Ryusei nodded and said, "Of course, but I think we should wait for 2-3 days. I have already thought about what Spirit Beast you should take. The information for the most suitable Beast should come in these days. In these 2-3 days, you can also stabilize your cultivation. It could maybe make you reach Rank 32 or Rank 33 when you absorb the Spirit Ring."

Rongrong nodded cheerfully and started meditating in her room, she wanted to stabilize her Spirit Rank because that would make it easier for her to absorb the Spirit Ring and it could let her become even stronger.

Ryusei sighed because he couldn't do anything else other than train for these 2-3 days, so he went out of the inn and started running in the fields. He strapped some weights around his wrists and ankles to improve his strength and stamina.

After training for half a day, he was felt exhausted so he sat down underneath a huge tree. It was really exhausting to run for 5 hours continuously with weights slowing him down and then completing the rest of the training session right after.

The most important thing was that he used his own physical strength to run like this without using his Spirit Energy to ease the strain as that would beat the purpose of the training.

Ryusei laid his back on silky smooth and fluffy grass underneath as he enjoyed the peaceful atmosphere. It was one of the few times where he could relax and enjoy the beauty of mother nature around him. After 10 minutes, he suddenly opened his eyes and gazed towards the western direction.

He stood up because he heard the sound of footsteps coming from the West Direction. 'Hmm, judging by the sound there should be around 17 people coming to this area. Did someone find me or this place? Are they members of Nightfall? But they shouldn't come with such a line-up.'

'If they wanted this field, they could have just asked me to leave this field. Is it a coincidence that the Nightfall members found this field or are they totally different people altogether? Hmm, let's hide and observe the situation first and then see if I should act on it or is it a misunderstanding.'

He jumped up on the tree and hid amongst it's dense leaves & branches, He adjusted his position to get a good view of the enemies(maybe) who were about to arrive at his direction.

After some time, he saw a silhouette of a young boy and 16 people behind him. He was surprised to see a young boy looking around 10 years of age, running with impressive speed. And judging by his level, he had at least 2 Spirit Rings.

Then he carefully observed the young boy. He noticed a faint Red Lightning flickering on his legs which looked like some sort of Spirit Ability used by that Young Boy to achieve such impressive speeds. But he noticed that his speed was constantly decreasing most likely due to exhaustion of his Spirit Energy.

The young boy who seemed to have realized it as well, ran towards the forest, trying to ditch the enemy whilst masking his Spirit Energy. Ryusei then observed the 16 People that were chasing after the boy, trying to catch up to him. Some of them were about 46th Rank Spirit Ancestor while others were at Rank 45 or Rank 44 Spirit Ancestors.

Ryusei couldn't understand, that how could a young boy like him, possibly have offended these men that they were chasing for his life. He wanted to understand the reason behind it so he secretly followed them while keeping his distance.

The young boy quickly charged into the forest and disappeared within the ocean of huge trees. The following men couldn't find anywhere as he disappeared from their vision, so they split apart and started searching for him.

Ryusei stood on a topmost branch of one of the gigantic trees and kept on watching as they tried to the boy. He already knew where the boy was hiding. He was on a tree much smaller than his own and looked as if he was waiting for something.

Suddenly, one of the 16 men stood underneath the tree the boy was hiding in, and the boy jumped down from the tree while concentrating a dense Red Lightning on his right leg which created a sharp Lightning Blade on it. He swung his leg, trying to slice through the man's head off.

But before his Lightning Blade could even reach that man, another man appeared in front of him and caught his arm and captured him. Then man who acted as a bait turned around and smiled slyly towards that young boy.

Ryusei sighed in disappointment as he thought that the young boy would most likely die if he doesn't interfere, 'It's a pity for a young talent like him to die a worthless death. Looks like I need to save him.'

But his eyes widened in surprise as he noticed a faint smile on boy's face as he created two similar Red Lightning Blades on both of his hands and slashed at the man holding his hands. Blood overflowed through his slashed arm due to his carelessness. He never expected that the boy could form those sinister blades in his hands and sneak attack him.

The Young Boy staggered back as he got freed and a looked at man's hand that was still holding onto his arm. He threw the man's hand like a piece of trash and stared coldly at him as he tried to slice his throat with a quick attack.

Ryusei was impressed by the tenacity shown by the boy. His Spirit Ability wasn't too surprising but he was surprised by the mentality and determination shown by such a young boy. His calm judgment and quick reflexes were really impressive.

'This is the kind of person I was looking for the Assassination Department. Guess I have to save him if I want him to join the organisation. If he accepts then he can join the assassination department if not, well I can always find someone else.'

He decided to save this young boy from as he knew that boy could potentially become a great asset for his organization. Ryusei pulled out his cape and his mask and quickly wore them as he didn't want to expose his identity to whoever these people are.

He saw that the man acting as a bait had already grabbed the boy's arms while the other one grabbed his neck and was coldly staring at the Young Boy. He was still feeling pain from losing his arm and said furiously, "First you dare to steal our food and money and then you actually injured my brother. Killing you 100's of times won't be enough to satisfy me."

Ryusei heard his words and knew that it was useless to ask this man to leave the young boy and threw that idea out of his mind. He knew that he had to use force to save that boy.

Ryusei disappeared from the tree and was suddenly in front of the man by using his Lightning Flash, before the man could react, Ryusei punched him in the face. As his fist connected to the man's head, it exploded in a bloody gore painting the tree red behind him.

Both the boy and the other were terrified as their bodies trembled seeing such a bloody scene. They never expected someone to appear out of the blue and killed a Spirit Ancestor with a single blow.

The young boy turned vision towards his saviour, trying to see his face but he was meet with a pair of cold eyes that radiated immense pressure. For the first time in his life he felt powerless. It was as if he was ant in front of him.

The young boy felt that all his tricks were useless in front of Ryusei and he knew that Ryusei could kill him in a blink of an eye. The man acting as a bait tried to sneak attack Ryusei in anger but he got sliced in two by a Purple Lightning Blade and his blood flew like a fountain.

"Boy, state your name" asked Ryusei with a flat tone.

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