Tagg Life Science Trading Company is based in Eaton Star Experimental Base.

A group of people stood in front of the base data center that had changed beyond recognition, all with ugly faces.

Among them, the one with the most ugly face is undoubtedly Giggs, while Anklu, who is beside him, has a slightly better face, and even looks at Giggs with a hint of taking pleasure in other people's in his eyes misfortune.

The plan to arrest Chu Nan this time was made by Giggs. Although Ankreu also bears certain responsibilities, in comparison, Ankreu's responsibility is much smaller. After all, he had objected to this at the beginning, and felt that Chu Nan could not be successfully captured by relying solely on the strength of the trading company on Eaton.

At that time, the senior management of the trading company ignored Angkrew's opinion, but agreed to Giggs' plan, which already made Angkrew very dissatisfied.

Now the plan has obviously failed, and led Zelar, a high-level person with a very special status in the trading company, to be taken away by Chu Nan whereabouts unknown. The consequences can be described as very serious, and of course Giggs has to bear a serious burden Responsibility.

Uncle Zeral's always arrogant face passed before his eyes, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help twitching, revealing a hint of a smile.

Hey, this guy who only knows how to rely on his parents arrogant and despotic has encountered Chu Nan this time, he deserves a lesson.

It's best that this kid Chu Nan doesn't know the immensity of heaven and earth, and kills Zelar directly, that's perfect.

Because of this, the trading company will definitely pursue Chu Nan with all its might, even if the two Venerables will take action personally, there is no way that kid can escape.

As soon as Chu Nan died, the losses and mistakes caused by him and Luo Wei would be reduced.

Thinking of this, how could Anklu not feel happy from the bottom of his heart?

"How's the connection with Kasha Kingdom?" a middle-aged man standing at the front of the crowd suddenly asked solemnly.

Anglu quickly put away his smile, put on a serious expression, looked towards Giggs.

Giggs glanced down at the personal terminal, frowned slightly.

"The Kasha Kingdom promised to help with the investigation, but no reply has been made so far."

"Then go and urge them again." The middle-aged man who spoke It is Muroyer, the branch manager of the Eaton Star Branch of Tag Life Science Trading Company. Although his own Martial Artist strength is not third rank Inner Breath Grade, but because of their identity, it is Bienkru and Giggs who are in the Chamber of Commerce. Have more say inside.

Hearing Muroyer's order, Ziggs complied, and then conveyed the order.

Watching his subordinates open the personal terminal and start to communicate, the expression on Muroyer's face did not show any relief.

Although Kasha Kingdom has always been happy to cooperate with the trading company, and has helped block the pressure from Orion's spiral arm before, this does not mean that the Kasha Kingdom is completely on the same front as the trading company. .

This time, if there is too much trouble due to the Chu Nan incident, the Kasha Kingdom will take this opportunity to attack. Therefore, the development of the trading company in the Kasha Kingdom is restricted, or some interests are required to be divided.

If they knew the specific identity of the Zelar they wanted to rescue now, then Muroyer could completely imagine how the Kasha Kingdom would take advantage of this opportunity.

But Zelar couldn't help but save him.

In case something goes wrong with him, even if he dies...

Muroyer can't imagine how serious the consequences will be.

As he pondered this question, one of his subordinates suddenly exclaimed.

"A high-energy space energy reaction has been detected outside the base, and it is rapidly approaching, distance... days! Why so fast! Warning! Warning! The high-energy energy reaction has approached the base, and an impact is about to occur! Please pay attention... ..."

Everyone looked towards this subordinate who suddenly became horrified. Just when he was about to ask what was going on, he suddenly heard a roar above his head, like a thunderbolt. Born above.

Everyone looked up in amazement and saw a silhouette slowly falling from the sky.

If you look closely, the silhouette seems to be holding another person in her hands.

Anglu was the strongest among these people, and he was the first to react. Long before the impact, he had already felt the sensation and looked up first.

However, after seeing the silhouette that broke through the Energy Shield outside the base, he involuntarily complexion changed.

"It's that Chu Nan kid!"

"ka ka ka ka ka—"

The surrounding base guards and auto-protection machines react immediately , Qi Qi raised his weapon and aimed at the silhouette that fell from the sky.

