Chapter 102 The King of Darkness One by One Extraordinary Panther (Fifth)

Mutant beasts are mostly ugly or huge.

But, there are always some exceptions.

It’s like a mutant beast not far from Liu Zimo.

He quietly lay on a thick tree that stretched out, his body as soft as a snake pressed close to the trunk, and his black claws made a pose ready to pounce on the giant tree at any time.

Now the trees are no better than before.

Under the nourishment of aura, most trees are getting taller and thicker.

A few giant trees can even carry the body of a giant beast.

In front of him, this giant tree is like this.

However, Liu Zimo’s gaze stayed on this mutant beast.

The fashionable body is very beautiful.

The body shape is more robust and powerful.

Black hair like silk and satin, draped on the body,

A hairy, thick and fluffy tail that looks extremely slender, swaying constantly behind its back.

This is a black panther,

A mutant black panther.

As the leader among all the beasts, the Panther does have both power and beauty.

And now, after this black panther mutated, it seemed to have become the embodiment of strength and beauty.


Amidst the deep roar of the beast, there was a kind of indescribable laziness, as if stretched out.

However, if there is no such thing, the terrible aura that comes out is still uncontrollable.

This is the extraordinary black panther.

A very terrifying and extraordinary black panther.

That’s why Liu Zimo came to her.

If Wang Yuyan can really control this extraordinary black panther, then the entire office will have one more terrifying combat power.

So, there is no need to hesitate,

“Four Nine Zero”

Without hesitation, Liu Zimo took the shot.


The acceleration in an instant was like a burst of purple electricity breaking through the air, and the terrifying aura suddenly spurted up.

At this time, in the distance, the Extraordinary Panther seemed to be aware of something, and a humanized vigilance flashed in the depths of his eyes.

“Roar ”

Just hearing a scream, she was utterly lazy, and she suddenly shook.

At the same time, a very terrifying breath also broke out.

Dark and oppressive.

Visible to the naked eye, the surrounding sky seemed to be dimmed.

[Elemental Talent-Darkness: able to control darkness, able to converge aura, melt into darkness, and even control the power of darkness]

In the simple introduction, it is the terrible way of an elemental talent is exhausted.

And at this moment,

“Roar ”

In the deep roar, the far-reaching extraordinary black panther suddenly opened his mouth.

A gleam of light was locked in the throat.

Subconsciously, Liu Zimo pulled away violently and dodged extremely quickly.

However, at this moment.


Amid the sudden roar, a basketball-sized ball of dark energy spurted out of this extraordinary black panther’s mouth.

It fell in the position before Liu Zimo.


Amidst the roar again, there was no terrible momentum as imagined, but Liu Zimo’s pupils couldn’t help but shrink.

Just because, at this moment, Liu Zimo’s previous location was actually a huge hole three to four meters deep.


It is scary.

Terrible erosion from the darkness. It’s really shocking.

However, this is interesting.

With a smile, Liu Zimo no longer concealed it.

“Kacha, Kacha”

Countless dense electric arcs spouted out of his body, and his whole person turned into a king of thunder, killing towards the extraordinary black panther.

“what ”

Suddenly, the heart-palpiting black shadow flashed away, and Liu Zimo’s face changed slightly.

“So fast.”

With a shock in his heart, the thunder mans surrounding Liu Zimo entangled his body.

This is the activation of the Lightning Style armor.

Accompanied by it is the lightning speed mode of the armor of Lightning Style, and the speed of nerve reflexes is slightly strengthened.

Liu Zimo suddenly caught the black panther.

“Thunder Dragon’s iron fist.”

Suddenly shouting, Liu Zimo punched out.


Like a snake but not a snake, like a dragon and not a dragon, the thunder light that entangled the thunder and lightning spit fiercely, slamming towards the extraordinary black panther.

Immediately after,


Accompanied by a very terrifying roar, amidst the terrifying wailing of the extraordinary black panther, his whole person flew out under the thunder light.


Completely confused.

A hint of doubt flashed in the eyes of the Extraordinary Black Panther, which was as huge as a copper bell.


Why is this tiny human being able to keep up with his speed and even able to fight back?

Some doubts, but more anger.

The rage from an extraordinary creature.

“Roar, roar, roar…”

In the continuous roar, the naked eye can see that countless dark air currents actually rose from his limbs.

At the same time, the fluctuation of his whole person’s breath is constantly declining.

This is, it’s still setting sun,

If this is changed to night, I am afraid that even her figure will be difficult to capture.

It’s not a joke to escape into the darkness.

And this is indeed a mutant beast living in the dark.

It is the true king of darkness.


In the roar again, a black streamer suddenly hit from a distance.

At the same time, a very strong elemental fluctuation also broke out.

It was visible to the naked eye that countless darkness was turned into several meters-long claws, tearing away at Liu Zimo fiercely.

[Dark claws-control the power of the dark elements, follow the claws and follow the trend, enough to tear everything. 】

Very terrible single skill.

However, compared to skills, Liu Zimo has never been weaker than others.


Just like Chidori’s neighing, the bright thunder light burst out in an instant.


Accompanied by a terrible roar, purple thunder light and pitch black darkness seemed to divide the sky in two.

But at this moment,

“Chidori-Sharp Gun”

In the sudden yelling, Liu Zimo’s thunder light actually took advantage of the trend, turned into a tone spear, and pierced out of the dark posture.


Just heard a crisp sound, the extraordinary black panther’s body shook sharply,

Accompanied by it was a very sad wailing, resounding through the sky.

But this is not the end,

“what ”

With his body breaking through the air, Liu Zimo suddenly rushed towards the extraordinary black panther.

“Boom, boom…”

In the roar after another, Liu Zimo’s fist was like a shooting star, constantly smashing.

Extraordinary creatures are no better than those low-level mutant beasts.

Their bodies are strong, and their strength is extremely extraordinary.

Therefore, if Wang Yuyan wanted to control, Liu Zimo had to take action and severely wound him, even on the verge of death.

Only in this way can it be possible to manipulate.

Yes, it is possible.

Specifically, Liu Zimo was also uncertain.

However, according to what he thought, there should be no surprises.

“Although extraordinary creatures are powerful, they have just conceived their intelligence, and they may not be as strong as ordinary people in terms of spirit or soul power.”

“And they can control their bodies, so Wang Yuyan, who has a much stronger soul than them, can definitely.

While muttering in his heart, Liu Zimo’s spiritual power exploded again.

The dazzling thunder light suddenly drowned the extraordinary black panther.

Time passed slowly, and half an hour passed in a blink of an eye.

And at this moment,


In the screaming cry, not far away, an extraordinary black panther that was thirty meters long and a circle larger than the ordinary black panther was also trembling and propped up its body.

However, without taking her up again,

Her limbs were soft and fell to the ground again.

But at this moment, a pair of eyes that looked like black gems slowly opened.

It’s not as scarlet and tyrannical as before.

Instead, it flashes with a humanized color.

Moreover, it seemed that there was no adaptation. This extraordinary black panther was constantly shaking his head and roaring from time to time.

“It hurts, the bones all over my body seem to fall apart.”

Among some delicate voices, Yu Yan’s voice also echoed in the air.

“you succeeded?”

Liu Zimo’s eyes widened, and Liu Zimo, who was on guard from a distance, was also a little surprised.


It can be seen with the naked eye that the extraordinary black panther in the distance nodded humanely, and then there was a very humane smile on his face:

“Brother Lei Long, I succeeded.

Amidst the triumphant laughter, Wang Yuyan also stood up like a little girl who wanted to wait for praise

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