Lightning And Fire Given Form

Chapter 40 - Michael's Reaction

When David woke up the first thing he checked was for his holy sword and sad to say for him he found nothing. "DAMN IT!" He saw the black sword with a note on it and grabbed the note. When he read it he got even more pissed, however one part of it made his blood run cold. 'No. Azrael is gone. No one has seen him in centuries. I heard rumors of him joining Grigori, but could it really be true.'

The note read as follows. "Deer Michale. I am borrowing this for a time. What do you have to say about the pedophiles in the church? I would like an answer. You can have this back if you give me a cool pet and a peace treaty. Sincerely Kurayami. Beast Tamer and grandson-in-law to Azrael.."

David was both pissed and terrified. What had him pissed was the dear was spelled wrong and even Michael's name was misspelled. However, the mention of being related to Azrael really made him feel more fear than anger. This had to report to the higher-ups immediately. He looked at his disciple and pithed a nerve on Freed's neck. Freed woke right after and saw the pondering look on David's face.

"What happened teach?" David looked over and ground his teeth. "We were robbed and our lord Michael was disrespected. We need to return to the Vatican to report this as it is much more serious if this note speaks true." As for the thief when Kurayamu got back to Girgori he was in a happy mood however he noticed something about Galatine. 'Why is the blade turning a little darker?' Just his aura was turning the blade into a holy-devil sword.

"Whatever. It's Better." Kurayami teleported directly to Grigori and the thing he forgot about was the fact that Kuroka was still on his head. He took her in his arms and she opened her eyes. "Nya Sleep?" Kurayami smiled and stroked her fluffy ears. "No, not anymore." She sighed and he put her down and she turned back into her human form. She looked at the new sword at his waist and her ears stuck straight up. "Nya. You stole that."

He nodded. "Let's go talk to Azazel." They both went through Grigori to get back to Azazel's lab and when he went in Azazel looked at the sword at his side and was weirded out. "Where did you get that and what about Arondight.?" Kurayami thought about it. "Some priest and his church boy who I think is named David."

Azazel sighed. "You stole a holy sword from the church and knowing you, left a note saying something like give me a pet for this." Kurayami had a weird look on his face and Azazel noticed. "So I am right. Well what happend to Sanatel and Arondight?" Kurayami sighed. "You should have given that to me from the start. Anyway, dad let him escape as he has lost his edge after so long. The bastard is alive and he said he sent assassins to kill my mother." The moment he said that Azazel nodded.

"She is here at Grigori. Azreal went right at the Himejima clan and killed all the ones responsible for that. I heard that even Ametarasu took action and purged quite a few of that clan. Either way that bastard after all this time he does something like this. The next time I find him I swear what I do to him will be worse than what God did to Samael." Kurayami nodded.

"Well, that is good. Just tell me if Michael says anything. I did say a cease-fire was wanted, but it is up to holy wings for it, now if you excuse us I need to see my mother." Azazel nodded. "I plan to move you guys into a more secure home and location." Kurayami and Kuroka left after. Kuroka looked over and hugged him from behind. "You need to calm down. Your face rarely showed your real feelings, but your aura can't be changed. You are enraged."

He nodded. "I feel like I will enter an uncontrolled balance breaker at any moment. It is quite a strange feeling as I never lose my cool." They both went to the room where Shuri was staying at and when they got there it was a huge room. Raynare, Akeno, Esdeath, Lavinia, Tobio, Baraqiel, Natsume, and Azrael were with her. When Shuri saw him and Kuroka she stood up and hugged him.

"I know that look in your eyes. Azrael took care of it for you, so let go of your wrath." Kurayami hugged her back and he took a deep breath. "That is easy to say, but not achieve. Thank you, Azrael." Azrael scoffed. "I thought I was your grandfather-in-law, so much for us being family" Kurayami smirked. "Grandfather. You should sit, I heard what you did and your old bones can't handle much more."

Everyone wanted to laugh but didn't as Kurayami was the only person who was okay with joking around with Azrael. It was why Azrael liked Kurayami so much as everyone else feared his power. Shuri smiled. "Well, I and my child are alive thanks to you Azrael." He shook his head. "Well, I am your father-in-law. It is only fair that I do this as my Raynare loves you like a mother."

Raynare nodded. "Yes. You remind me a lot of my mother as you both had a very kind smile." Natsume smiled. "Well, it is great that you are safe. You have taken me, Tobio, and Sae into your home with nothing in exchange." Baraqiel shook his head. "Nonsense. Just the fact that Shuri is never alone is better. Kurayami and the others all go on missions and even I can't be with her at all times, so this is better."

They all talked longer and before they knew it over a month had passed since they recruited Shigune and Koga. Azazel had begun to do intensive tests on Koga's artificial balance breaker and found that every time he used it he cut down his lifespan, so unless his life was at risk he was forbidden to ever use it until they could lower the drawbacks, or perfect it.

The good news was that they moved into their new home which was a huge luxury home with everything they could want. (The house that Issei got in canon as it is a good home.) The ones who moved in were Kurayami and his girls who all share a room on the highest level. Natsume and Lavinia from time to time just wake up in his room as they tend to be sleepwalkers. Tobio and Sae moved in and have rooms at the bottom. Kouki was forced to move in as Bayakusha refused to obey him if he didn't.

