Lightning And Fire Given Form

Chapter 71 - Artemis Dresses To Impress And Leviathan Choise.

(I am changing Apollo's name to Apollon.

Akeno and Kurayami walked arm in arm until they got to their father's room. Kurayami looked at Akeno and she nodded. They walked in and they saw Baraqiel out could out of pure shock. I mean how would you react to your twin siblings making out. Kurayami walked up to him and pinched a nerve in his neck causing Baraqiel to shoot up awake. When he saw Kurayamia and Akeno he hoped it was a bad dream. Akeno took a deep breath.

"Father, me and Kurayami are lovers. We are going to marry each other whether you like it, or not. We are telling you the truth now and we want your blessing." Baraqiel eyes were as wide as saucers and he pointed at the both of them with shaky hands..

"You two, sleep in the same room, because of this." Kurayami nodded. "We have been dating for over 6 years and I already claimed Akeno as one of my fiances and no matter what you say she is mine." He said that while wrapping his arm around her and Akeno hugged him tightly. Baraqiel felt he was going to pass out again, but Azrael entered the room and shook his head.

"You are a fool Baraqiel. It should have been obvious how close they are. You are going to accept, or I will be reaping your soul myself." His scythe was in his hands and it looked right at Baraqiel like it was looking at a premium ribeye. Baraqiel got up and started pacing.

"Fine, the issue is Shuri. She will kill all of us if she finds out. What do we do?" Azrael shook his head. "No, she already knows. I told her." Kurayami and Akneo looked at him oddly. Akeno nearly freaked out and rush to him and shook Azrael back and forth.

"You told mom? Why?" Azrael patted her on the shoulder and smiled "Oh come on. Did you think you were hiding this from that woman She is like a bloodhound when it comes to this and I swear she knew about this years ago? She probably just did not care."

Kurayami sighed. "Mom is such a smart woman. Dad, how did someone like you get her to fall in love with you?" Baraqiel frowned. "Hey, are you saying I am bad?" Akeno coughed. "I mean, you are not the best looker. Grandpa Azrael looks younger than you." They all imagined they heard the shattering of Baraqiel's remaining pride. Kurayami broke that years ago with his masochist comment.

Baraqiel slumped on the bed and shook his hand. "Fine, you have my blessing. Go on." Kurayami and Akneo smiled and left arm in arm. Azrael sat on a chair and looked at Baraqiel. "You do know that Raynare is his cousin right?" Baraqiel shot Azrael a weird look Azrael sighed.

"All we angels or fallen have the same father, God. Meaning that Raynare is his cousin even if it is far removed." Baraqiel sighed. "Yeah, but we never think about it." Azrael put away his scythe and left. "I can't wait for your grandkids." Baraqiel sighed and he decided to sleep the shock off. "Get out." Azrael left and as he was walking through the halls he bumped into Sirzechs.

"Oh, Sirzechs What a surprise to see you out here?" Sirzechs nodded. "Azrael, I don't think we ever met have we?" Azrael nodded. "No, but I did meet your predecessor. I was the one who killed the original, I drove my scythe through his chest." Azrael's eyes were going black and glowing a bright yellow. That happened when he got happy or his bloodlust was active. Azrael was the killer of God and Lucifer. Even if his achievement would not be known.

Sirzechs and Azrael walked together. "Azrael, what do you think of Kurayami?" Azrael looked over. "I am proud of that boy. He is marrying my beloved granddaughter and I consider him my own grandson. I heard that boy broke off his engagement as I told him to." Sirzechs sighed.

"Is my sister really that undesirable?" Azrael nodded. "I was listening in and Kurayami is right, that girl is spoiled and from what I saw she thinks of her servents like pets, or toys. The way she called Shirone, her servant like the girl belonged to her made me pretty upset." Sirzechs sighed. "It's not that way. We the Gremory family care for all our servants."

