has no spaceship around him at all, so he can only stare at the star gate and sigh, the two of them are not worried that he can still sneak there, so they look at Chu Nan's expression It's all very lighthearted, even full of jokes.

Chu Nan looked towards Luo Wei.

At this time, he could no longer maintain the high-turning state of the nebula, and his breath was indeed greatly weakened, and even the strength he could exert was not as good as usual, but this also allowed him to regain his precise control of space energy. , so after laughed, send a voice to Luo Wei.

"You asked me before, why would I do this for them, right?"

Rowe coldly snorted: "That's right. With the strength of you brat , if you wanted to escape alone, there were already many opportunities, and I admit that it would be difficult for us to keep you. But now you have forced yourself into this situation for those wastes, and more importantly, they were sold by them. Don't you think it's ironic? You're making an all-out effort for them, and they only think about running away, not your safety. I can't understand why you're doing this at all?"

"Of course you can't understand, because you're a bad guy." The smile on Chu Nan's face made him look innocent and negotiating. "And why would I do this? The reason is very simple, because I'm... a good person."

Rowe and Uncle froze for a moment, then laughed wildly as if they had heard some big joke. stand up.

But their laughter stopped abruptly, and the smiles on their faces instantly became full of horror.

Because the two saw that after Chu Nan finished saying that, he turned around and punched towards the star gate.

"Damn it, you brat is crazy!"

Both Angklu and Luo Wei were startled and wanted to fly over to stop Chu Nan, but there was no time. Watching Chu Nan this fist accurately hit the pillar device around the stargate that maintains the open space wall.

Although the stargate's attachments have certain protective measures, they are enough to withstand ordinary accidental impacts, but this stargate has been in disrepair due to accidents. How could it be able to withstand Chu Nan? A full strength attack of a Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist.

“ka ka ka ——”

The cracks on the stargate pillars opened, and after a while, the physical devices of the entire stargate suddenly exploded and turned into pieces Fly away in the starry sky.

The wall of space that was forcibly opened by the stargate could be maintained at first, but soon after losing the support of the stargate, it was corrected and distorted by the balance of the positive space universe and the other space. The space that emits a deep light that seems to be able to devour everything is like a vortex version that has lost the support of the water source. It quickly subsides, and soon it turns into nothingness, making the entire starry sky return to the empty space of the positive space universe. But very calm and stable.

Rowe and Unkru stared blankly at the space where the star gate was supposed to be.

The large-scale spaceship was originally entering the stargate under Rowe's command to track down the small spaceship that escaped before, but now the stargate was destroyed by Chu Nan's punch and was forcibly opened The space wall was forcibly closed, and the front end of the spaceship that had entered half of the stargate seemed to be swallowed by some rare beast, and disappeared without a trace along with the disappearing stargate.

After the two stayed for a while, they turned their heads full of anger and looked towards Chu Nan who destroyed the stargate.

However...but where can I see any trace of Chu Nan.

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