However, no one dared to act rashly, because at this time, Anklu had already recognized the silhouette on Chu Nan's hand.

"Don't move! He has Zelar in his hands!"

Everyone could only stop their movements and watch Chu Nan slowly fall with vigilance.

"Hey, there are quite a lot of people." Chu Nan glanced around, his eyes fell on Ziggs and Anklu, he shook his hand, and took Zelar, who was in his hand, Throwing it to Unkru.

Although Uncle wished Zelar to die, at this time he could only take Zelar carefully, and immediately used Inner Breath to probe Zelar.

The result of the probe made him startled, looking up towards Chu Nan in amazement.

"Don't be nervous, he's not dead yet." Chu Nan waved his hand. "I've only abolished him temporarily. If he takes good care of him for a few months, he should be able to recover."

Muroyer and Giggs looked towards Anklu together with a somewhat nervous expression.

It's fine if what Chu Nan says is true, but if something goes wrong with Zelar with them, then they don't know how to deal with the wrath of the two Venerables .

Fortunately, after Angklu carefully probed Zelar's situation again, he nodded to the two of them, showing a positive expression.

The two of them sighed in relief together, and then turned their heads again and looked towards Chu Nan.

"Chu Nan, what the hell do you want to do?" Giggs solemnly asked.

“What do I want to do?” Chu Nan laughed and asked back: “Mr. Giggs, should I ask you this sentence? What do you want to do? I finally came again. Eaton, you are so eager to arrest me again, do you really think I am easy to bully?"

Giggs complexion sank: "I told you a long time ago, as long as you are willing If we cooperate, there will never be such a problem between us. But if you refuse, then don't blame us for taking violent measures."

"Oh? , you didn't ask me, you just used a trap to deal with me?" The smile on Chu Nan's face was full of sarcasm. "I don't think I'm that easy to catch now, so what do you say to cooperate well? Go to hell."

Muroyer frowned, winked at Anklu, and motioned him to take Chu down. Nan.

However, Angklu showed a wry smile and looked the head.

Just kidding, he and Luo Wei couldn't take Chu Nan together at the beginning, how can he do it alone now.

If this guy, Zelar, was not so arrogant and had to run alone to deal with Chu Nan, but instead made him join forces, then with the cooperation of Zelar's quicksand cultivation technique, it would be There is such a glimmer of hope.

As for now...certainly impossible.

The reason why this kid Chu Nan dared to appear so boldly in front of his group of people is simply not afraid.

Seeing Anklu's reaction, Muroyer raised his eyebrows, somewhat surprised.

He always thought that the reports submitted by Rowe and Ankree exaggerated Chu Nan's strength too much, but now seeing Zelar like this, Ankreu's reaction is the same again , I am afraid that the real strength of this extremely young boy in front of him is indeed quite amazing.

Thinking of this, Muroyer rolled his eyes, raised his hand and thought about Giggs, who wanted to speak, and said to Chu Nan; "Chu Nan, the misunderstanding between our trading company and you has been resolved. , I don't understand why you came to trouble our trading company."

"Is it really lifted?" Chu Nan pointed to Giggs first. "Then tell me, why did he and Eto'o Chamber of Commerce join forces to arrest me as soon as I came to Eaton?" Then he pointed to Anglo. "Tell me again, why is this guy standing here so well now? Shouldn't he stay in the prison of Kasha Kingdom?" All changed.

Muroyer complexion sank, said solemnly: "This is our business company's business, and we don't need to explain it to you."

"Then... why do I do what I do? Explain to you?" Chu Nan grinned, shrugged, and pointed at Zelar, who was still in a coma in Anklu's arms: "Listen to this guy, his parents are both Star Level Martial Artists? Hope The anger of the two Star Level Martial Artists will not be sent to you, goodbye."

After saying that, Chu Nan's body was surging with energy, and the next second, he just disappeared in front of everyone.

Everyone was stunned, and then turned their heads in unison, looking towards Angklu.

Anger shrugged, with a wry smile.

Before Chu Nan ran away in front of him and Luo Wei again and again, and now, he still has nothing to do with Chu Nan.

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