(Tell everyone a bad news and a good news.

The bad news is that the diagnosis came out yesterday, my knee meniscus was severely injured in both legs, and I need to rest for at least 2 months...

And the good news is...I can't go anywhere, can't do anything in these 2 months, I can only stay at home obediently and honestly, so...this period of time has more There are many time code words, the update should be stable, and it may even gradually make up for those owed chapters.

How about it? Is it good news?)


Professor Fu Edland, associate dean of the Nebula Academy Life Sciences Academy, pushed the plain glasses on his nose, which were only used for decoration, slightly frowned, looked towards the opposite side Elvie, who was still standing with a respectful appearance, hesitated for a moment before speaking.

"That... Elvie, I'm glad to see from this paper that your current state is much better than before, but..."

Professor Float Edland changed the subject, his expression became serious, and he pointed to the paper on the virtual screen that Elvie had just submitted, and continued: "I must tell you, this paper still does not meet the evaluation standards, if you If you submit it to the "Natural Science" magazine, you will definitely not pass."

"Really?" What a disappointed expression, but a look of relief, and even a slight smile. "many thanks for your guidance, in fact, I also know very well that the level of this paper is not enough. Professor, please help me withdraw my application for publication of the paper in "Natural Science". Also... I'm sorry."

Hearing that Elvie's final apology was very sincere, Professor Float Edland looked the head and lightly sighed.

"Hey Elvie, tell me, what happened to make you feel ill at ease for the last two months? If it weren't for this time you were researching The energy invested in this paper is much less than before, I believe that with your innate talent and accumulation, you will be able to come up with a much more exciting thesis."

Elvie's face crossed. With a trace of disappointment, he opened his mouth, but in the end he didn't say anything, just smiled bitterly.

Professor Float Edland frowned at the bitter and gloomy smile on Elvie's face that was completely inappropriate for her age, her brows furrowed even tighter.

He can be sure that this genius student who he values most and thinks will be the most likely to make achievements in the recent years of the Nebula Academy Life Science Academy must be troubled by some special things. It will greatly affect her state.

However, if Elvie didn't say it, he couldn't help her much.

After thinking for a while, Professor Flood Edland pointed to the paper displayed on the personal terminal again, and said to Elway: "How far away from this issue of the "Natural Science" Emerging Research Award There is still one month left for the formal evaluation, and I will ask someone to get rid of the journal and give a slight grace to the submission time for a few days. You should take the time of the past few days to revise this paper, and I hope that when you submit it next time, it will be At least I can get my approval."

Elvie glanced at Professor Float Adeland in surprise, and then bowed deeply to Professor Float Adeland.

"Thank you for your concern, but...I think it's still..."

Elvie suddenly stopped.

"Or what?" Professor Floydland frowned.

"No, it's nothing." Elvie shook her head, gave a salute to Professor Flood Edland again, and left.

Looking at the back of Elvie leaving, Professor Flood Edland frowned deeply again.

Although Elvie didn't say anything, he could clearly feel that Elvie was clearly not motivated to rewrite the thesis.

Not only that, but her performance during this period is always absent-minded and distracted, as if she can't get enough energy to do anything and can't concentrate.

"Could it be that something happened to her at home?" Professor Floodland thought for a while, and hesitated.

Investigating the private affairs of students is not in line with his consistent policy, and Elvie doesn't say it, and he doesn't have much way to do it.

"I can only hope that she can solve it by herself, otherwise such a good opportunity will be missed."


Get out of the Flood Elvie in Professor Lan's office just flashed what Professor Edland said just now in her mind, and then she was immediately left behind.

That's right, she really doesn't feel motivated to revise papers or something, or really feels that she's not motivated to do anything.

Because the only thing she cares about now is one problem.

When will Chu Nan have clear news?

Three months ago, Chu Nan went to participate in the Orion Spiral Arm Martial Artist Academy League tournament, and could hear news about him hiding the sky and covering the earth before because he performed extremely well on the tournament Excellent, attracted the attention of countless people.

But when he was ruled to lose in the quarter-finals due to an accident, Elvie just had a remote video call with him after the game, and then there was no more about him. information.

During this period, Elwei couldn't help contacting Chu Xiaoxi and asked her if she had any news about Chu Nan, but the answer she got started led her.

Chu Nan is missing!

At first, Elvie didn't believe this statement at all, because with Chu Nan's current strength, not many people could get him, so how could he disappear for no reason?

However, it has been almost three months since then, but there has been no news about Chu Nan.

Elvie can be sure, if it wasn't for Chu Nan's experience of falling into the stargate and being judged dead by everyone, and not fully returning until half a year later, this time she would definitely be under her own psychological pressure close to destruction.

Fortunately, after that experience, although she was still worried about Chu Nan's safety, she was still able to keep her composure, and she didn't feel like the sky was about to fall like last time.

Of course, this incident still inevitably seriously affected her state, making her unable to concentrate whether in study or research, and the natural effect was very poor.

During this period of time, Elvie even asked herself, is it really okay to have to like such a guy who is always in various situations and always makes people worry about him?

But there is no answer to this question, and there is no need for an answer at all, because liking is liking, and there is no reason to say it.

even more how, Chu Nan is the first boy she clearly likes when she grows up, how could she easily reject this emotion?

Elvie is smart, so she wisely gave up and continued to think about it.

Since you like it, like it well, worrying about him is also a matter of as it should be by rights, there is no need to tangle.

Just... when will this bastard come back safely?

Just when this question flashed through my head for the thousandth time, the personal terminal on Elvie's wrist suddenly remembered the voice of a communication request prompt.

You can tell that this is an unfamiliar communication through the prompt tone, but Elvie not only did not feel any annoyance of receiving harassing communication, but her eyes suddenly lit up, and she chose to connect it almost as a conditioned reflex. .

A moment later, the face of almost yearn for day and night has appeared on the virtual screen opened by the personal terminal.

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