
The door behind Lazakdo closed, and the perfect smile on his face collapsed immediately, turning into a picture full of exhaustion , tired and slightly irritable.

As the head of an important division in the External Relations Department of the Chamber of Commerce at Norantum, who is mainly responsible for the sign of the Perseus spiral arm, he was forced to stay for one third round of Galactic Standard Time. In this small kingdom of Kasha, it really made him a little impatient to talk about some trivial matters with the lowly, far-sighted, and despicable officials in this small kingdom. .

However, the destruction of the stargate is the highest priority event that can be listed as "enterprise level" for the Chamber of Commerce in Norantham, and the Chamber of Commerce attaches great importance to this. One of the highest Chief-In-Charge of Commerce on the entire Perseus Arm has also been severely criticized by the Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors and asked him to handle the matter perfectly, not allowing any mistakes.

So he can only stay here obediently and honestly, even if the star gate has been built before 29:17 Galactic Standard Time, he can only continue to stay here and the Kingdom of Kasha. Questions about the sovereignty and management of the stargate are continuously wrangling.

"If it is in the Orion Arm or the Sagittarius Arm, where would it be so troublesome?"

Every time he thinks of these questions, Lazakdo can't help but sigh in his heart.

It is true that on the spiral arm of Sagittarius, which is almost completely controlled by the Chamber of Commerce, there is no issue of the sovereignty and management of the Stargate, and naturally there will be no trouble.

On the Orion Arm, in addition to the Declan Empire, the Chamber of Commerce also has a strong influence in other countries, and other countries are basically impossible to negotiate with the Stargate issue. No matter what the Chamber of Commerce side of Norantham is fighting for, it is naturally difficult for anything to happen.

Only on the Perseus spiral arm, this damned arm is controlled by the same damned Ellehuanah Military Treaty Alliance, and this damned Islehuanah Military Treaty Alliance is extremely exclusive, although Jeanno Yentum Chamber of Commerce helped them build a complete Stargate interstellar network, but they never let go of their sovereignty over Stargate, and they refused to make any concessions in terms of management. Almost every time the previous round of contracts expired, It takes a fierce quarrel or even only conflict to settle the new contract content.

Thinking of this, Chu Nan's appearance suddenly appeared in Lazakdo's mind, and there was a trace of hatred in his heart.

"If it wasn't for this damn boy who dared to destroy the stargate, where would there be so much trouble?"

Lazak was cursed in the heart, but then he hooked the head, sighed.

When he met Chu Nan with Lubbers before, he didn't lie, he actually knew something about Chu Nan.

Because of Elcatel's relationship, the Chamber of Commerce in Norantham has long paid attention to the existence of Chu Nan, and even he has heard Elcatel mention it several times, and he has long been concerned about this young Martial. Artist is very curious, and is also curious about the small country behind him called the "Earth Federation".

According to Elcatel's analysis, this small country called the Earth Federation even has the potential to surpass the Declan Empire in the future.

Although no one believes this conclusion, since this Earth Federation can receive special attention from Elcatel, there should be something special about it.

You see, this special boy, Chu Nan, came from this country soon.

“speaking of which, this kid has become a Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist at such a young age, and his innate talent is indeed terrifying. At this rate, he should definitely become a Star Level Martial Artist in the future, or even stronger. ..."

While thinking about the various problems caused by Chu Nan, Lasakdo took off his coat and shoes, and put on a set of light and comfortable home clothes directly in the entry wardrobe in the hallway , go inside the house.

Just after turning around the corridor and entering the living room, Lazakdo's footsteps slammed, his eyes widened, and he looked towards the front vigilantly.

On the sofa in the living room, a silhouette is sitting quietly.

"Hey, Mr. Lazakdo, you don't have to be so afraid to see me, right?" Silhouette raised her hand to greet Lazakdo.

Lazakdo immediately put away the shock in his heart, was silent for a moment, patted his hand, turned on the lights in the living room, and made the silhouette in the dark fully appear.

“Chu Nan, why are you here?” Lazakdo solemnly asked.

This silhouette who suddenly broke in was actually Chu Nan who he just thought of!

Chu Nan glanced at Lassac with a smile and asked, "You don't seem to be particularly surprised, it seems that you already knew that I have come to Eaton again."

Lazakdo didn't answer in silence, but turned around and poured a glass of water for Chu Nan and put it in front of him, actually posing as a normal receptionist.

He didn't ask how Chu Nan broke through the heavy blockade outside, because for a Heavenly Reign Grade powerhouse, that was no problem at all.

He just wanted to know what the purpose of Chu Nan suddenly came here.

Seeing Lazakdo's reaction, Chu Nan secretly praised it, thinking that this guy can hold such an important position on the Perseus Arm of Nogentum's Chamber of Commerce, he really is not an ordinary person .

"Well, I don't have that much time, so don't beat around the bush." Seeing Lazakdo sitting down opposite, Chu Nan asked directly, "Mr. Before you left, you promised me that you would keep me informed of any changes related to me on the planet Eaton. But I didn't get the slightest bit of the important thing that Rovi and Unkru were released from the Kasha Kingdom. News, why is this?"

Lazak was silent for a while, solemnly replied: "This is something that the Kasha Kingdom handles itself, and has nothing to do with our Chamber of Commerce in Nogentum, I want to It doesn't matter to you."

"Are you sure?" Chu Nan raised his voice. "You should be very clear about the relationship between the two guys, Rowe and Anklu, and me. Now that the two of them have been released unharmed, are you sure it has nothing to do with me?"

Lasack wrinkled frowned: "This is my judgment, I don't think there is any problem with this."

Chu Nan shook the head: "Well, there is no point in continuing to struggle with you on these issues. I am here this time, I just want you to offer me a little help."

"What help?" Lazaktor asked.

"Tag Life Science Trading Company." Chu Nan uttered a noun, which immediately made Lazakduo complexion changed. "I need you to provide some information about this Chamber of Commerce."

Lasakdo looked at Chu Nan in surprise, wondering why this kid just arrived today, but he already knew about the tower The existence of the grid life science trading company.

Could it be that this kid has other internal supporters here?

Seeing the change in the expression on Lazakdo's face, Chu Nan immediately understood that Lazakdo really knew the whole thing well.

It's even possible...he's simply with each other!

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