Lightning And Fire Given Form

Chapter 67 - Towards Devil Meeting.

When he finally went into the house the first ones to feel him were Blitz(Dog), Bayakusha, and Poh who all tackled him when he went in. They had missed his aura and it was stronger than ever. His mom was smiling, but she was not smiling she was cutting carrots and did not look at him.

"Oh, look at that. He leaves for 6 months, comes back with a girl." He sighed and was going to explain. He opened his mouth to and yet she threw the knife and it went past his face. Like Ophis he was gaining her Infintie trait meaning he could barely be hurt, but it was much weaker than Ophis. However he was impressed she could throw knifes that well.

"Not a word brat. Look at you, you look older than when you left. Not only that you brought home another total beauty with you. Where did my little boy go? In just one year you went from little and cute, to huge and burly.." She was right as when he was 14 he looked like a normal kid, but in that year he grew like bamboo.

He sighed and hugged his mother. He dawrfed her in size. "Mom, I'm not that old. Just 17." When they all heard his age they looked at him oddly as last they checked he was just 16 as his birthday had already passed. She had to look up and he really took after Baraqiel.

Ophis was once again eating sweets he gave her as he carried candy with him. He explained where he was, what he was doing, and why 2 years passed for him. He also introduced Ophis to everyone and they sighed as nothing was normal with him. Baraqiel was carrying Dante and passed him to Kurayami.

"Son, I was worried you know. We all were." Kurayami looked at Dante who looked at his sunglasses and still had a frown. Annabeth nodded.

"You big fool, how did you go get kidnapped when you are as strong as you are." He looked at Ophis who smiled as if she was proud of herself.

"When someone like Ophis wants to take you, you can't do much." Ophis nodded and they looked at her. Her eyes seemed as lifeless as Kurayami's. He had not removed his sunglasses and they didn't ask why.

Koga still was a little slower than normal as his brain was damaged by his experiments. "You're alive. Good." He left and Shigune left to help him as she kind of became his caretaker. He could do almost all things himself, but he just needed help on some things that required more thinking power. Nico looked him over and ran off to look for a pair of sunglasses.

They all looked at Nico and waited for him to come back. He came back and had a black jacket and sunglasses. They almost broke out laughing as he kept asking how he can look cool. He saw Kurayami as his big brother and tried to copy him.

He had expressionless look on his face or tried to. He broke out laughing and he seemed like a really happy child and he looked up to Kurayami. From time to time he asked Baraqiel how he can be more like Kurayami. Kurayami walked to him and ran his hand through Nico's hair and smiled. "Hey, Nico. I got something for you."

"What is it?" Kurayami snapped his fingers and a red and black coat appeared on Nico. Nico looked at the mirror and he loved it. He ran off to show off and they all smiled. Kuroka really thought he could be a good father and felt soon she would get her kittens.

Artemis on the other hand was more focused on his strength as she felt if this Kurayami fought Hades the result would be very different from last time. If he had befriended Ophis his potential was limitless. She looked at him. "Hey, Kurayami. How strong are you now?"

He thought about and looked at Ophis. "In my time training I have pushed both my Lognous to a high degree, but I should be as strong as Draig and Albion at their peak." A red gautlet appeared on Tobio's left hand and h agreed. "I say your right. You still got more to go." Kurayami did not deny that as even if he was strong he could not stand up to Shiva.

Kurayami sat on the couch and Ophis sat on his lap and they all felt it was odd. He spoke up while giving her a chocolate bar that she began to eat with a big smile. "We need to keep the fact that she is here a secret. The simple fact is, she can be seen as a threat. Ophis, can you do that?" She nodded.

"Don't tell no one." They all agreed to keep her identity secret and he had taught her how to totally suppress her aura. Right now she seemed like a normal girl if not for her eyes. Looking at them together was weird. He was huge and rugged, while she looked delicate. Father like son it seems. The rest of the day was spent catching up with all of them and when it was time to go to bed, Ophis frowned when she saw the other girls.

He sighed. "Ophis, something wrong?" She looked down. "We always alone." The girls looked at her and he explained. "She likes peace and quiet. I spent over two tears with her in a space with only the two of us and my familiars. She is not used to being around other people. Lavinia wrapped her hands around Ophis and hugged her.

"See, no issue right." Ophis nodded. Esdeath looked at Ophis and saw the way she slept. It was like she was a body and was almost not breathing. Raynare smiled. "She is cute. Take care of her Kurayami."

Akeno nodded. "Yeah, brother. She seems to like you a lot." Kuroka was deeply asleep on his chest and Esdeath got to hug his other arm. They all fell asleep, but he and Ophis were not really asleep. They just shut down and breathed very slowly. For the day he spent it taking it easy and from time to time he and Ophis had to enter a state where she helped him deal with the 'Infinite'.

They went to an isolated spot and extended his hands and she held hands with him. They closed their eyes and his eyes began to light up and a light purple aura was leaving her body and vise versa. Controlling that concept was dangerous and in his time with her, he made only a few ways to use it.

They were being spied on by the girls who wanted to know what they were doing and they saw how the terrain was torn up by just a small bit of the aura they realeased. They all backed off and after an hour they stopped and he got dressed again. "Ophis, how is my progress." She looked him over.


He nodded as he could only that much, but thankfully thanks to her help it was going up. In time he should be able to use it better than just blasting with it. He and Ophis went back to the house and tomorrow was the start of the young devil meeting. Azazel and Azrael were at his house. Azazel was sitting behind a desk with a clip board.

"Tomorrow is the young devil meeting, but we will set off today. We are going in an official way and we need to choose who is going." Everyone was with him and Azazel had a list. "Well first is going to be Kurayami obviously, but will you take Ophis with you?" Ophis hugged his arm and she nodded. Kurayami also didn't want to be apart from her.

