Lightning And Fire Given Form

Chapter 81 - The Super Devil Reaserch.

The next morning they were all in the dining room with bloodshot eyes and they looked lifeless. Serafall looked at all of them and saw how Raynare was hugging her scythe-like it was her only support and how Ophis was in loli form on Kurayami's shoulders to get away from her. Ophis even had squinted eyes while looking at Serafall and that was strange.

Akeno's eyes were still pitch black as she did not want to see anything related to magical girls ever again. Lavinia was glaring at Serafall like she was her worst enemy and Artemis was trying to forget how terrible the show was. Esdeath felt they had wasted the whole day when they just wanted to pass a few hours.

They could have done anything else, but they just had to give it a try and they all did not like it. Kurayami himself had worn his blindfold was slumped while holding Ophis's legs so she does not fall off. Even though the food was great none of them were really eating, but more just picking at their food. Serafall looked at all of them a bit sad as she thought they would like it.

"Did none of you like it?" They all looked at her and shook their heads. Raynare broke down crying and looked down trying to avoid thinking about it.. She got up and hugged Kurayami.

"That was not fun, it was torture. Even Elfen Lied was not that bad." Kurayami shivered when he thought about that anime. Sometimes he questioned what went through people's minds when they wrote stuff like that. Well, it was good, but in its own way. He sighed.

"It was torture, it was like it was attacking my mind. Halfway I had sent my mind inside my sacred gear as that was better." Akeno finally removed the shadows in her eyes and they were light-sensitive ass he had not seen any light since yesterday.

"How could you get children to watch that?" Worst of all Lavinia had some serious complaints.

"Your show gives the wrong idea about witches, the spells were just made-up words and it was painful to watch." Serafall looked at all of them and Kurayami sighed and he thought if he should even stay the full week. He liked spreading time here, but this was not his home. He just wanted to go back already, but he just stuck around because of Serafall. If not he would have left on the first day when his engagement ended.

"Well, we can go home today if you girls want. I rather return today."

Akeno nodded and she wanted to see their mom and brother. She also had to talk to her mom about her relationship with her now older twin brother. That was going to be awkward on so many levels so he did not know how to start that conversation. She sighed.

Kurayami looked around at all the girls as it was a group decision.

"Well, I want to see Kuroka and Natsume., I would have brought them with us and next time I will."

Raynare only came because Kurayami and her grandfather came as she liked to spend time with both of them. If it weren't for them she would not even have come or cared, so she decided to go home.

"I rather go home. Being in devil territory is not really fun."

Esdeath herself had no real reason to stay. The same with Lavinia, Ophis, Artemis had to leave soon, and they all decided they were leaving today. Serafall looked a bit down and Kurayami noticed it. They had just gotten to know each other and they were already having to be separate.

Neither could live in the other's turf as there would still be devils and fallen who do not agree to this alliance. Not like they could do anything about it, but any mess up could lead to fallout and result in war. Kurayami had a simple way to deal with that as the one magic he was great at was teleportation.

"Well, I can just teleport here every day to visit. It is not that hard to visit someone and I do have to meet your parents." He just realized that he did not have many in-laws. Only Serafall, Artemis, and Akeno had parents, but Akeno's were his so this is one weird mind-fuck so he ignored that.

Out of his finance Kuroka, Natsume, Lavinia, Raynare, Esdeath, and Ophis were the ones who did not have parents and that was kind of sad when you think about it. From Raynare he still had Azrael, but besides that her parents were dead.

Serafall nodded as it was quite easy, but there were rules in place to take the official roots. However, knowing how carefree and strong he was he did not care and would probably come here on one of his pets just to show off. That was quite a carefree way to live, but it was not bad.

"Well if you are leaving today how are you going to take your disciple with you?" Kurayami looked at her and nodded as he rather train Sairaorg for a few weeks. He will be free, but he needs to spend time with the girls. He has about three weeks until that festive and date with Ophis or she would really ignore him.

He looked over to Sairaorg who was eating a few tables away with Rias and Sona. "Hey, Sairaorg will you be able to come? It be a shame for you to miss some training." Sairaorg stood up and placed his hand over his chest

"Sir, so we're leaving today?" Kurayami nodded "You, RIas, and Sona will leave with me, but we will be going on the train this time. Apparently, Azazel and Azrael are saying it be wrong to just go on my pets. They're just annoying old men, more so Azrael."

After the meal, he left the girls and Ophis who returned to her usual adult form as he had to talk to Azazel about the research. He went to find him and Azrael. He first went to Azazel's room and he knocked on the door. When Azazel opened the door Kurayami pushed him into the room and closed the door. Azazel was confused, but Kurayami set up a barrier to make sure they were not heard.

He looked at Azazel and told him. "Azazel, I got the super devil research." Azazel was going to joke that he was straight, but he shut up and got serious. m

"You got it fast, that is good. I will call Azrael and Baraqeil. Keep this secret even from your girls. With this even if things fall apart with the devils and Heaven we can reverser engineer it to work for us." Kurayami nodded.

