Lightning Dragon God Douluo: - A Douluo Dalu Fanfic

65 Information about Rongrong's Beas

Two days passed in a blink of an eye. In these two days, Ryusei taught basic Spirit Energy Control to Lin Yanluo and others while he kept monitoring their training. After two days, the cart carrying fruits returned and brought the info regarding suitable Spirit Beasts for Rongrong.

Ryusei went and received all the fruits, to check them for any information about a Spirit (Soul attack) type Beast for Rongrong. He specifically chose this type of Beast because he wanted her to support him by suppressing the enemy.

With her suppressing the enemies, it would be possible for him to fight against strong enemies or even an entry level Titled Douluo for a short period of time. Enough time to run away along with Rongrong, so it was a good idea to have the ability to restrict the opponent's power.

As he stepped in his room, he saw a excited Rongrong waiting for him impatiently. Her face was glowing with excitement to know about the Beast that was going to be her third Spirit Ring. Ryusei smiled at her cute appearance, then brought out all the fruits. They searched for a while until they found a slip containing info -

"Sir, I am in a small city near the Spirit Dou Forest and there is a rumour about a man hating Spirit Hall with a passion. He lives in seclusion. People said that 20 years ago, he fought against the Spirit Hall, killing many of their Spirit Masters and even a Titled Douluo, but was forced retreat because of serious injury and go into hiding. His name is Zhou Yu and it is said that he has a strong Dragon Type Spirit."

"But, sorry, I couldn't find any information about the beasts that you wanted me to find for you. I asked about this type of Beast but there was no info about such beasts around the area."

Ryusei smiled cheerfully as he thought about getting another strong ally other than Tang Hao. He knew that if he could recruit this person, then his organization would finally have someone with strong power.

If they were ever in danger, they would at least be able to protect themselves for some time against the enemies. He knew that the power of a single Titled Douluo was limited but if he called out for Tang Hao, then the power of two Douluo would be significantly stronger.

They would at least have chance to survive, but there was just a small problem. He didn't know about the location of Tang Hao or how to contact him.

He sighed disappointedly as he thought about how he would try to convince the man later and make him join the organization. He was in no rush because the man's hatred for the Spirit Hall won't just disappear in few days.

So, he would take his time to prepare himself to meet with him. Instead, he was actually thinking of having a 100,000-year-old-Spirit-Ring for his Azure Dragon's First Spirit Ring. He then continued and opened up another slip to read its contents.

"Sir, I am not able to find the information about Spirit Hall from near my area. But I have found some information about the place with Spirit (Soul) Type Beasts. That place is called the Absolute North. It has a creature known as Silver Ice Wolf King. It's about 1000 – 2000 years old and it is said to have good abilities. Also, there are 3 very powerful beasts residing there, they are known as the 3 Ice Emperors."

He was satisfied with the info, but he still checked all other slips just in case. But didn't find any other important information, so he stood up and looked towards Rongrong and said, "We have some information about a Spirit (Soul) type Spirit Beast. But we have to travel to the Absolute North for those Spirit Beasts. There will be many dangerous beasts so I think it would be a good idea for you to absorb those Spirit Bones I gave you."

Rongrong still hadn't absorbed the Spirit Bones till now because it was first present that Ryusei gave her, so she didn't want to use the Spirit Bones. But now with the situation at hand, she had no choice but to absorb them so he took them out of her Spatial Locket.

Two shiny Red Spirit Bones of Scarlet Lightning Fox appeared within her grasp. Ryusei looked at her hesitant look and said to her with a smile, "Don't worry, I can give you a better gift next time. So, let's start the fusing of these Spirit Bones alright. I will keep watch for you and interfere if anything goes wrong."

She smiled cheerfully, and nodded and started to absorb those beautiful Red Spirit Bones. Soon, her complexion changed as she grimaced in pain. The pain was caused due to her leg bones breaking down and fusing with Spirit Bones.

She bit her lips as she tried to not let even a single scream let out of her mouth and just continued to absorb the Spirit Bones. Ryusei held her hand to calm down her. He knew that the pain was most likely due to the Red Lightning Energy from the Spirit Bones.

He caressed her head and whispered gently trying to soothe her, "Just a little bit longer, take a deep breath and calm down, Rongrong. It wouldn't help if you panic at this stage because of pain." After hearing his gentle voice, Rongrong started to calm down.

After some time, a red lightning released from her Spirit Bones and shot towards Ryusei who seemed surprised by this Lightning. A new ability appeared in his mind, Magnetic Teleportation.

This ability allowed him to teleport to Rongrong no matter where she was. This was actually the second technique of his 6th Spirit Ring. It was just that it only revealed itself right now because there was no owner of those Spirit bones.

Now that there was an owner of those Spirit Bones, the lightning connected Ryusei by his Spirit Signature to that of Rongrong & her Spirit Signature and it would allow him to teleport to her. And if Ryusei absorbed those Spirit Bones then he would have gained a ability to teleport anywhere within 1000 metres radius.

It would have been a great escaping technique but now it was a life-saving technique with which he could save Rongrong or even himself. Because, he felt that if he was ever in a far away place or in a dangerous situation, then he could just teleport to her.

Nobody would be able to anticipate where he got teleported to. Ryusei then looked towards Rongrong who finally opened her eyes. She stood up as she realized that her legs were different than before. It was as if they had become more powerful than before, she felt as if she could run faster and nimbly just like a leopard.

She also got the same technique as that of Ryusei from her 100,000-year-old Spirit Bone. She was delighted as she knew that she could come to Ryusei and help him whenever she could. She happily threw herself in his arms and hugged him tightly and said, "Thanks Brother Tian, now I can always come to your side whenever you need me."

Ryusei hugged her back with a smile and said, "We'll always be together my princess." And he kissed her forehead as she blushed like a tomato.

Ryusei already anticipated that she would receive similar technique as it wouldn't work if only one of them had this technique. Then, Ryusei gently said, "We should pack some clothes as the Absolute North is too cold for humans. Even though I could use Spirit Energy to protect us from cold but it would affect us if we were to fight against some Beast."

Rongrong nodded and said, "I already have warm clothes for an Extreme cold. My father already prepared clothes all types of weathers. I believe it would be more than sufficient to survive in extreme cold."

Ryusei wasn't surprised as he knew that with Ning Fengzhi's love for his daughter, he would have surely prepared everything for her before she left. He then said, "Alright then, let's start our journey right away. I have already stored enough food for our journey as I knew that the place where we would find your Spirit Beast would be very far so I already made some preparations for that."

Indeed, in these 2 days, he went across various different food stores and bought everything in a small quantity. It was because it would seem too suspicious if a strange boy wanted to buy such a large amount of food.

He also went to a stable and bought two Sky Bull Horses. These horses had a horse head with bull horns and the lower body of an ox. They were generally stronger and a bit faster with greater stamina than ordinary horses.

Ryusei and Rongrong could reach the Absolute North in about a day without any breaks. And if they did take brakes, then it would take just a few more hours to reach the destination.

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