"We are never apart anymore, so yes." Azazel looked at Artemis.

"Lady Artemis, will you be going as well?" She thought about it and nodded. "I should go as well. We are allied with Grigori and it would be a good chance to meet with the devil king Sirzechs." Azazel wrote down her name.

"Well I and Azrael will be going and so will Baraqiel. I assume you girls will be going as well." Kuroka shook her head. "No, I can't go yet." They knew why and didn't push her. Esdeath, Lavinia, Akeno, and Raynare were going. Natsume decided to stay and Tobio also stayed behind. Vali was sent over to Mephisto to improve his power, so he was out.

After they choose who stayed Azazel nodded. "Alright, we are set. Now Kurayami, how is Ladon." Kurayami smiled. "He is awake and stronger than ever. Would you like to meet him." Azazel nodded. Kurayami brought out Ladon in the room and the evil dragon took a form of a handsome purple-haired man. Ladon had a wild snarl on his face and sneered.

"Master, may I kill them all?" Kurayami shook his head. "No Ladon." They all looked at Ladon and they could all feel his urge to kill them all. Ophis grabbed his shoulder and lightly pushed down and he fell to his knees. He stayed quiet and Azazel looked at Ladon.

'"I thought you were dead?" Ladon calmed his urge to kill. "I was until the blasted Greeks brought me back. They bound me to that tree, but here I am. A familiar, but not stuck to a blasted tree. This is better."

Azrael felt that Ladon was way stronger than before, but he felt no disloyalty towards Kurayami. Seems that Kurayami's influence was so great that Ladon no longer saw a reason to destroy his pact. Ladon felt his barriers were much stronger than before, and yet Kurayami's new power was beyond him. Esdeath looked at Ladon. "How strong are you?"

Ladon snarled and he grinned. "If that bastard Zeus showed up I would drown him in venom. Master, when can I set loose?." Kurayami patted him on the shoulder. "If we get in a war, you can rampage to your heart desire." Ladon bowed and returned to the familiar pact. Azazel really wanted to make a artificla sacred gear, but it was not his choise.

They spoke longer and Kurayami sighed. "So, how are we going over. Dragon back, teleport, or what." Azazel shook his head. "Train." Besides Azrael they were underwhelmed as they all expected to go in a show of might.

They wanted to go ina way that showed off. They could go on Tyrant and Kurayami's other pets who were bigger and stronger than ever. Azazel saw how ever Artemis looked at him funny. "I know that showing off would be nice, but we got to go to proper way." Kurayami squinted his eyes and he smiled. "Hell no."

Azazel looked at him odd. "What?" Kurayami repeated himself. "Hell no, if I am going to go I am going to show off. Let's go." Kurayami, Esdeath, Raynare, Akeno, Lavinia, Azrael, Ophis, Baraqiel and Artemis all left Azazel alone and he was left behind. Azazel sighed as he will go on the train as Leviathan was going to go on it to meet with him.

They all went outside to the open area and he brought out his familliars who were huge. Tyrant was easily 40 meters tall, Aurora was 10 meters tall, Zhang was 8 meters tall, Castiel was 12 meters tall and Blitz was the only one who looked normal. Even if he was over 3 meters tall.

Seeing the progress of his pets they were impressed as each one was in the ultimate class and had more room for growth. Tyrant was already as strong as a dragon king if not stronger and he looked down and for the first time he spoke. "Lord, which of us shall be your mount." Aurora shoved him aside and snarled.

The rest of the famillirs were roaring and shoving each other aside. To everyone else they just looked like snarling animals, but to Kurayami they were arguing who was the favorite. Kurayami shook his head. "All of you do something to choose." The famillairs looked at each other and Tyrant made a 6 sided die.

Tyrant 1, Aurora 2, Zhang 3, Blitz 4, Castiel was 5 and Kurayami rolled the die. When it landed it was a 5. Castiel grinned and the rest of them scoffed. Kurayami snapped his fingers and really interesting armors appeared on all of them and it made them even more menacing.

Azrael looked at Kurayami oddly and Kurayami smiled and shrugged. "I had over two years to spend and I always wanted to show off like this." Ophis flew and landed on Tyrant. looked down nodded. She had trained them her self in her free time. They all liked and feared her and Lavinia whistled.

"Very impressive." Kurayami was going to laugh, but Akeno patted her on the back. "Don't encourage him. He will want to do this more than ever." Kurayami was going to say he should do this more, but Raynare shook her head. "You are right, he needs to stop getting pets." Esdeath nodded. "Too many already. We need t keep an eye on him." He shook his head.

"No, never It's not enough. I still have not gotten Azi Dahaka, Grendel, Crom Cruach, Fenrir, Tiamat or Apophis." Azrael held his face overwhelmed. "You want more evil dragons and the worst of them all. Titam and Fenrri are diffrent tings though. However they are dead." Kurayami nodded. "Yes, but who says they can't be brought back." Azrael looked at him funny,

"Everyone knows that evil dragons can resurect themselves as long as some of their soul remains. How are you going to speed it up." Kurayami was going to look for Sephiroth Graal. and use it as he heard the user could bring back the dead. If he could enslave it's wielder, or recruit them he could use them to bring back the dead evil dragons.

Kurayami went on Castiel and the rest of them spread out on the others with Ophis right next to Kurayami as she got off Tyrant. All of his famillair could now fly and they set off towards the devil territory in a show of force with Castiel at the front. Azazel wished he could go with them, but politics suck. Azazel mused while going towards the train. "I should retire and just focus on my hobby like Kurayami."

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