Feeling Elvie's weird eyes circling back and forth on her body, Chu Nan could only helplessly rolled the eyes.

Of course he knew that the one Oviere Venerable wanted to help with research before Elvie was actually himself.

Before returning to the Earth Federation, he had been with Overi Venerable all the time before he separated from Overi Venerable, but every day he watched Overi Venerable communicate with Elvi remotely, Overheard Overi Venerable and Elvie discuss how to study Chu Nan countless times.

Every time I see the focused and even fanatical looks of these two, Chu Nan can't help worrying about whether they will just slice themselves when the time comes...

"That's right, just study me." Chu Nan nodded, believing Elvie's statement. "But you should know that I also signed a few contracts with the Chamber of Commerce side of Norantham to help them do some experiments, so I'm afraid I won't have time during this time. In addition, Olivier Venerable has just returned, and there are a lot of things. I have to deal with it, and it's impossible to come to you in a while."

"I know." Elvie was also nodded, not too surprised. "Overy Venerable told me before. By the way, Chu Nan big brother, why did you suddenly sign a contract with the Chamber of Commerce at Norantham to help them do their experiments? Are you trying to make some money?"

Chu Nan laughed bitterly: "If I told you, I owe Nogentum Chamber of Commerce a full 7.6 billion, are you believing or not?"

After leaving Kasha Kingdom Previously, Lazakdo passed a final assessment report on the destruction time of the Stargate to Chu Nan.

In this report, it is clearly stated that if you want to completely repair the stargate of the Merlint system, it will cost a total of 7.6 billion in the unified currency of the Earth Federation.

So if this stargate was blown up by Chu Nan with a punch, Chu Nan bears full responsibility, then it is equivalent to owe Nogentum Chamber of Commerce a full 76 billion federal dollars.

Of course, because of the previous agreement between the two parties, in this assessment report, the responsibility is all pushed to the people of Rowe and Anklu.

As for how the Chamber of Commerce and Kasha Kingdom specifically recovered this loss from these guys, that's none of Chu Nan's business.

Because Chu Nan wasn't completely sure about this before, Chu Nan didn't tell Elway either. Now that you hear Chu Nan mention it, Elvie stared wide-eyed in surprise.

"My God! 7.6 billion! Chu Nan big brother, what have you done? Did you get into a fight with the people from the Chamber of Commerce in Norantham and destroy a few of their ships?"

"My God! p>

"Well..." Chu Nan forced a smile and waved his hand. "It's over, I bring this up just to tell you that in order to compensate for the losses caused to the Chamber of Commerce, I have to help them do experimental research, plus Oville Venerable herself. There are also things, so even if you are looking forward to it, you will have to wait for a while to study my affairs."

"No problem." Although Elvie was a little disappointed, she couldn't help Oviere, whom she admired most, as soon as possible. Venerable does the research, but still laughs at the head. "Anyway, Chu Nan big brother, you can't run away, and sooner or later you will be stripped away by me and Overy Venerable to study."

Chu Nan glared at her angrily: " stripped away? I Do you dare to look at yourself now that you have stripped yourself away?"

Elvie's face flushed slightly, then she turned back in disapproval.

"If you dare to strip it off, I will dare to see it! Anyway, I have seen a lot of various human bodies during my research. Can you still look different from other men?"


Elvie's voice was so loud that it immediately caught the attention of several other diners in the small restaurant.

Feeling the strange gaze cast by others, Chu Nan quickly lost the battle, wiped his face with force, and said helplessly: "Okay, I know you're amazing. But Olivier Venerable Let me tell you one more thing, the Nebula Academy's equipment may not meet her requirements, and if she wants to assist her in her research, when the time comes, I'm afraid I have to go somewhere else with her."

Elvie startled: "The Nebula Academy Life Science Academy's equipment is the best in the Commonwealth, can it still not meet the requirements?"

"I don't know, this is what Overy Venerable said She also said that the equipment in the entire federation can't meet her requirements, so when the time comes, maybe I will take you and me to other places to borrow equipment for research, so you need to be mentally prepared ” Chu Nan said.

"Other place? Do you mean to leave the Federation?" Elvie couldn't help frowning slightly.

