Lightning And Fire Given Form

Chapter 2 - Death And Rebirth(Rewright)

On the day of a total eclipse, a certain child was born. He was born on the 6th month, the 6th day, and at 6 in the morning. His parents were horrified as eclipses are seen as cursed and left him at an orphanage in fear. They were religious nuts and thought he was the antichrist.

However as stupid as they were they still could not kill him and they decided to leave him with the name Akuma(Devil) and he was feared for something out of his control.

At the orphanage, it was quite literally hell for him as the caretakers neglected him. The other kids feared and avoided him like the plague. The caretakers kept him away from and fed him less than everyone else and it took its toll on his child's mind. He left at 3 am like a devil should when he was just 8 years old.

He kept walking until he passed out in an alleyway and he was found by a few thugs. One of them checked that he was alive and they saw his eyes that were devoid of life and grinned. The guy looked at his partner and had a huge smirk..

"Hey. Call the old man. I think we found what he was looking for."

One tall and large guy grabbed him by the hair and looked right in his eyes. The thug was a bit off-put by such empty eyes in such a young kid.

"You got a name?"


The guy was confused as that meant devil. Who would name their kid that? He shrugged and went to the main point.

"Whatever. Might as well tell you what's going to happen. You are getting sold and if you are rejected we will kill you. What do you think?" Akuma looked up and grinned.

"All the better. I am already dead anyway. " Akuma looked to the ground. The guy was unnerved and dragged him off to the 'old man.' They took him to a run-down house where a man in his 60s was waiting. Even if he was old he was tall, muscular, and had a sharp look in his eyes. He looked at Akuma like he was nothing.

"So what did you get? I am looking for an heir, not some kid that won't return my efforts." The big guy nodded as Akuma fit the bill for what the old man wanted.

"We brought you this kid. Barely any life in his eyes and seems he is what you need."

The old man approached Akuma and grabbed his face and looked him in the eyes. The old man grinned as Akuma was just what he was looking for. Lifeless, unfeeling, and perfect to be a weapon.

"I will take him. Hey kid, I am Harold. You belong to me now."

Akuma looked at the old man and nodded. He did not care what happened to him anyway. That made Harold pleased as that will be the perfect mindset. He went into the house and got a suitcase full of money. When the guys saw what was in it they cheered and left. Akuma went in with Harold and his training would begin.

Harold turned him from a living corpse into a living weapon. He was taught to use all manner of weapons, poisons, fighting styles, spying, and street smarts. Harold sent him as his own weapon, but Akuma had no one to depend on so for years he did as he was told. When he was 20 his Harold died of cancer and Akuma was left alone.

For over 12 years he just killed, tortured, and maimed. He could not just become a normal person after all that. What was a killer to do who knew nothing more than how to kill? Keep killing was all Akuma could do and he took killing to the limit. As a form of punishment for his sins, he stopped doing it for money.

He took out the scum of society to stop killing innocents. When his killing spree went world-famous and his name spread wide and far and the biggest manhunt in all of Japan for his head. Akuma knew he had to stop if he wanted to live, but he couldn't. This was who he was and he would not stop until he was dead.

His hunts grew in more intensity and their brutality was elevated. He went after gangs, yakuza groups, and one who fit the bill for his killings. However, the number of times he was almost caught was huge. The rush of no longer being the predator, but the prey gave him the greatest high he had ever felt.

He wanted more, no he had to have more. He killed more and more until his crimes caught up with him. He had just killed an entire gang of child smugglers and the police had him surrounded. Helicopters circled the whole place and the kids looked at him like he was a demon even if he saved them from a fate worse than death. He looked at a little girl who did not fear him and she muttered just two words.

"Thank you."

She passed out after and he looked at his hands. His karambits were stained red. He placed them in their sheaths and smiled. For the first time in his life, he was thanked. He looked outside and heard the cop spoke on the speakerphone.


Akuma just looked at the small girl who thanked him and he put his blades on the ground and began to walk outside. He raised his hands in the air and when he was outside the helicopter, flashed the spotlight, the cops aimed their weapons at him and he kneeled on the ground. He placed his hands behind his head and a cop went behind him and cuffed him.