Azrael looked at Sirzechs in the eyes and saw no lie. "Well, I hope that is the case. Kurayami is protective of all his fiances and I say if Kuroka feels that her little sister is being abused she will beg him to wipe the whole Gremory and few other clans off the face of the Underworld. I would help him as well." Sirzechs knew he was not lying.

"I do not doubt you would, but that is not the case." Sirzechs extended his hand and Azrael shook his hand. Sirzechs looked Azrael in the eyes. "May we have peace?" Azrael nodded. "Azazel will be here by the end of the day and he wanted peace just like me. We have an alliance with the Greeks and you should be meeting Artemis soon."

"I already am here." Sirzechs looked over and saw Artemis in a gorgeous silver dress Her hair and eyes were a beautiful silver and Azrael looked over. "Artemis, Kurayami was looking for you. I see you dressed to impress." She nodded and moved her hair behind her ear.

"I kind of wanted to surprise Kurayami. As much as I hate it I asked the tramp Aphrodite to help with this dress. She helped me but before I go 'knock his socks off' as she said I thought I would come to talk to Sirzechs." Sirzechs looked over and he shook her hand.

"Lady Artemis, how did Grigori and The Greek pantheon make contact?" Artemis nodded. "Azazel sent Kurayami along with his group to help stop a war. Along the way, Kurayami had been a good asset and he saved us a few times. I am his fiance actually, this dress being away I am trying to impress him." Sirzech was going to say that Kurayami really had good taste, but he still felt Grayfia was all he needed.

Artemis, Sirzechs, and Azrael spoke for a few minutes until Kurayami went back to them. Akeno was in her room and Kurayami had to go make sure he spent time with all of them. When Kurayami saw Artemis he looked around and made sure no devils were there and he lowered his sunglasses. He walked up to the three of them and extended his hand.

Artemis took his hand. "You look stunning Artemis." She smiled and she held his arm. Sirzechs still did not know how he could control the Infinite of Ophis and yet here was all the proof. Artemis looked into his eyes and she felt something drawing her in.

She shook her head and he put his glasses back on. "Sirzechs, grandpa, I think we should go.: Sirzechs nodded. "Don't let me bother you, have fun." Azrael already began to walk away and he waved goodbye. Kurayami and Artemi both left to go outside and even if it was fake there was a big full moon.

"Kurayami, I heard you are going on individual dates with all of your loves. Can I choose a place as well for me?" He nodded. "Where ever you want to go, whatever you want just tell me." Artemis smiled. "I want to go on a hunting trip here in the Underworld. I hear there are many good beasts out here. I have actually never hunted here." Kurayami looked over.

"Will it be just us, or your hunters as well?" She shook her head. "Just us, even though you don't know how to shoot a bow, I can just teach you myself." He sighed. "You know Apollon offered me the same deal. Why do you want me to use a bow so much?"

She elbowed him in the gut. "I am the Goddess of the hunt, of course, I want you at least to know how to use a bow." He sighed. "Fine, I will learn. Seems it be a good weapon and skill to learn just in case." Kurayami looked back and saw Zhang walking through the hall towards him. Kurayami could feel he was in high spirits.

"Zhang, your talk with your father go well?" Zhang bowed. "Yes, I am thankful for him sending me to you. If he had not I might be in a devil's Peerage." Artemis ran her hand down Zhnags's scaled face. "You are probably better with beast-type creatures than me." Zhang shook his head.

"Not maybe, definitely." Artemis frowned and Kurayami returned him to the pact. Inside their, his aura was highly concentrated meaning they benefited from being in there. Kurayami spent the rest of the night switching out with his girls spending time with them and planing where he would take them.

He had plenty of time free and he was in a bottleneck. Meaning he could not get stronger easily. Ophis told him he will get there in time, but it could be anytime. It was late and he was going towards his room, but he ran into Levithan. She looked like she thought long and hard and she walked up to him and looked up.

"Ok, I thought about it and I decided to agree to your choice. I just got one request." He looked at her. "Sure, what is it." She took a deep breath and she looked him in the eyes. "Can you help my Sona train?" He blinked a few times as he expected something selfish.