Because of family relationships, she never had a chance to leave Earth Federation through childhood, but now she might leave suddenly, and she couldn't help feeling a little nervous.

But the thought of leaving this time with Chu Nan and Oveli Venerable, this nervousness was immediately thrown out of her mind and turned into excitement.

"Okay!" After thinking about it, Elvie clapped her hands happily. "I've been wanting to go to other countries for a long time! Did Venerable say when to leave?"

"I said just now, when I have time, I have to wait until Oville Venerable has time. ." Chu Nan replied with a shrug.


After telling Elvie what Oville Venerable explained before she left, Chu Nan chatted with Elvie for a while before ending. this long dinner.

Going out of the door of the small restaurant, Elvie looked at the night sky outside, looked towards Chu Nan and asked, "Chu Nan big brother, when are you going to the Chamber of Commerce in Norantham?"

"It said that it would take some time to prepare, so let me wait for the notification, but I think it shouldn't take too long." Chu Nan thought for a while and replied.

"In other words, you won't be here long this time and will be leaving again?" Hearing this answer, Elvie lowered her head in disappointment. "I thought you finally came back and could stay with you for a while."

Chu Nan smiled slightly, reaching out to Elvie's head and rubbing.

"When you start studying me together with Ovérie Venerable, then we'll be together every day, what are you worried about?"

"Yes." Elvie It was as if he suddenly remembered, and he became happy again. "Hehe, by that time, I will even sleep with you!"

Chu Nan was immediately embarrassed: "Hey, Elvie, you are a girl, be careful when you speak!"


Elvie coldly snorted: "What is there to pay attention to, I have already decided that no one can stop me!"

After saying that, without waiting for Chu Nan's reaction, she He suddenly stretched out his hands and grabbed Chu Nan's head, dragged him down and said with a smile: "Chu Nan big brother, close your eyes, I want to surprise you."

Looking at Ai With the slightly red look on Erwei's face, Chu Nan couldn't help but let out a bad sound.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

"Don't worry, just close your eyes."

I was kicked by Elvie's eyes, Chu Nan could only close his eyes obediently.

Sure enough, as soon as he closed his eyes, he immediately felt a gentle scent with a hint of fragrance assaults the senses.

Chu Nan was stunned and suddenly opened his eyes, and he saw a pair of delicate red lips straight towards his mouth.

Chu Nan not even think, hurriedly raised his head, quickly got rid of Elvie's hands, and avoided the past dangerously.

"Elvie, are you crazy? What are you doing?"

Chu Nan touched his throbbing chest. These two mighty third rank Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artists had never been so nervous when their battle was at its most intense.

Elvie looked at Chu Nan with dissatisfaction.

"Hey, Chu Nan big brother, you closed your eyes, how did you open them! Most importantly, why did you hide? Don't you want to be kissed by me?"


Seeing Elvie's righteous look, Chu Nan didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

"Hey, Elvie, do you know what that means?"

"Of course I do. It means I like you."

"Huh?" Elvie said so straightforwardly, but Chu Nan was stunned. "You like me?"

"Of course." Elvie nodded more simply, pointing at Chu Nan. "Chu Nan big brother, haven't you forgotten? I told you last time that I like you... No, do I love you? As someone who loves you, I'll give you a kiss when I see you come back safely now. Is this a normal thing?"

Listening to Elvie's words, Chu Nan immediately reacted.

That's right, after he fell into the Stargate last time and came back safely, Elway did want to confess in front of her parents, Chu Xiaoxi and her big brother, but Chu Nan didn't at all. Seriously, I thought Elvie was just excited for a while.

But didn't expect, she actually came...

Chu Nan waved his hand with a wry smile: "Elvie, I'm not mentally prepared, you Don't do this."

To Chu Nan's surprise, Elvie didn't show any setbacks at all, instead she clenched her fists and made a gesture of encouragement to herself.

"I know, so I'm working hard to make you fall in love with me. Chu Nan big brother, I will definitely catch up with you and make you fall in love with me!"

Facing Elvie's boldness and straightforwardness, Chu Nan could only be stunned.

This...is there something wrong with the style of painting?

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