Lightning And Fire Given Form

Chapter 59 - One With The Abyss.

Ladon had him grabbed at all sides and Kurayami felt his insides fight the poison, but like a berserker he slashed head after head. Two blades in his hands one in his mouth while he slashed at the heads one after the other. Ladon scales began to turn bright red and heads regenerated. Both of them were so distracted by their brawl the world stopped mattering to them.

Ladon roared and he entered outrage mode causing his copper scales to become red along with him growing a pair of wings and he stopped caring to protect the tree. Kurayami had long since gone berserk and nothing mattered. His every swing destroyed barrier after barrier, but more took their place. Shin red eyes had turned blood red and now black. Shadows rolled from their bodies while the sky rumbled.

Kurayami swung rebellion sending huge slashed of flames that crashed against the barriers created by Ladon. One of them would run out of steam and would have to submit. The poison in Kurayami's body had reached his organs, but Ladon was no better. His soul had received so many cuts he was running on empty..

Kurayami and Shin charged at Ladon and Ladon roared and sent 30 heads to stop them, but before they even reached each other both fighters collapse. Kurayami was spitting mouthfuls of blood while Ladon felt his soul falling apart. Kurayami balance breaker ran out and he forced himself to stand. Ladon still had fight in him and they both had huge sneers of joy. Even if blood spilled from them.

Evil dragons did not care for their lives. They just waned to destroy everything, even themselves. If he was to die so be it, at least he went down in battle. Ladon created 10 barriers all around and he looked up. "One of us, must submit. I don't think you can go on, Kurayami."

Kurayami shook it off and looked at Ladon. "You called me by name, I am honored. However I will not die in this battle." Ladon began to use forbid magic to boost his own barriers. He learned this trick from Azi Dahaka, one of the best fuel sources was human souls and he had many in reserve. It might cost him some years off his life, but if he got Kurayami that would not matter.

"FORBIDEN MAGIC, SOUL POISON." Ladon's remaining 12 heads began to drip pitch black poison and Kurayami knew if that touched him his very soul would be poisoned. He looked at Shin and felt the last few restraints snap. It was time to end this. He took a deep breath while and he heard Rebellion speak. "Master, get him." He smiled and began to snarl like never before.

"Behowlest the slaying of thousands of mortals and principles. Besingest the slaying of tens of thousands of goblins and evil omens. Mine name, which reacheth unto the farthest abyss, tis the Imitation God beguiling the Polar Night and the Midnight Sun. Thou shalt be exterminated by our own jet black demonic blade. Thou art merely ephemeral, oh paranormal Creator God , ABYSS SIDE, DARK DEMON OF THE ABYSS, Balance breaker."

His roar shook caused the seas to rumble and all around the world beings looked in his direction as he finally broke the final restraints. Azrael in Japan opened his eyes and looked toward him. "He finally did it." He smiled while in Indian a young middle school-aged boy with sharp features and blue-black hair smiled.

"Get stronger for me. Let's fight someday, Kurayami. You have much to go." A man with silver and black hair opened his eyes and grinned as he felt a strong foe to fight. At the top of the mountain Artemis and Atlas were caught in a battle to the death just as violent as Ladon's and Kurayami's, but they both froze and looked over. Atlas was dressed in Greek War armor with a huge lance and he froze.

Ladon and Kurayami charged once more while from Kurayami's shadows many Shin's were created and they all had blades in their mouths. Kurayami looked like his normal balance breaker if not for the 16 wings on his back and looking like he was immaterial.

Ladon spat the black poison and yet Kurayami cut through it and his every slash caused fissures in space. He appeared in front of Ladon and slashed 11 times in less than a second causing all, but one of Ladon's heads to fall to the ground. Ladon roared in pain and collapsed.

He was barely alive, but Kurayami patted his final head and while panting smiled. "I win Ladon. We had a deal." Ladon wanted nothing more than to die, but a dragon keeps his word. On top of their pact. Kurayami sighed a contract with Ladon and for the first time, someone made an evil dragon their familiar.

Only evil gods had done something like that, but he did. Ladon felt that connection and felt Kurayami's aura beginning to fix him up. It would take years for his heads to grow back, but maybe this wasn't so bad. Ladon was out away in Kurayami's pact and he felt so much pride. That was short lived as he felt his heart give way.

He spat out black blood and looked at his veins coursing with poison. His new form gave way and Shin was worried for him. Kurayami collapsed on the ground and felt his body shutting down. He Shin grabbed the spatial ring and popped out a pill and Kurayami swallowed it and felt the damage healing. His vision was blurry, but he looked at the top of the mountain and saw Atlas once again pinned to the sky.

He saw Thalia pointing her spear at Luke and Annabeth pleading that he could be redeemed. Kurayami stood up and his eyes narrowed. For the first time, he gave a basic request. "Apollo, bro if you hear me let this not miss. Get ready Rebellion." She was excited and he got in a throwing stance and felt his vision fail him.

He would not die, but he would be in bed for weeks after this. He threw Rebellion to the top of the mountain and the entire blade went right through Luke's chest. Luke looked down and recognized that blade. It looked demonic like he remembered it. He thought he was going to die, but he woke up in a huge hall.

It was full of statues of Kurayami throughout his life. Pictures of Kurayami and even just small action figures of him. Luke felt this was weird after life being stuck in a room praising his killer. Even on the wall, he could barely read "KURAYAMI IS GREAT!"

He sighed and sat down. "This is my hell. Weird." However, he suddenly heard a voice that made his skin crawl. It was a woman's voice, but he felt pure chills. Like he was a mouse and she was the lion.

