She knew

In the first place, this started out of consideration of Meia-sama’s life.

shudve just let her die

As master’s servant, this lie began from a desire the preserve the life of master’s younger sister, Meia-sama. And that will end today. Nanaki cannot even begin to imagine what kind of scolding awaits me, but I must atone for the length of time I have lied to her. Just once, let me have the resolve to accept everything.

be at peace~

Nanaki will affirm the world, Mother.

…please be more selective

With this promise in my heart and bearing this oath. In order to keep progressing forward. If I think about it, a long time has passed since that day when I was chased by the world, during that time I have had many encounters and learnt many thing. Even if I am still unable to cut my connections with the Empire, I have changed enough to accept that. That’s why advance, Nanaki, with pride.

no point though….

“I have something to discuss, Meia-sama.”

“Nanaki? Oh my, Onii-sama returned too?”


Is her expression calm? Mood seems good. That’s unrelated, Nanaki has long since resolved myself. This is not something I can escape from due to fear. Because this is necessary to be able to continue begin proud of myself.

it is kinda obv

“And so? What do you want to discuss?”

Meia is not stupid

How should I say this? There is no need to even think that. This prideful Nanaki does not like roundabout means. That is the thinking of the weak. It is not fitting for this Nanaki. The strong have the strong’s method of doing things. The strong’s method of living. Yes, I am Nanaki, tricks are unnecessary. Nanaki will go straight to the point.

she def noticed alr

“I am——Lightning Empress Nanaki.”

question is

I spoke only the truth.

does this elevate Nanaki?

The detailed explanation can wait. Right now I must clear up this lie as quickly as possible. Is this not what it means to be sincere? Nanaki likes Meia-sama. She is blessed with talent and is smart as well. She understands Nanaki well. Most of all, she is also a strong person.

from a rabbit

So, I want to treat her with the utmost respect. This is what it means to——

to human?

“I already know though.”


Shock. An unexpected acknowledgment.

what’s so surprising

Shitteta(you know)? Hahaha, how capable.


Like this is the place to say that.

not much else to say though

“I already know though?”

earth to Nanaki

Earth-shaking, this is what it means to never be able to know what comes tomonanaki. A second reply for the frozen Nanaki. For now I need to say something. Get yourself together Nanaki, aren’t you a special human?

special notequal smart though


“Did you think I wouldn’t notice with you moving around with that much lightning zapping around?”


“It’s also weird that outsiders call you Nana. Did you think I wouldn’t notice that?”


“Did you think I wouldn’t have suspicions towards the maid who drove off the Five Emperors during the Aina Aina incident?’


yep, so much evidence

Nanaki is an honest person, please praise me Mother. Master would be fine too.

yes yes master, praise Nanaki

“Heh. Is that because you are stupid? Or did you think that I was stupid so I would not realise?”

….yes and no

Ah, actually, please save me Mother. Praise can be left for next time.

there is no saving you

In an instant, a dark aura covered Meia-sama. I would like the aid of the Onii-sama she loves to much in order to escape this situation. Please save me, my master.

yes, drag him into it

“No, er……hey, master?”


Turn around and reinforcement nanakismile. Shine, Nanaki’s smile, my master, help desu.

(T/N: ヘルプです<– help desu)

“Where are you looking while talking to someone?”

dont turn your back on the opponent

No reinforcements.

ofc not

Namely, he is heartless. What is a master-servant bond? Questionanaki. When did master learn the vanishing body trick? Isn’t that amazing damn it.

nanaki borke



clam down and nanaki

Without even being given time to lament the betrayal, I have to face the Meia-sama driven by anger. How did it become like this.


“And so? I have not heard your answer yet though?”

nanaki wa baka dasu!

I thought you were air-headed. If I said that, what would happen to Nanaki? I don’t have much time, even as I worry like this, Meia-sama’s beautiful sapphire eyes are becoming pitch black. When this blue becomes completely dyed with black, Nanaki would probably meet a horrible fate.

make a choice fast

But I must say it.

even with this danger?