Shigune moved in as she found Poh was much more restless if he was away from Kurayami as he could feed the glutton. Even Blitz forced Koga to move in and right now it would be any day now that Shuri would give birth. She asked that Kurayami come up with a name and right now he was at the open space at the top cuddling with the four fiends who did no look like dangerous creatures, but cute pets.

They were all sleeping on him as Azazel had seen the more they spend with him the higher their basic specs became. Azazel was even more inspired and he asked him to spend as much time with them as he could. Maybe they could be raised to Longinous level with a bit of a push. Their masters were even more annoyed as it seems he was the master and not them.

Kurayami suddenly stood up and the four creatures all sat down waiting for what he would do. "I want to try something." He focused on the white cat and began to send his aura into the cat. it began to twitch and it roared and turned into a giant white tiger with long teeth like a saber tooth tiger. It had many tails like spears and its aura was far stronger than normal. Kouki was in the gym working out and when he felt Bayakush grow stronger he rushed to the roof.

Kurayami began to pet the giant tiger and he smirked. "I think I got a perfect name for my brother, Dante." Griffon, Blitz, and Poh all began to whine for him to make release their true forms. Kurayami denied them. "No, not you Poh. If I release you, you will eat everything in sight." It whined and Kouki rushed through the door. He was panting and when he laid eyes on Bayakush his eyes nearly popped out their sockets.

"How did my cat turn into that?" Kurayamu patted the big tiger on its thick neck. "This is his true form. and your job to be able to unleash this without me and then you need to achieve a balance breaker. Do that and I say you will be worthy of me not stealing him from you." Turns out as long as he does not take it as a sacred gear, but a familiar he could very much take them for himself.

Kouki ground his teeth. "You know you are an ass." Bayakush snarled and Kouki glared at it. "Oh shut it." A lightning strike hit the ground between his legs and Kouki was pissed. "See if I ever help you again damn cat." Kurayami snapped his fingers and Bayakush returned to a cat. It looked down and saw it was small again and it meowed in anger.

"Hey, can't have you stay like that forever. Let's do this. Once a day I will turn one of you into your true forms minus Poh." Poh rammed his foot and ran back through the open door to Shigune. Kurayami looked at the three fineds and sent them away. "Well, you three should also go back." Blitz, Griffon, and Bayakusha all returned to their owners, but he stayed behind with Shin and looked out at the open area.

This was in the Underworld and the security level was higher than ever. Trusted guards and Fallen who had implanted sacred gears all guarded this area under the order of Azazel and Shemezai. From what he heard Shemazai had met a second woman who was a devil and he and Sally were going through a rough patch due to a difference in culture. To Shemizai he was doing nothing wrong, but to a normal human, it might not be the best. to say he found a second wife.

He heard a huge roar and looked over to the giant dragon flying toward him. Tyrant landed on the roof and began to shrink until he looked like a mini version of himself. "Well, that is neat." Kurayami went to go tell his mother he finally had a name figured out and while that was going on David had finally gotten his message out to Michael and now the great Seraphs were having a meeting.

Michale was reading the note while he had a big smile. "He spelled Dear as Deer and my name wrong. However, what he said about being a 'grandson-in-law to old Azrael is a different story. Azrael was always cold and distant from everyone, yet after he fell he became our terror."

The four seraphs began to shiver as for the first phase of the Great War Azrael fought on the side of heaven, yet he fell very early on and as a result, he gained the title of Angel killer. Most of the dead angels fell to Azrael. Michael spoke again." He stole Galatine, wants a pet from us and he asked about pedophiles. Anyone knows what he means?" Gabriel tilted her head and asked. "Pedophiles? What's that?"

Michale flinched and shook his head. "Nothing. That just means old people." She smiled and nodded. "Thank you, big brother." Uriel knew what he meant as he had killed many of the scum of the church himself. He gave his report. "Well, the name Kurayami has been picking up fame recently. Son of Baraqiel and Shuri Himejima. There is a rumor of him having Two Longinous and he is a potential Super Fallen Angel. His hobby is beast taming."

Michael's face got serious as having two Longinous could upset the Balance of the very world. He looked the note over and nodded. "Well having a cease-fire will benefit us all, but he did attack one of our priests and stole a holy sword. He says he will return it if we give him a pet and the peace treaty."

Suddenly Grabriel ran out of the room and returned with a big cub. It looked like a white tiger, but it had horns, white wings, and a feathered tail. "Big brother. Does he mean one of these, but they are mine?" Her eyes looked cute and Michale felt his brotherly instincts kick in. "Well, you can't keep them all."

He had acquired a winged tiger as a pet for her as she wanted something fluffy. He acquired it on one of his foreign trips and when he got her she happened to be pregnant and she gave birth to a litter of 4 cubs. "Well, I guess we can give him one. Let's choose the male cub as the mother will try to banish him soon." This type of tiger only tolerated their male cubs for a few months before they tried to banish them.

Turns out they are a sexist species and this is the result. Michael stood up and took the cub from Gabriel's hands. She reached out and tears began to roll down her eyes. "But, what if he is mean? Will the cub be safe? I need to come with you." Michael was going to refuse, but she pouted. "I will not talk to you for a thousand years."

Michael felt his heart shatter and he relented. "Ok. You can come with me. First, we need to agree on a location where we can get this cease-fire on the way." She nodded and Kurayami would get his fourth familiar and meet an animal enthusiast as a friend. (Shin is not his familiar)

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