At his trial, he was put to death and he did not say a word the whole time. Even when families of the ones he killed accused him of being a monster His execution was scheduled for just a week later and when the time came he was strapped to a chair. Needles in his arm and a group watching his death. 'Is this something you watch for fun?'

A priest gave a final prayer and asked him if he had any final words

"I just hope my real parents are proud of what they made me. I am ready."

His parents knew who he was and felt a pit form in their stomachs. They created the world's worst criminal and their new child did not know who he was. He was born alone and he will die alone.

The executioner began to pump the chemicals into his arm and he began to fall asleep, yet part of his training was poison resistance so it prolonged the torture.

'Why? If they had to kill me just shoot me. He was dying and experiencing it was hell. He just had his hate and regrets. 'NO! I DON'T WANT TO DIE!.' He began to struggle and the ones watching felt like a demon woke up. The way he was thrashing and his eyes were red looked horrifying.

He was yelling and pulling on his restraints and he refused to die. He didn't know why, but he just felt power rush through his body and he ripped his restraints and grabbed the priest, and pushed his thumbs into the old priest's eyes. The guard pulled out his gun and shot Akume over and over, but Akume was like an undying berserker and grabbed his neck and broke it.

More and more gunshots hit him and he looked at the clock and just as he died the clock hit 3 am. He grinned as he did not die alone, and felt his life fade. When he died his soul was bound to go to hell, but a god of death who became fond of Akuma for his brutality saved his soul as it would be such a shame to let a specimen like this die. She sent him off to another world to not be bound to an eternity in hell.

In this world was a beautiful black-haired woman rubbing her stomach as she just found she was pregnant. Akuma's soul was sent into her womb and he would become the twin of the other child of the woman. The woman's husband came into the house to check on her. "How are you Shuri?"

The woman gave a graceful smile. "I am just fine, Baraqiel. Come. Feel."

He sat next to his wife and rubbed her belly. He smiled knowing he would soon be a father. He could not be any happier. Akuma's mind had gone quiet and he was in a deep sleep until the day of his birth. He looked just like his past self, but his hair was pitch black. His eyes opened up showing totally dark violet eyes.

Her labored breaths and pained expression were all too clear. His first thought was he was in Hell. 'Am I in Hell? Is this a way to get me to feel hope? Hate to break it to you Hell. I have no hope to crush.' He did not cry but waited for the pain and abandonment. He felt a pair of strong hands hold him and carry him to their chest. He looked up to the aged face of the man, but his eyes were full of warmth.

'This is not fair. I never saw something like that.' Akuma reached out and touched the face of this man. Baraqiel smiled and held Akuma's small hand.

"I am your father. Your name shall be Kurayami."

Akuma thought about it. 'Darkness is a good name.' Kurayami fell asleep in his father's arms and soon a cry was heard. The woman helping deliver washed the baby and cut the umbilical cord.

Both babies were washed off and given to Shuri who pressed them to her breasts. Barquiel was extremely happy at his children being born. Shuri had already picked a name for her daughter as Baraqiel had named their son.

"Your name shall be Akeno."

Barqiel looked at both his kids, but especially at his son. His son's eyes were hollow and devoid of life behind them.

"Shuri, have you seen Kurayami's eyes yet?"

She looked at her son and saw his eyes were hollow.

She looked at him with worry and raised him up to look at her. Kurayami looked at her with no expression and was devoid of life. She smiled at him and tried to get a reaction.

"I am your mother. Why not give a smile?"

He thought of it and saw no harm. His lips raised into a crappy smile.

Both of his parents looked right at him with worry. How could a child have so little life in him? Baraqiel was worried and called for his friend Azazel and when the man looked at Kurayama he took him in his arms.

"Wow. That is the most depressed baby I have ever seen."

Azazel poked his nose, but Kurayami didn't care.

"Yeah, I have no clue why he is like this. Just give him care and maybe he will perk up."

This went on for a bit of time. His mother and father tried to get him to cheer up, and he was truly happy, but he just could not show it on his face. When he turned 1 he saw something that made his hollow gaze fill up with light. He and his sister were in their father's arms who had ten black wings and he took to the sky.

The sky filled with thunder clouds, but neither his sister nor he felt any danger. More like the clouds were their domain and it made both of them look at them with interest.

