The storm of the Star Sands still spreads over a large space around Zelar, blocking Chu Nan's route to attack Zelar from any angle, but this time Chu Nan is not at all. Without dodging, it went straight to Zelar in a straight line.

If Chu Nan dared to go straight to the center of the storm according to the situation when the two fought just now, what awaits him must be that the entire fleshy body will be completely consumed by the sand of the stars, and he will not be spared at all. possible.

But now, Zelar's eyes widened as he watched Chu Nan rush over like that.

The star sand is still raging, and it still hits Chu Nan in large fiercely unceremoniously. However, it is different from the fact that just a random grain of star sand can cause deep wounds on Chu Nan. Now these The star sand is really just like ordinary gravel, not to mention causing serious damage to Chu Nan, even the skin can't be broken.

And if you look closely, you will find that when these star sands made of highly condensed space energy touch Chu Nan, the skin on the surface of his fleshy body will produce a small piece in advance. A very small vibration, and then after the star sand was installed, it was immediately invisible and returned to the stable space energy that should have existed in the positive space universe.

The distance between the two was only less than 100 meters, but when Chu Nan rushed over, at least more than 10,000 grains of star sand fiercely collided with his fleshy body , but every grain was so perfectly resolved that it could not cause any damage to Chu Nan at all.

The distance of 100 meters may take more than ten seconds for an ordinary person to run, but for a Heavenly Reign Grade powerhouse like Chu Nan, it is only an extreme time of less than a blink of an eye.

The sneer on Zelar's face just solidified, Chu Nan had already broken through the storm of stars and sand, and punched him straight in the face.

At this time, Zelar was too late to think about why Chu Nan still maintained such a strong battle strength, and why he could easily resist the attack of Star Sand. Seeing Chu Nan's suddenly enlarged fist, he felt Aware of the rapid oscillating changes of space energy in the surrounding space and the awe-inspiring murderous aura of asserts the senses, Zelar could only raise his right palm to counterattack like a conditioned reflex.

Although Zelar's inheritance is amazing and his own strength is definitely not weak, he is really not good at close-up boxing and cultivation techniques. On the contrary, Chu Nan's level in this area can definitely be called top.

I saw Chu Nan's fists are heavy, and it didn't take long for Zelar to be so embarrassed that he was in a state of embarrassment. After a while, a weak spot was revealed, and Chu Nan punched him firmly on the spot. Lower thoracic ribs.


Zelar only heard a crisp sound from his chest that made the soul fly away and scattered, and then woke up with a heart-wrenching pain. Come on, let him scream involuntarily.

"My God! I've broken a bone! This guy broke my bone! I must kill him! must kill him..."

But these thoughts are just It flashed in Zelar's mind, and then he felt that his chest seemed to be subjected to numerous sledgehammers and ferocious strikes, and the sound of rib fractures sounded, and the inside of his chest was more like being stirred by the terrifying force. Let him be completely overwhelmed by endless terrifying pain.

"This guy... actually dares to kill me..."

The thought flashed through Zelar's mind, and then his eyes darkened and he passed out.

Chu Nan couldn't help being stunned when he saw Zelar's head crooked and fainted.

"No way? What this guy said is also a powerhouse of Heavenly Reign Grade, why can't he fight so hard?"

Chu Nan closed his fist, carefully observed it, and found that Zelar Actually passed out, not deliberately making any traps, couldn't help but didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

He really overestimated this guy.

It stands to reason that a powerhouse that can become a high-level Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist has not experienced countless fierce battles or even killings, and the worst should have experienced countless extremely painful tortures in the process of cultivation— - For example, Chu Nan used the high-frequency vibration Inner Breath to force open the meridian and tempering fleshy body, how could he just fainted after a few bones were broken and his internal organs were injured a little?

This guy...really so useless?

Chu Nan frowned and kicked Zelar, who had passed out on the ground, and found that he was still motionless, and it seemed that he had really passed out.

"How on earth did this guy become a Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist?"

Chu Nan didn't know whether to cry or laugh squatted down and checked the following, confirming again that Ze Lal had indeed lost his mind. After thinking about it, he suddenly raised his hand and slapped it with the palm of his hand.


This palm didn't seem to be very forceful, and then after the palm hit Zelar's chest, it spat out a huge, extremely strong force from the palm. The high-frequency vibrating terrifying Inner Breath instantly penetrated into Zelar's body, and then instantly divided into thousands of channels, and at the same time broke into every meridian in Zelar's body.

This kind of Inner Breath destructive power that maintains ultra-high frequency vibration is amazing, coupled with Chu Nan's previous research on forcibly tempering meridian strength, it also has a profound understanding of how to use high frequency vibration Inner Breath to destroy meridian. As soon as these thousands of Inner Breaths entered the meridian, they completely destroyed each meridian.

Although it encountered the natural counterattack of Zelar's body breath and the hidden space energy, the Inner Breath that lost its active control, no matter how strong it is, will not have much formidable power, even more how Zelar had already consumed most of the Inner Breath by Chu Nan just now, and now he has no ability to resist. All meridians became fragmented under the impact of the high-frequency vibration of the Inner Breath, and the rushing Inner Breath also followed. one and dissipate.

At the same time, Chu Nan's palm revealed a milk-white light representing the flame of life and a pale green Life Aura that represented the hymn of Goddess.

He didn't want to kill Zelar outright.

Although this guy is strong in appearance but weak in reality, with his level of strength, he must be one of the high-level figures in the Tag Life Science Trading Company. He should be able to ask a lot of useful questions from his mouth. information is correct.

Of course, before that, his ability to resist must be abolished first.

Although this guy was defeated by Chu Nan this time, it was mainly because of his underestimation and arrogance, and also a very important reason is that this guy doesn't seem to have the level of Martial Artist he deserves. He has the experience of fighting the enemy, so that he can't fully exert his true strength at all.

Otherwise, with another normal high-level Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist of the same level as him, Chu Nan has a very small chance of winning, not to mention the chance of capturing him alive.

"Hey, it's really thanks to you asshole."

The Inner Breath in Chu Nan's palm erupted again, and the Inner Breath that was raging in Zelar's meridian instantly returned to one. Stocks, all rushed into the Zelar dantian.

Under the impact of the already powerful Inner Breath that now vibrates with ultra-high frequency, Zelar's dantian was completely disintegrated in an instant, not only the nebulae in the dantian, but also the dantian itself. It also became completely broken like a burst balloon.

This alone would have been enough to kill him if it wasn't for Chu Nan's use of the Fire of Life and Goddess's hymn cultivation technique to ensure his last breath.

After dealing with Zelar, Chu Nan got up and looked around and found that the base was surrounded by fully armed guards.

However, the bodyguards just surrounded him nervously and didn't dare to do anything else at all.

Chu Nan laughed at them, then grabbed Zelar and soared into the sky. After a while, the Energy Shield shrouded outside the base had been broken again and disappeared into the vast sky.

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