"I want you to keep this top secret. No one finds out except for me, you, dad, Azrael, Shehemazi, and a few others. My wives included. That is not up for debate."

Azazel nodded and Kurayami brought out the cat clip. Azazel took it and he removed one of the ears and brought out a flash drive. He pulled up his magic computer from his own storage device and stuck it in the U.S.B port and brought up the research.

It was based on what was done to kuroka, but most of the kinks were out. It dealt with bloodline abilities, increasing demonic power, control, and strength. The more Azazel saw the bigger his smiles got and he looked at Kurayami.

"You know Kurayami, you are acting like a real Governor-Genera already." Kurayami got serious and he looked Azazel in the eyes and lowered his blindfold. Azazel looked at his special eyes as this was no joke.

"Azazel, I have a great deal of pride in my species. I believe we are the best of the three races between devils, angels, and fallen. When I become Governor-General I will make sure Grigori last's for as long as I live."

Azazel slumped in his chair and thought about all his fallen comrades that fell in the great war. It still brought pain to his heart and he thought that if only Kurayami was born back then they might just have won the great war.

"Well, you make sure it lasts Kurayami Himejima. That is my order as current Governor-General" Kurayami nodded and Azazel called Baraqiel and Azrael and the both of them entered the room. Azazel explained to them the full story about what Kurayami got for Grigori. Azreal grinned and patted Kurayami on the back.

"Well well, seems if we can use this well I might be able to get even stronger. It might take time and we will need only trustworthy ones." Baraqiel nodded.

"Thanks to you two I managed to become a 12 wing fallen and if this research works I might be able to go even further. Azazel you do still have the blood crystals that Kurayami gave you right?" Azazel nodded even if he was not happy about it.

"Well use them. You need to stop being lazy."

Azazel sighed and pulled out one of them. It was a bright red stone and he popped it into his mouth and he closed his eyes and focused. His veins got bright red and he felt his wings trying to pop out of his back, but he focused. It did not take long and he opened his eyes.

"There, I only have 12 wings still. Just give me some time and I will at best become a half-step super fallen angel." Kurayami looked at Azazel and shook his head as he only thought about it now.

"It is embarrassing that you did not already become one. With how smart you are why not do this years ago?" Azazel got bright red as he sometimes had ideas that he just never thought about. That was just one of them that slipped his mind.

"Are you just going to berate me. I am old Kurayami. I just want to retire and you have more pride in us as a species than I do."

They had this small meeting for another hour going through the reach and seeing what parts they could use. Some of it was theoretical, but with Azazel and a few of the experts at Grigori, it was possible to use it.

Kurayami got up after the hour and he began to leave. He looked back and covered his eyes with his blindfold.

"As we said, we do not tell a soul about this until we are certain of their loyalty. Someone like Kokabiel will not take this alliance well so I want you to keep an eye on him. If he goes awol don't stop him. He becomes a rat let's see how he likes being hunted like one."

Azazel rolled his eyes. "Not even Governor-General and already acting like it."

Azrael smacked him on the head and Azazel held his head like he was a little boy who got smacked by his grandpa. Azrael was just a serious guy and he was tired of Azazel's laziness."

"Shut it. He will be a much better leader than you. His hobby does not take much and it is a simple hobby even humans would enjoy. I would enjoy it as well if I did have my own." Kurayami smiled as he considered his hobby the best one.

"Who does not like animals?"

Baraqiel looked at his son with squinted eyes. "Son your pets can level cities to rubble like they are nothing." Kurayami opened the door and he glanced back.

"Details, details."

He left after and Azrael patted Baraqiel on the back and went out as well. Now it was only Azazel and Baraqiel and Baraqiel looked at Azazel a little odd.

"You know you really should get married. Your harems are a thing of the past as you are just no longer as interested as you once were. I remember the old you who would seduce woman after woman just because she interested you. Now you are all talk."

Azazel slumped in his chair. "I was young and had the drive. Now I just want my hobby."

Baraqiel still did not know how his once lustful friend had become a researcher. He left also and now Azazel was alone to his memories. He did find it true that he was now all talk. He used to have harems from all around of different species, but now he was all alone.

"I really should get married soon. I will retire soon and a wife might let me spend it just a bit happier." He pulled out his sacred gear and focused on Fafnir inside. He appeared in front of a golden western dragon without wings.

"Panties, are you giving me panties?" Azazel sighed as Fafnir was corrupted by Odin after he was brought back. He did not want Kurayami to find out what happened to Fafnir or Kurayami would have a heart attack that he was turned into this. He would probably say something about how a majestic dragon was degraded to this state.

"No, I want to ask if you still wish to keep your pact with me?" Fafnir looked at Azazel and shrugged as best he could with his four-legged dragon body.

"I am a dragon and my word is my bond. I said I would help you with your sacred gear and I will do just that. Although a few parties would be mine." Azazel shook his head and looked up.

"Well, I guess we're stuck with each other." Azazel left and he just kept going through the research as that was who he was now. At least he was happy with his search. His search for a wife could wait.

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