Lightning Dragon God Douluo: - A Douluo Dalu Fanfic

95 Searching for the beast Announcemen

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All three of them were ready to go out and get the Spirit Ring for Feng Cai'er from the Infernal Forest. Ryusei went to a nearby store and asked the shopkeeper for the way to the Infernal Forest.

Even though the shopkeeper was shocked that such a young boy was asking about the way to the Infernal Forest, the place of the Fire. It was incredibly mysterious and a very hot place, he didn't think that these kids would want to go to such a place

After getting the location, all three of them got out of the Town and after they were 5 kilometres away from it. Ryusei opened up his Phoenix Wings and held Rongrong in his arms.

Well, Feng Cai'er did hug him as she pleaded, "Take me with you too Big Brother…" Ryusei straight out rejected it, "No. you got your own wings. Use them…" Feng Cai'er puffed her face with air as she thought 'I shouldn't have taken these wings. I should have given them to Sister Rongrong…'

Ryusei didn't fall for that face, he started to use the Phoenix Wings and fly in the air with Rongrong in his arms. Rongrong had a blush on her face as she was quite close to Ryusei and his scent entered her nose.

Even though she had flown together with him while going to the Heavenly Dragon Forest, Feng Cai'er was still with them and it mixed up their scents. She put her head on his shoulder as she asked him in an extremely soft voice, "Brother Tian, how do you think Brother Mubai and the others are doing?"

Ryusei's mind went back to the Shrek Devils as he was wondering just what they were doing right now. He was very relaxed about leaving them to Yu Xiaogang, his intelligence was not to be undermined.

He even said to her, "They should all be fine and must be training for the competition of the year. I am excited to see how strong they can become. Will they reach the Spirit King or Spirit Emperor?"

Even though he had observed Yu Xiaogang for a very short period of time, he knew that the man was intelligent enough to not let anything happen to the Shrek Devils. While he and Rongrong were talking to each other, Feng Cai'er was following them with a sour expression on her face.

She was jealous of Rongrong and her expression easily told about her feelings. Rongrong turned back towards Feng Cai'er as she didn't want her to be left behind, she saw the sour expression on her face.

She knew that Feng Cai'er also wanted to talk with Ryusei, she also wanted to be with him. She didn't know why her feelings towards Ryusei were so strong, it was like she wouldn't be able to live without having him beside her.

She knew that she had to ask about it in detail from Ryusei later, for now, she requested him, "Brother Tian, why don't you slow down your speed a bit! It looks like Feng Cai'er also wants to be with you and not just follow us from behind."

Ryusei nodded and slowed down his speed as he let Feng Cai'er fly next to him. Feng Cai'er was flying with a sour expression that she suddenly saw Ryusei's speed slowing down, she quickly grabbed that chance and increased her speed as she flew next to Ryusei.

She looked towards him and saw Rongrong giving her a thumbs up, she was happy to know that Rongrong was willing to help her. She felt stupid to be jealous of her right now…She didn't talk to Ryusei for the whole journey.

Just by being beside him, she felt strangely comfortable, and also a strange sense of security. She remembered the scene where he was surrounded by the Azure Blue Fire all around him and he saved her from the Dark Essence.

She couldn't get that image out of her head as she started stealing glances at him. Ryusei also turned towards Feng Cai'er and smiled and urged her, "Alright, let's pick up the speed, shall we?"

Feng Cai'er nodded as she could still fly a bit faster if she tried, Ryusei observed her full speed and adjusted his speed so that he would be flying next to her. It took them 6 hours to reach the Infernal Forest.

As they reached near the Infernal Forest, the air around them started to get lighter and a hot aura was spreading in the air. Ryusei, Rongrong and Feng Cai'er didn't feel a tiny bit uncomfortable in this environment.

Instead, Feng Cai'er felt strangely comfortable, she was in reality a Fire Phoenix, she was like a Queen in this place. If she had her original appearance then all the beasts in this place would have gone on their knees.

They stayed in the outer area as this area, it was because there was a smaller chance of encountering the Infernal Flame Owl. Even though Ryusei could suppress Feng Cai'er's beastly aura but it would be impossible to suppress it when he was standing in front of the Infernal Flame Owl.

All three of them landed and started to search for the Beast for Feng Cai'er. Ryusei didn't know her abilities as he never asked her but he guessed that the phoenix must not have given her a Defensive Ability.

They must be about the Fire Element, Speed and some kind of Power up. So, he knew that the most important thing that she should have was Defence right now. He searched for some time with his Spirit Spy ability of the Mirage Eyes and finally saw something.

It was just 100 metres away from them, a Flaming Armoured Ox Beast. It was about 35,000 years old Spirit Beast. A strong Spirit Beast with a great Spiritual and the Fleshly Defence.

Its Attack was also very good and had two horns on top of its face that were incredibly pointy. Ryusei and the others reached near the Beast, he turned towards Feng Cai'er and recommended her, "Alright Cai'er, this will be your fight. You have to win this and get your Spirit Ring."

Feng Cai'er was a bit scared, she had never really fought against anyone and observing the intimidating appearance of the Flaming Armoured Ox, she didn't think she could fight against such a Beast.

Rongrong saw her hesitating and reached near her ear and whispered something, Ryusei blushed deep red as he heard her whisper due to his Enhanced Senses. Rongrong had whispered, "If you kill that Beast, then I will ask Brother Tian to give you a kiss."

Her words made Ryusei blush up but it caused Feng Cai'er to be excited that Fire started to burn in her eyes, she wanted to be sure so she double checked, "Really!?" Rongrong nodded her head, "Of course, now go."

Ryusei was a bit uncomfortable, he seriously didn't understand as to why Rongrong wanted him to love Feng Cai'er too. He had thought that she would see her as a Rival to her love or what else but here she was seeing her as a sister.

'Was the multiple wives thing common in the Big Clans? No, it shouldn't be. I have only heard of an Emperor having harems, no Clan leader has a harem. Well, I shouldn't think about this…right now, I need to concentrate on her fight and know about her abilities.' He thought while observing the Beast and Feng Cai'er's fight.

Well, it wasn't right to say that it was a fight because Feng Cai'er finished it in a single move with her second ability: Heavenly Wrath of a Sun! It created a Large Sun in the middle of the Infernal Forest that it was visible from very far away.

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