"What?" She sighed and explained. "I have little sister names, Sona. She is 16 and she is a strategist, but her peerage is not very strong right now. She believes in training her peerage instead of switching them out, but she needs a bit of help. I always hear that Grigori has one of the best training there is. Can you help me?" He nodded.

"I am always open to help someone train. You think I got there strong from birth, I trained until my blood felt like it was boiling, until my muscles screamed, my soul felt like it would burst. I can do that much. " Serafall nodded. "Well, I guess we are engaged. I never thought I would get engaged to someone so young." He looked down and smirked.

"Yeah, I am younger, but if people see us out in the street they will think I am a pervert. You look like a high school girl." Serafall got bright red and sighed. "I guess we should at least get to know each other. Any hobbies?"

She saw his face go to a wide smile and he nodded. "I love to get and raise familiars. Most of my familiars I raised since they were young." She thought about it. "I have a member of my peerage that is a Behement" He was interested, but the next words kind of surprised him.

"As for my hobby." A big happy smile appeared on her face and a bright light lit up her outfit and from a serious outfit it turned into a pink outfit and staff appeared in her hand. "I love magical girls Kurayami-Chan." He looked at her outfit and while he liked it, it did not match his color preference. She noticed he was not saying anything.

"Wait, You don't like this?" She was shocked as most always took well to this. Was her charm that bad? She made an ice mirror and she thought she was very pretty in this. He shook his head.

"Trust me, you are very good-looking in this outfit. I even love it. It shows all your curves well and your personality shines through it. Yet, I would love it more if it was in dark purple, blue light purple, or black. That's just my color preference." She looked at his own outfit and saw it had a dark color scheme. She thought about it and snapped her fingers and it turned light purple.

"How about this?" He lowered his glasses and he smiled. "It looks great on you. You like magic girls a lot right." Her eyes shined and she grabbed his arm and nodded.

"I even have my own show, called Miracle☆Levia-tan. I would like for you to participate in my next shooting in a few months." He nodded.

"I got to get to know you better and what better way than to get to spend time with you. By the way, you can choose any color you want. You know, you kind of remind me of Gabriel." She suddenly flinched and he felt the whole hall begin to freeze. She smiled and looked up.

"Did you say Grabriel, the serpah?" He nodded. "I and Gabriel are friends. We both love animals and she was the one who gave me my tiger. She is kind of really innocent as Michael keeps her from all sin. What a sis con. Why?" Serafall looked up and her eyes were bright blue.

"She is my rival, she is the most beautiful woman in heaven. She is even beloved here in the underworld. How unfair is that?" He broke out laughing and she pouted and kicked his shin. He actually did not feel it, but he smiled.

"Sorry, but being honest with you, while she is pretty I prefer you." Serafall perked up and looked up. "Why?" He sighed and sat down. "Well for starters she is an angel meaning any negative thought will probably cause her to fall. She wears all white and I prefer darker clothes. Plus, Michale is too overprotective." Serafalll in her head was marking tallies for everything he said right and she was happy.

"However what really gets my attention is how you can keep a cheerful attitude despite what you're experienced in the devil civil war. Most people would get all serious, or depressed. Yet you can still be cheerful, how do you do it?" Serafall got a big smile and pushed her chest out.

"I can tell you at least know about me. I was one of the head fighters in the front lines and I did have to fight many times, but why would I let it affect me. I am as strong as I am because I fought on an actual battlefield." Kurayami had this longing look on his face.

"I wish I was born in that time, sounds many times more interesting than now. Most humans now don't even believe in the supernatural, but I belive people at this time would have lived in fear. Good times."

Serafall smiled. "We can talk about it later, we need to go look for Sona-chan." She grabbed his arm and pulled him along to look for her sister. He didn't have any reason to deny training her sister and her group if he felt they deserved it. At least he gets to spend it with Serafall.

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