Lightning And Fire Given Form

Chapter 24 - Ares's Punishment's

At the moment Ares was pissed beyond belief and Zeus beat him even worse as punishment and as he made a deal he had to go to Japan to teach at Grigori. He was currently going to Japan and when he got there he had to ask permission from the Shinto gods. He was dressed in his leather jacket, sunglasses and he was sitting in front of Amaterasu who had pitch-black hair and was beautiful.

However, the things he had with him were a golden lion cub the size of a boxer, a white and black eagle chick the size of a big raven, and a pitch-black horse that was trying to bite him. Apparently, it didn't like Ares very much and yet the horse was payment. You can't cheat Azrael or it would end baldly. She looked at the creatures and knew they were very good creatures for whoever would get them. He explained why he was here and needed to go to Japan.

She heard his reason and began to chuckle at his plight. "So someone stole Zeus, and Hades symbols of power. You found who it was and took them. Was manipulated and got beat by three kids. Then your own symbol of power was taken by Azrael.. Now Zeus is forcing you to act like a coach as punishment for a few years. The creatures are what Zeus and Poseidon paid. " She began to laugh and Ares was burning in rage.

She looked at the foreign god and gave her permission. "You know Zeus is banned from Japan, but as Artemis is my friend I can do this favor. You are free to enter on the condition you don't cause trouble. Is that clear?" Ares took a deep breath and nodded. "Yeah. Crystal." Amentrarasu had a thoughtful look on her face and stood up. "I want to meet him. I am going with you."

Ares frowned and sighed. "Not my place to say no. Why the fuck not?" he stood up and she clapped her hands. Soon another woman walked in and bowed. "How may I help my lady?" She looked at the woman and spoke. "Inari. I am going to Grigori with Ares. I need to talk to Azazel about his continued stay in Japan." The goddess bowed and Ametarasu and Ares vanished in a beam of sunlight.

Baraqiel, Kurayami, Esdeath, Raynare, Akeno and Azrael were all eating at Baraqiels house. Shuri had a big smile on her face to have her kids back with her as she was worried for them. She looked at the middle aged man who was eating and he smiled and introduced himself. "Well I should say thanks for looking after my granddaughter. She is better off here than with me."

Shuri was left slack jawed as Raynare said her grandfather was Azrael the Angel of Death. Raynare spoke up soon after. "Yeah. Miss Shuri is great and has looked after me." Shuri looked at the sword, leaned on the table the big black dog that was sitting like a trained guard dog and sighed.

"Kurayami. Where did you get the sword and dog?" He looked over and explained. "The sword was taken from Ares and the dog is a hellhound I named Titus. I caught him, so he can be a guard dog for the house. Right Titus." *Bark* Titus looked just like a normal dog if you ignore the red glowing eyes. Shuri walked up to him and began to pet him.

"You brought him for me?" Akeno nodded. "Yeah. Brother caught it and thought it be perfect for the house." Titus suddenly began to rub his face against Shuri's belly and she thought it was cute. However when Baraqiel approached he began to growl. Kurayami saw that and thought it was weird. "Titus. What's up?"

Titus began to walk in a circle around Shuri and rubbed his face on her belly and Kuryami stood up and placed his hand on his mothers belly. He focused on his senjutsu and let out a smile. "Mom. Dad. Seems your expecting another child." Baraqiel smiled and Shuri rubbed her belly. "Seems you two are going to be big siblings."

Titus howled and looked at Baraqiel with a distrustful look on his face. Baraqiel looked at the dog and sighed. "Now the dog is keeping me from my wife. What could be a sadder turn of events." Esdeath, Raynare and Akeno all looked at Kurayami and thought of the future and smiled. Azrael grinned and kept quiet. He stood up and walked out the door.

"I am going to Grigori. I am out of my self imposed exile and will join this place. Azazel will be in charge, but consider me a last moment guard in case something happens. Until then I am just an old man who wants to be a grandfather." He spread his 16 wings and took off and the rest were left to think that Grigori just gained the equivalent of a super devil.

Titus walked out the door and became a huge hellhound the size of an elephant and yet he laid down like a guard dog. Shuri actually liked the dog. A few hours later at Grigori the demigods were situated in Nephilim; they were split into classes taught by Baraqiel and Shemazai.

Sally came out and wanted to talk to Kurayami. When she saw him practicing with two huge swords and the way they moved through the air was mesmerizing. At the same time both blades made her feel her soul run cold. She got his attention and he stopped and placed both swords on his back. "What's up?" She took a deep breath and spoke up.

"How is Percy?" He thought about it and shrugged. "Not guilty and at the camp. As you saw we took a few of the campers for Grigori as they don't like their parents. Gods are shitty parents and it showed how fast they ditched the Greeks." She nodded as she saw the demigods training and they were taught more of the world and how much more than just the Greeks existed.

She looked at the swords and asked about them. "What about the swords? They give me the creeps." He nodded and explained. "They are weapons that target the soul and this one belongs to Ares himself. Azrael took it and gave it to me for a time." Sally was shocked and looked at it like it was cursed. "You sure taking a god's item is a good idea."

