"Xiaoxi?" Chu Nan looked at the familiar silhouette beside Wang Sicheng in amazement. "Why are you here?"

Hearing the voice, the girl beside Wang Sicheng quickly turned her head, saw Chu Nan, cheered, and rushed over.

"Ha, brother, you didn't expect me to come, right?" Chu Xiaoxi hugged Chu Nan's arm with a proud face.

"Bullshit." Chu Nan glared at her. "Aren't you studying at home? Why did you come here all of a sudden? Why didn't you tell me before you came? And..."

Chu Nan's eyes turned to looking smilingly towards Director Wang Sicheng here, he was puzzled.

Even if Chu Xiaoxi wanted to surprise herself and went to Nebula Academy without notifying herself, how could she get in so easily, and even went directly to Martial Artist The most important martial skill database of the branch is here?

Even... it seems that Director Wang Sicheng is still accompanying him on a special trip?

"I did it on purpose." Chu Xiaoxi said with a smile: "I deliberately didn't notify you, just wanted to give you a surprise. How is it? Are you happy to see me suddenly appear? "

"Happy, of course I'm happy." Chu Nan reluctantly shook the head. "But you came over suddenly this time, do your parents know? What did they say?"

"Of course they know, otherwise how do you think I'll come out?"

"Then your parents didn't object and let you come alone?"

"Why did they object?" Chu Xiaoxi looked at Chu Nan with an unfathomable mystery. "I originally planned to apply for the Nebula Academy, but now the Nebula Academy has invited me to visit. How could they object to such a good thing."

"Inviting you to visit?" Chu Nan looked stunned towards Wang Sicheng. "Director Wang, what's going on?"

Wang Sicheng walked over with a smile, glanced at Chu Xiaoxi, and replied, "This is an event held by the Academy recently. Students who applied for this Academy came to visit the Academy. Each branch has five places, which is also a promotion of the Academy. I remember you mentioned that your younger sister also wants to apply for our Nebula Academy, so I got in touch. Your family and classmate Chu Xiaoxi, see if they are willing to visit the Academy in advance, and then your parents and classmate Chu Xiaoxi agreed."

After saying that, he pointed around.

“Look, I’m taking Chu Xiaoxi to visit the most important martial skill database in our Martial Artist branch. She is very interested in so many different martial skills stored in the database.”

"Well, brother, do you remember? When you were in that Western Cloud Academy, you were always impressed by how difficult it was to acquire a martial skill. You practiced for so many years without getting one. Nice martial skill. But look, there are more than 30,000 different martial skills in total, all open to students in the Martial Artist branch, including S-Rank martial skills! That's awesome!"

Chu Xiaoxi was also excited. It seemed that Wang Sicheng should have introduced the situation to her well just now, which aroused her strong interest.

Chu Nan shrugged, an indifferent expression on this.

When it comes to his knowledge of the martial skill database, he is countless times stronger than Chu Xiaoxi, and naturally he will not be excited about it.

He is just very strange now, even if the Academy organized this event, why did the Martial Artist branch specially invite Chu Xiaoxi to visit?

Even if Chu Xiaoxi was invited to visit, why was Director Wang Sicheng accompanied in person?

He is the director of the teaching department of the Martial Artist branch. In the Martial Artist branch, he can almost be regarded as a powerful figure under one person above ten thousand people, the dean of Zhou Tongzheng. Where does he have so much free time to accompany Chu Xiaoxi? This little girl who is not a formal student at all?

The only reason Chu Nan can think of why he would do this is because of himself.

"Is it because I know that my points will be exchanged for S-Rank martial skill, so what action should I take?" Wang Sicheng.

It took him more than two months to finally have the opportunity to save enough points to exchange for the Arhat Tyrant Body. If the Martial Artist branch dares to make any fools now, he will never. willingly.

Director Wang Sicheng has a lot of experience. He immediately noticed the change in Chu Nan's mind from the subtle changes in the expression on Chu Nan's face. He knew that Chu Nan must have misunderstood something, and quickly said with a smile: "Chu Nan Classmate, I heard from classmate Chu Xiaoxi, she also said that she has started cultivation martial skill since she was a child, and only started cultivation martial skill under your guidance in the last two years?"

"Well, last year to be exact. Just started to guide her cultivation." Chu Nan replied with a nod.

"It only started last year?" Director Wang Sicheng looked amazed, looked towards Chu Xiaoxi and said, "If I read it right, she has clearly reached the level of revealing the Inner Breath, which should be regarded as a A well-known Inner Breath Grade Martial Artist. Can you grow from no foundation to an Inner Breath Grade Martial Artist in one year? This innate talent is really amazing!"

Chu Xiaoxi laughed, a proud face.

"Of course, my brother is so good, I can't be much worse than him, right? Of course, this is because my brother taught me well, otherwise I wouldn't improve so fast."

"Well, Chu Nan's understanding of martial skills is extremely thorough, far exceeding that of ordinary Martial Artists. It can be seen from the fact that he can make targeted improvements to various martial skills in the martial skill database. With his careful guidance to you, it is understandable that your strength will improve quickly."

Speaking of this, Wang Sicheng turned his head and looked towards Chu Nan, pondered for a while, and made an invitation to Chu Nan gesture.

"Student Chu Nan, let's go over there and sit down and talk."

"Sure enough..." Chu Nan's heart moved, his eyes narrowed, nodded. "Okay."

He knew very well that if the Martial Artist branch had to make trouble, he would definitely be in trouble if he wanted to successfully redeem the Arhat Tyrant Body.

But now that the other party's attitude is unclear, there is no need to rush to a conclusion.

Wang Sicheng beckons with the hand again, summoned a staff member of the Martial Artist branch behind him, and said to Chu Xiaoxi: "Chu Xiaoxi, I need to discuss some things with Chu Nan, I'm afraid I can't continue to accompany you to visit, if you still want to look around, you can ask him to show you around."

Chu Xiaoxi rolled her eyes, knowing that Wang Sicheng said this, she definitely wanted to have a relationship with Chu Nan talked privately, so he had to leave her alone, so he nodded: "Okay, I'm going to visit another place." After that, he turned to Chu Nan and said, "Brother, I contacted Elway before I came, and I made an appointment. Let's go to her for lunch later."


"Then I will continue to visit."

Seeing Chu Xiaoxi waving away happily, Chu Nan put away the smile on his face and looked towards Wang Sicheng.

"Director Wang, tell me, why did you deliberately find my younger sister? Is there something?"

Wang Sicheng smiled slightly, instead of answering, he pointed A small room in the martial skill repository in the distance.

"Let's go there and chat."

Chu Nan shook his head, and could only helplessly walk over with Wang Sicheng.

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