If I once again lie because I lose to this fear, that is weakness. I came here because I wanted to atone for my lies. Then there is no choice but to accept it. Nanaki made a master-servant oath with master. Then I must also dedicate my loyalty to his younger sister, Meia-sama.

….fair enough

With utmost respect and loyalty. Even if I am punished, I will aim for that.

is respect and loyalty wortht hat much…

“My apologies, Meia-sama!”

pare you really

Lies are disrespectful, the truth is Nanaki’s respect. Nanaki has seen the truth of servants. Look closely, this is the sincerity of the prideful Nanaki.


“I thought you were air-hea—–ooowwwww!?”




“Remember this Nanaki. I hate being treated like an idiot.”


Yes ma’am. I will take this agony as a warning. I bowed mentally as I writhed on the ground.


“And so, why did you come to reveal your own identity?”

“Please have a look at this.”

Envy’s letter

Each of us likely have things we want to ask. What, why, since when. But right now there are things that must be done first. Meia-sama is a smart person, when she read the letter my older sister wrote, her expression was dignified. That is my master’s younger sister. Elegant.

maybe smarter than maser?’

“I see. As expected of the Empire, even if I became an imperial magician I would not have arrived at science.”

“Yes. That is why I chose to stop hiding it and came to discuss it directly.”

“So you revealed your identity because it was going to be exposed there. Rest assured, everyone probably knows.”

“It can’t be.”

…even I dont think so

I’m not sure about that. At the very least, Shiel-sama shouldn’t know, Vilmott Arkahn and Akiha-san don’t seem to have recognised Nanaki as Lightning Empress Nanaki either. It’s not conclusive to confirm that Nanaki is Nanaki unless you can see Friend.

Nazgul is a spoiler

And so this time in the case of Meia-sama, I can’t completely throw away the possibility of her just bluffing.


“Whether it can’t be or can, that thing always behind you, that’s a god right?”


Wait a moment.


“…………you can see him?”

“I can’t seem him now.”



what’s going on

When I turned around, Friend was shaking his head with a serious look. Then is this because of Meia-sama’s disposition? I can’t believe her disposition was of this leve——

can’t be right?

“I can see him occasionally. Like when Nanaki fails as something.”


Oh my oh my.

well then

Friend, could you have been materialising on your own? This friend that rampaged during the god world war has the strength to materialise independently even when connected to a human. He is a monster with that much power. Like when he materilised and caused a lightning strike the day Nanaki came to Freyline.

oh yeah

Well, thanks to that I met master though.

alls well that ends well

But this and that are different matters. What was it, were you so happy when Nanaki failed that you unintentionally materialised? Was it fun? Then how often did you materialise? Nanaki is a special existence so I don’t remember failing that much, but it seems you materialised enough for Meia-sama to call it occasionally.

so every time Nanaki tried cooking?


why the da…

Even Nanaki has to sigh at this. Certainly, you are Nanaki’s friend so I have no intention of forcing you to not materialise. But wouldn’t it have been better to consider Nanaki’s situation a little? What to do, should you just materialise and introduce yourself? Nanaki also hasn’t heard your voice in a while, so it’s fine to speak.

come Nazgul

Friend snorted and went off somewhere. As human-hating as ever.

ah well

“It seems you finished talking.”


Only at this time does master return. I shot carrots from my eyes are master as he appeared speaking brazenly. I sent a stare of protest at that nonchalant face. Reach master, nanakieye of love, anger and sorrow.


“And with that, Meia.”


Eh, at this timing?

he deserves it

“I’m sorry if you can’t become an imperial magi——Guo!?”


A terrifyingly fast carrot, if you were not Nanaki, you would lose sight of it. Punishment has been handed down for evacuating only himself to a safe place. Nanaki is lenient, with Meia-sama’s attack, I shall ignore master’s betrayal. As expected of Nanaki, a model maid.

…nanaki should punchi him too

With that decided, help master up. And I will also warn her.

eyes are bad

“That was not good, mast——dou!?”

even for Nanaki

Nanaki too!?

the end


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