He nodded. "Ares can't do anything about it. Also I plan to return it in a few years as it really is not mine." As for Ares and Ametarasu they were in a meeting with Azazel and Azrael. Ares looked right at Azazel and bit his lip so hard they bled golden blood. "I. Came. Here. To. Train. Them." Azazel broke out laughing and it made Ares nearly bite his lip off.

"You got your ass destroyed, your symbol of power taken, you are delivering pets and you have to be a trainer. If that aint ironic I don't know what is. Now Amatarasu. What do I owe the pleasure?" She smiled and drank the tea in her hands. "I just came to see your new generation and the demigods you took in. Plus I just wanted to know what your reason for staying in Japan so long is."

He nodded and explained. "Something about this place and the number of sacred gear holders has increased in recent decades. The devil's managed a town called Kuoh and being close to our enemy is a good strategy." Amatarasu nodded. "That is a good reason. Do you mind if I meet your Longinus users." He nodded and he looked at Ares.

"You can give those creatures to Kurayami. He is the one the payment is for." Ares stood up and took the creatures while being led by a female fallen dressed like a secretary. She may be a fallen angel, but she was still shaking in fear. When Ares and Amatarasu got to the training field they saw demigod training and it was far more intense then what they saw at camp.

Baraqiel pushed them to their limits and even though the demigods were stronger than normal and gained powers from their god parents they were not expected to be pushed this far. He managed to get them to sit still simply by pushing them to near breaking. Kuroka was carrying Kuraaymi and when Ares saw Clarise and his sword on Kurayami's back he was going to take it back, but Azrael coughed and Ares sighed.

Kurayami looked over and saw the small golden cub, the eagle and the horse and got out of Kuroka's arms. He walked over to Ares and took the golden cub into his hands. He flipped it on it's belly and saw that it was female. He activated a pact with it and as it was very young it accepted it easily. Ares glared at him and spoke up.

"Alright. Here I am. Give me my sword back." Kurayami just smirked and walked away. "No. It's mine for a while. You can have it back in a few years." Clarise saw her dad and was slack jawed. Her dad lost his weapon and Kuraymi has it. She actually began to laugh and Ares looked at her. "What do you have to say for yourself? Who gave you permission to leave camp."

While she respected and feared her dad he didn't seem so scary anymore. "I want adventure and left. Well and you got your ass kicked and seems the gods are not so scary after all." Ares' glasses melted and he sighed and he clapped making a big boom. Everyone looked over and the ones who knew who he was froze. "No big words. I am Ares and I came to be your coach or trainer. Can't believe I have to do this."

Esdeath smirked and walked up to him. "Seems you are now a coach. Let's see what you can do coach." She walked away while laughing and Ares would have crushed the eagle in his hands if he wasn't being careful with it. Kurayami took the eagle and handed it to his dad. "Dad. That's for you. It came from one of Zeus divine eagles." Baraqiel took it and looked back to his son.

"Are you sure. It be better for one of you to have it." Esdeath shook her head. "I got Terrand, and Raynare is not a good match for it.. Akeno has a dragon already and so who better to take it than you." He nodded and took the eagle and made a pact with it. As for the horse, Kurayami stroked it's mane and it liked him. Ares was pissed. "WHY THE HELL DOES IT HATE ME THEN?" The horse snorted and Kuraymi understood it.

"He said you just suck. You have no respect for him and he wants you to choke on your sword." The horse nodded and snored again. "You want to be my familiar? Can I have thee?" The horse nodded and he made a pact with it as well. Most only get one, but it is because strong familiars are hard to tame. They make it look easy because of connections and their unique powers.

The lion cub he named Aurura and the horse he named Blitz. As for the goddes she looked at the demigods and at Kurayami, Esdeath and Raynare. She looked at Azazel and smiled. "I can say Grigori will grow stronger in the future. Also I agree to hold a non aggression pact with Grigori. In case of a war between you fallen, devils and angels we will take no side."

She looked at Ares and glared at him. "Although do you Greeks really have kids and not look after them? It is sick." One camper agreed. He was a son of Hephaestus and he never met his father. "They just have us and as demigods monsters are attracted to us." Ares wanted to turn the kid to cinders, but it would not help his case.

"Zeus's rules." She hated Zeus as he once tried to force himself on a Japanese priestess who worshiped her and it ended up with a small war between the Greeks and Japanese gods. As a result most Greek gods were banned from Japan except Artemis and a few goddesses. Ares was one male god who was not banned.

She left soon after, but she also knew that Kurayami and Akeno were from the descended Himejima clan and that they were after Shuri. She decided to give a verdict to no longer pursue their family and any that did would be excommunicated. "Well Azazel, Azrael. I shall take my leave." She left in a stream of sunlight and Kurayami thought she was quite different from the Greeks.

'She seemed calmer, less violent and overall more understanding.' While the Greeks seemed like spoiled children with power she seemed like a mature mother. He shrugged and focused on his new pets. Tyrant saw them and scoffed as he was determined to become a dragon. Well as dragon as he can.

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