"I would not say it is hell, it's heaven for me. This place is praising my Lord. AHHHHH, I love him." Luke looked over and saw a very beautiful woman on a black throne. She had white horns, yellow eyes, a huge chest, and midnight hair and wore a whole suit of battle armor. She even had a pair of fallen angel wings.

She looked down on Luke from her throne and stood up and walked around him. She grabbed him by the neck and lifted him off the ground. She smelled him and smiled. "I have never eaten the soul of a demigod. I wonder what it tastes like." She dropped him and sat back in her throne.

"Now, why haven't I eaten your soul yet. Well, I was interested in who my lord wanted to kill so badly. For some reason, you are one of the few people my lord feels hate, spite, loathing." Luke took a deep breath and looked at this woman. He was terrified as she wanted to eat his soul.

"Who are you? Why do you call Kurayami's lord." As if she found treasure her yellow eyes glowed like flashlights. Her wings twitched and she squirmed in her throne. She coughed and blushed she showed such a shameful sight to someone, not her lord. He had to die for that.

"Well as you are the first person I have talked to besides my lord. I am Rebellion, my lord's sword, and partner. I have been with him since he was 6." Luke was shocked as that demonic sword was alive and was so pretty. She scoffed in disgust as she hated he thought that.

"Now, that I know who you are, that is all I wanted to know. Your already dead as my lord threw me and cut your heart in two. I just took your soul here for me to talk to you out of curiosity. Just maybe with your soul I can take human form and be one with my lord truly." She said the last bit while red in the face and panting.

Before Luke could be weirded out he looked at his hand that was crumbling and she stopped. "Oh yeah, about that. This is the end of the line for you. No reincarnation, or after-life. Seems bad, but too bad." Luke tried to beg, but he was already just-food for her. Once he was digested she sighed as it was not enough.

"One day my love. I will be with you. I just hope you can love me back." Back in the real world, Luke collapsed dead and Atlas roared in rage as Luke was important to the rise of Kronos. Annabeth broke down crying as she wanted him to be redeemed.

Bianca shivered as she did not feel a soul. His very soul was destroyed and she hoped if by some miracle even specs of his soul remained. Thalia looked away from the sight of Luke's cold dead body. Zoe was dying as Atlas had slammed his hand into her chest. Artemis was tending to her as best she could.

(20 minutes in the past.)

As Kurayami created a wall of blades to keep them away from the fight, Annabeth, Bianca, Percy, and Zoe rushed up the mountain as they all heard a howl and the sky rumbled with color. They were on Liontari to run faster as he did not want to be around when the brawl started. They felt the very mountain shake and they saw thousands of spears of light decided from the sky.

Percy looked at Annabeth held on for dear life to the lion. "How strong is Kurayami really? What are his chances?" Annabeth smiled and shook her head.

"No chance. He does not need those as I know he will win."

They looked to the sky as a giant ball of fire explodes and they heard the roars of Ladon and the slashed and howls. Bianca shivered and the whole mountain seemed ready to collapse. She felt death and looked toward San Francisco. The city was being affected by the battle. She kept quiet as it would mess up their pace.

At the top of the mountain were ruins, blocks of black granite and marble as big as houses. Broken columns. Statues of bronze that looked as though they'd been half-melted.

"The ruins of Mount Othrys," Thalia whispered in awe. Binaca shivered in fear and pulled her bow.

"This place has seen many wrongs. It is sick."

"Yes," Zoe said. "Kronos loved to age mortals in time for amusements. It was not here before. This is bad. "

"What's Mount Othrys?" Percy asked, feeling like a fool as usual.

"The mountain fortress of the Titans," Zoe said. "In the first war, Olympus and Othrys were the two rival capitals of the world. Othrys was where the throne of Kronos was until Zeus hurled him from it and Othrys was blasted to pieces. "

"But… how is it here?"

Thalia looked around cautiously as they picked our way through the rubble, past blocks of marble and broken archways. "It moves in the same way that Olympus moves. It always exists on the edges of civilization. But the fact that it is here, on this mountain, is not good. " Bianca gulped.


"This is Atlas's mountain," Zoe said. "Where he holds—" She froze. Her voice was ragged with despair. "Where he used to hold up the sky. "

Annabeth got her swords and took a deep breath as she was going to face Luke and Atlas. What could go wrong? Liontari shivered in fear as he was not that strong. They had reached the summit. A few yards ahead of them, gray clouds swirled in a heavy vortex, making a funnel cloud that almost touched the mountaintop, but instead rested on the shoulders of a twelve-year-old girl with auburn hair and a tattered silvery dress.

Artemis, her legs bound to the rock with celestial bronze chains. This was like Percy's dream where she was holding the cave.

"My lady!" Zoe rushed forward, but Artemis said, "Stop! It is a trap. You must leave now. "

Her voice was strained. She was drenched in sweat. No one had ever seen a goddess in pain before, but the weight of the sky was clearly too much for Artemis. If Kurayami was not so focused on Ladon, he might have been able to help. However, his dragon takes priority.

Zoe was crying. She ran forward despite Artemin's protests and tugged at the chains.

A booming voice spoke behind. "Ah, how touching. While the fallen fights the dragon you come for her. He should have accepted my offer."

They turned. The General was standing there in his brown silk suit. At his side were Luke and half a dozen dracaenae bearing the golden sarcophagus of Kronos.

"Luke," Thalia snarled. "The traitor. Just kill yourself and maybe Hade's will have mercy on your soul." Annabeth looked at him and saw him hesitate, but no matter. He had made his choice. Luke's smile was weak and pale. He looked even worse than he had three days ago in D. C.

"That is the General's decision, Thalia, Annabeth. But its good to see you two again. " A few of the monsters with him, fell off the ledge as the mountain shook. Atlas was more focused on the battle with Ladon and Kurayami was an evil dragon and two Longinus were not to be left alone.

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