Facing Chu Nan's anger, Wang Sicheng was not surprised, nor did he show any nervousness, but waved to Chu Nan again with a smile.

"Let's go, let's go back and talk in detail."

Chu Nan coldly snorted, followed Wang Sicheng and returned to the Office of the Director of Teaching.

As soon as he walked into the office, Wang Sicheng closed the door with his backhand, then motioned Chu Nan to sit down, poured a cup of tea for Chu Nan and himself, and sat down in front of Chu Nan.

Seeing him in such a long-talking posture, Chu Nan knew that this matter might not be so simple, so he suppressed the anger in his heart and waited for the other party to speak.

Wang Sicheng pondered for a moment, then said: "Chu Nan, you should have seen it just now, you can't redeem the Arhat Tyrant Body gold, right?"

Chu Nan brows frowned: " So what's going on? If the Academy really doesn't want to give me the Arhat Tyrant Body, I have nothing to say. But when I contacted you, Director Wang, you took the initiative to invite me back to the Academy to discuss in person. , I thought there was still hope for this matter, but didn't expect it to be like this. Director Wang, can I ask what the Academy is thinking about?"

Wang Sicheng laughed: "Look It looks like Chu Nan, you didn't look carefully just now."

"oh?" Chu Nan is a little strange. "Didn't see what?"

Wang Sicheng pointed to the personal terminal on Chu Nan's wrist: "You will now log in to the Academy martial skill database, open the martial skill list and take a serious look, and you will understand."

Chu Nan opened his personal terminal in puzzlement, then logged in to the Martial Artist branch's martial skill database, and found that he is still a temporary S-Rank student, and he still shows that he has the ability to exchange S-Rank martial skill. permissions.

However, after opening the S-Rank martial skill list and selecting Arhat Tyrant Body gold, the martial skill exchange options below are still dim, and obviously cannot be exchanged.

He lifted the head looked towards Wang Sicheng and turned the virtual screen of his personal terminal.

"Director Wang, isn't this non-exchangeable?"

"Yes, yes, this is indeed non-exchangeable." Wang Sicheng smiled nodded.

Seeing that Chu Nan was about to get angry again, Wang Sicheng pointed at the dim exchange option, and continued; "But you obviously didn't look carefully at the reason why it couldn't be exchanged. Did you choose it and try?"

"The reason?" Chu Nan frowned, took a serious look at the dim redemption option, and clicked on it.

A row of words pops up immediately on the virtual screen.

"Insufficient points to redeem."

Looking at this typeface, Chu Nan was stunned.

"Insufficient points? What do you mean?"

"It literally means that your current points are not enough to redeem this cultivation technique." Wang Sicheng explained with a smile. "I think you should be very clear about the points system after the reorganization of our Martial Artist branch. As long as you have sufficient level authority, every cultivation technique can be exchanged. But if you want to exchange a cultivation technique, you must There must be enough points. So..."

"Meaning that I don't have enough points to redeem this cultivation technique?" Chu Nan was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly woke up.

After working for a long time, Director Wang Sicheng is trying to make himself act according to the rules?

Looking down at the introduction about the Arhat Tyrant Body on the virtual screen, Chu Nan's eyes fell on the last exchange option, only then did he notice what was needed to exchange this cultivation technique. of points - 100,000.

At this time, his student points displayed in the upper right corner are only 7917, which of course cannot be redeemed.

Chu Nan glanced at the huge gap in points and looked up towards Wang Sicheng, but he was even more puzzled.

"Director Wang, what does the Academy mean? If you are willing to give me the Arhat Tyrant Body, then give it to me directly. Why do you want to give me a temporary authority like this, but not If you give me enough points, is it that I deliberately make me look at this cultivation technique but I can't redeem it?"

"Haha, of course not." Wang Sicheng laughed and shook his head. "Whether the Academy or the branch will not be so boring, the reason for doing this is because of the rules."


"Yes, it's the rules." Wang Sicheng His expression became serious. "If you have previously won the Orion Spinning Arm Martial Artist Academy Tournament Tournament, then according to our previous agreement, the Academy will directly reward you with the Arhat Tyrant Body cultivation technique. But you... although all of us We all know that you were eliminated because of an accident, but in fact you did not win."

Chu Nan rolled his eyes helplessly, too lazy to argue, because this is indeed the truth.

"Since you failed to complete the goals in the agreement, then we can't just hand over this precious S-Rank cultivation technique to you. But no matter what, you are still in the Martial Artist Academy. The league tournament has achieved very good results, not only won great honors for our Nebula Academy, but also earned honors for the entire Earth Federation. So after the Academy's research, it was decided to give you a special reward."

"Is this the temporary S-Rank student?" Chu Nan pointed to the virtual screen. "But what's the use of just giving me permission without giving me a few points?"

"Of course it does." Wang Sicheng showed a mysterious smile. "Did you know? Although this is only a temporary permission, as long as you use enough points within the time frame of the temporary permission, you can redeem any cultivation technique..."

I heard Wang Sicheng The meaning of the words, Chu Nan's eyes suddenly lit up.

"That is to say, if I have infinite points, can I redeem all the Six Sect S-Rank cultivation techniques here?"

The smile on Wang Sicheng's face He froze for a moment, and after a while, he laughed twice: "This...theoretically it is possible. But I think I have to remind you that just this Arhat Tyrant Body will cost 100,000 points, which is normal. For example, it is good that you can save up the points of this S-Rank cultivation technique before graduation, let alone redeem all the Six Sect S-Rank cultivation technique.”

Chu Nan Nominated and had to agree with Wang Sicheng's words.

The points of the students in the Martial Artist branch are not so easy to obtain. He is already earning fast, and he only has so many points until now, and he is still far from redeeming an S-Rank cultivation technique. far.

As for all Six Sect redemptions...that's a bit of a nonsense indeed.

But Chu Nan didn't give up and asked, "What if I have the ability to earn enough points within this temporary authority?"

Wang Sicheng frowned looking towards towards Chu Nan, I don't understand why Chu Nan insists on this.

In his opinion, this is the best solution to this problem that the Academy has come up with. Although it is a little troublesome, it can be awarded on the basis of not affecting the Martial Artist branch point system. Chu Nan a chance to get the golden body of Arhat Tyrant Body.

As for this temporary authority, it is much easier to explain this precious S-Rank cultivation technique directly to Chu Nan, so it is finally approved by the Academy's top management.

If Chu Nan is smart enough, it should be easy to understand the purpose of the Martial Artist branch, why bother to ask?

However, seeing Chu Nan's serious expression, Wang Sicheng thought about it, and answered nodded: "If you have this ability, then according to the rules of the points system, you can of course exchange any martial skill at will. "

"Then when is the temporary time limit?" Chu Nan asked again.

"Until next year Declan Empire will hold the Academy hunting party." Wang Sicheng thought for a while, then continued: "It's about 8 months in Earth time. When you start to go to Declan Empire, it will end when you want. ."

"Oh? 8 months? That's a long time..." Chu Nan stroked his chin, and suddenly asked narrowly, "Then if I don't go to the garden hunting party , can't this authority be maintained forever?"

Wang Sicheng gave Chu Nan an angry look: "If you are willing to give up this opportunity, then I have no opinion."

Chu Nan laughed, and took another look at the exchange options for the dim golden body of Arhat Tyrant Body on the virtual screen, and a rare fighting spirit was born in his heart.

Look, by the time he participates in the garden hunting party next year, he must earn enough points to not only redeem the Arhat Tyrant Body, but also all the S-Rank cultivation techniques!

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