Chu Nan is "awake".

This time, it took him much longer than ever to fix the fleshy body.

After all, this time he was not just a traumatic injury, but more importantly, an internal injury caused by forcibly pushing the nebula in the body into a high-rotation state, which caused the fleshy body to be in a high-load state.

This internal injury even hurt his most fundamental part as a Martial Artist - dantian, and the injury was really serious.

In addition to the equally serious injury in Meridian, in fact, if his previous condition is placed on other Martial Artists, I am afraid that this Martial Artist can be declared abolished from now on, even if he can rely on advanced medicine Technical repair of fleshy body, but it is impossible to truly recover completely, and the strength will definitely be greatly affected.

Compared to these internal injuries, breaking an arm or something is simply a minor injury that can be ignored.

Fortunately, Chu Nan not only has a powerful brain equivalent to lightbrain, and can control the situation in the body most accurately, but also has a very special flame of life and Goddess's hymn cultivation technique, which allows him to The recovery of your fleshy body is far more powerful and complete than the most advanced medical technology.

This time, in order to restore all the injuries, and to check the impact of the broken arm, Chu Nan deliberately slowed down the speed of running the flame of life and Goddess's hymn cultivation technique, So it took a lot of time.

However, he is still a little strange, and always feels that the effect of using Goddess's hymn cultivation technique seems to be affected, and it is not as obvious as before.

This question was thrown out of Chu Nan's mind only after it passed through his mind.

Comparatively, now he has more important issues to consider.

The question is... how does he get back?

Thinking of this question, Chu Nan involuntarily smiled wryly.

speaking of which, causing the current predicament is that he reap what you have sown.

If he hadn't destroyed the stargate with one punch, of course he would be able to guide him back to Eaton through the stargate, and then return to the Orion spiral arm smoothly.

But now, in order to prevent Rowe and the others from chasing the small spaceship where Thiago and the others were, and more importantly, to prevent them from spreading the information here, Chu Nan was forced to One punch destroyed the stargate, but trapped himself here.

Chu Nan doesn't regret it, because if he just wanted to get out of trouble by himself, he would have had a lot of chances to slip away alone.

The reason why I gave up so much energy and struggled for so long is to allow Thiago and the others to get out of trouble safely.

Now the most important purpose is achieved, as for himself...

Chu Nan is not so worried, because according to the provisions of the "Pan Galactic Convention", any star gate It is an important public facility that all countries, all groups, and all individuals in the entire galaxy must strive to protect. If damaged, the forces in the area where the Stargate is located must be repaired immediately, and the Novent Chamber of Commerce will also be repaired. The star gate should be treated as the highest priority, and strive to repair the star gate in the shortest time and restore the smooth passage of the jump between stars.

Although the previous star gate was in disrepair for some unknown reason and looked very dilapidated, it was in the final analysis under the jurisdiction of the Kasha Kingdom. Being completely destroyed by Chu Nan's punch, this matter must not be concealed, because the Chamber of Commerce in Norantham must be able to monitor it.

Then just need to wait patiently, the Kingdom of Kasha must notify the Chamber of Commerce of Nogentum, and then negotiate and deal with it as soon as possible to repair this stargate.

Although Chu Nan is not sure how long the Kasha Kingdom will be fighting with the Chamber of Commerce, he is sure that this star gate will be repaired sooner or later, so he can leave sooner or later here.

So although Chu Nan was a little worried that his family would be impatient when he found out that he had lost the news, he could only wait patiently at this time.

"Well...fortunately, I have the experience of falling into the stargate and disappearing last time. Parents and Xiaoxi, it shouldn't be so anxious, right?" Chu Nan comforted himself.

After thinking for a while, Chu Nan walked out of the cave and looked up towards the sky.

It has entered the dark night again outside the cave, and now the night sky above the island is re-filled with all kinds of powerful rare beasts, as Tiago said before, around the island. There are also several powerful auras in the seawater of the sea, which means that there are many powerful rare beasts hidden in it, surrounding the small islands.

Before Chu Nan was busy trying to find a way to save Thiago and the others, he didn't have time to pay attention to it, now he has nothing else to do, Chu Nan looked at the strange situation around the island surrounded by rare beasts, Can not help but wonder.

Why are these rare beasts so obsessed with this island? Could it be that this little island hides some secrets?

What's even more strange is that these rare beasts are now surrounding the small island, but they don't dare to rush up one by one, and only dare to launch two long-range attacks occasionally from a distance.

If there is anything on this island that they are afraid of, it is that Chu Nan and the others swallowed Sang Shan when they first came to this island, but was killed by Chu Nan. Why does Rare Beast dare to settle on this small island?

Chu Nan thought about it for a while, but still couldn't understand the question, but suddenly found a gu gu gu in his stomach.

Chu Nan was stunned for a while, then remembered that he couldn't eat well in the past few days, and just now he was consuming a lot from repairing his fleshy body. It would be strange if he wasn't hungry.

He looked left and right, body flashed, had appeared on the sea outside the island.

As soon as they appeared, several black shadow fish jumped out of the sea water. The strange-looking rare beasts in the water showed fierce fangs and terrifying aura, and rushed towards Chu Nan. come over.

Chu Nan glanced over, picked a rare beast that seemed to be pleasing to the eye, slapped it down, slapped it to death, and flew back to the island.

Several beams of light cannons that condensed space energy followed, and at the same time, the rare beasts in the sky were also disturbed and launched a more violent long-range attack on the island.

"Boom boom boom boom..."

The sound of explosions sounded continuously on the island for a while, and the momentum was extremely alarming.

However, Chu Nan had already dragged the half-ton giant Sea Beast that looked like a catfish back to the cave at this time.

There wasn't even a fire in the cave, but that didn't bother Chu Nan. He rubbed his palms into a knife, slashed the huge Sea Beast into fish fillets in three or two strokes, and then activated the high-level Fire Element. Zhili cultivation technique, the flame on the palm hurts, after a while, the fish fillet is completely cooked, and then thrown into the mouth in one bite.

Although there is no seasoning and no salt, the meat of this Sea Beast is much more tender and delicate than Chu Nan imagined, and it is not so unacceptable to eat into the mouth.

even more how Chu Nan is starving now, of course there is nothing to be picky about in this situation.

It didn't take long for Chu Nan to eat a whole Sea Beast.

After cleaning up the residue and throwing it out of the cave, Chu Nan raised his head and looked towards the night sky.

His sight did not stop at the rare beasts hovering in the night sky, but directly penetrated the night and shot into the Boundless Starry Sky.

He knew very well that the spaceship brought by the two fellows Rowe and Uncle should stop at the synchronous orbit outside this planet at this moment.

The stargate was destroyed by Chu Nan, and they obviously couldn't escape from this star system, and could only wait patiently here like Chu Nan.

" can I let you guys wait so peacefully?"

Chu Nan raised a dangerous smile at the corner of his mouth, stepped down a little, and rose to the sky for a moment. After breaking through the night sky, breaking through the atmosphere, and entering the Boundless Starry Sky.

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