"Let me tell you something. We are fallen angels and you and your sister are my children. You will inherit my lightning. We will always be there for you. So be there for your sister." Kurayami looked at his sister and for the first time smiled.

'You know you are asking a killer to guard your daughter. I will protect her. ' He nodded and this surprised his father. Kurayamai never showed interest in anything yet he seemed to have a new light in his gaze. His father returned home where his mother was waiting.

When they were a little older Baraqiel began to help them with their lightning slowly, He took him and Akeno to Grigori to get the best training for them. However, Azazel told him to wait.

"We need to check if they have any sacred gears. They are half-human after all." Baraqiel agreed as that will be the most critical part of their training. Both kids were taken to a lab where Azazel was.

"Hey. We need to do one test so place your hand against this."

Kurayami placed his hand on it and the device began to scream like crazy, which made Azazel break out laughing.

"Seems you got a great one. Let's see which it is."

Akeno was found to not have one, but you can't be that lucky with both twins with sacred gears. Azazel found out his sacred gear was the Incinerate Anthem. Not only can he use holy fire, but holy lighting. He and Akeno had help from their dad to slowly absorb his holy lighting on their blood to increase their connection with his holy lighting.

A few tears passed and he was now 6 years old and he was trained to fight as being a Longinous user the earlier he mastered it the better. He was mostly a close-range fighter, and just like before he used his karambits to deadly use.

They were larger than he was used to, but a knife's reach was low, so he had to improvise with faster speed. However, being a one-trick pony was never his type, so he learned magic and even though the means to use it was one of the worst. There were many kinds of magic Fallen Angel magic didn't need equations, but human magic is a good back up

He was forced to learn equations and math which was never his interest before, however for power there is a lot he had to learn. He was in a spar with his trainer. He wasn't using his sacred gear or his lightning as this was a physical spar to increase skill. He rushed forward while slashing with his curved blades.

These were made by Azazel himself and were perfect killing tools. They were razor-sharp, near unbreakable and he could coat them in lightning or fire. His trainer was a fallen angel who specialized in close combat and knives, yet Karambits were not a common knife shape.

The trainer used his blades to deflect or shift their trajectory, but the thing about Karambits they were perfect for catching on to weapons'. When his trainer clashed with his blades the curved shape curved behind them and pulled them forward.


The trainer cursed as Kurayami spun his blades into a reverse grip, jumped, and swung them around with the blades cutting the air and stopping at the trainer's neck. The guy was sweating bullets as those blades were razor sharp. Genius or not isn't this too much. Suddenly they heard clapping and they both looked over.

Azazel, Baraqiel, and Akeno were all watching in amazement. Akeno ran over and gave him a big tight hug. He placed his knives in their sheaths and ran his hand down her hair. His eyes were the same empty hollow abyss yet small light was shining.

Azazel nodded with pride.

"Well done kid. When you asked for those blades it took a bit of work, but it was worth it in my book." Azazel was proud his work was used to such efficiency.

Kurayami nodded. "They are great. Thank you."

Akeno took them from his hands and yet Baraqiel took them from her. She pouted.

"Hey. Why can my brother use them, but not me?"

Baraqiel just smiled.

"Because he won't cut himself."

Kurayami just shook his head.

"Grow taller than me and I will teach you." She pouted. "You are a giant. I can't get taller than you."

They may be twins, but he was a male fallen angel and they mature faster. Kurayami also explained another point.

"That's the point. You are not a close-range fighter. Mother told you that you inherited her talent in her purging arts. I inherited more from father than you."

Kurayami was more fallen than human. He gained his father's immense strength and more talent in his lightning abilities.

"Hey, Azazel. You found anyone who can teach me Senjutsu. I still want touki."

Azazel thought a bit.

"Well, there is a stray devil who was once a Nekushou. If we can offer her a place then maybe, but easier said than done."

They spoke for a while longer until Akeno, Baraqiel and he all returned home. When they arrived at the small, but a nice home waiting outside was his mother Shuri. She just may be one of the kindest people he had known in both of his lives. She bent down and hugged both her children.

"How was your day?"

Kurayami's hollow face lit up with a big smile.


Akeno hugged her mother tightly as she loved her mother. When Shuri got up she gave their father a kiss and they all entered the house for lunch.

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