Chapter 140 The lightning that shook the world (fourth more)

Time passed slowly, and several days passed in a blink of an eye.

In the past few days, Liu Zimo turned into a black robe from time to time at night, going outside to make trouble.

Of course, he is more just hunting mutant beasts.

Familiarize yourself with the power of space by the way.

However, it is worth mentioning that in the past few days, Shan Hun also took the five newcomers from the office to the wild.

Started the experience that belongs to them alone.

As for Tornado, Ani and the others, they are extremely talented, and they are also young, so they are not suitable for experience.

“When I have time in the future, I will personally take them out to practice.

With a smile, Liu Zimo was also sitting in a position by the window of the base and started drinking afternoon tea.

Although cultivation is daily.

But rest is also essential.

And this occasional afternoon tea is a rare break for him.

But, at this time,

“Master Thunder Dragon, outside, there is a person who claims to be’Silver Spike’ who wants to see you.”

“It seems to be accompanied by the director of the Hangzhou Spiritual Power Administration.”

Listening quietly, Liu Zimo was also a little surprised.

Silver wolf teeth?

The director of the General Administration of Spiritual Power?

How come these people suddenly come.

Liu Zimo is quite familiar with the director of the General Administration of Spiritual Power.

There have been several fate.

But the Silver Spike, Liu Zimo can only say he has heard it.

I heard that it was the Taishan Beidou of the martial arts world in the old days.

But after the aura recovered, he went one step further, set foot on the innate, and returned to the prime of life,

The strength of a suit is extremely terrifying.

He has performed well in several battles between the beast tides.

Did not expect this Jing is to come to him.

With a smile in his heart, Liu Zimo also ordered the secretary team to prepare to meet

And just after this, a reception living room of the base.

A dozen figures are already sitting together.

Naturally, Liu Zimo is in the first place.

“The Chief Director, it’s been a long time… I will replace the wine with tea first, to you.”

With that said, Liu Zimo also held up his teacup facing the old man not far away.

“Hahaha, you kid, I haven’t seen you for a few days, and it feels like 520 is a lot of horror.”

In the soft sigh, the director of the Hangzhou Spiritual Power Bureau said bluntly:

“However, I am not the protagonist today. It is this senior wolffang who wants to visit you.”

“For Senior Langya, you may be unfamiliar, but before the aura recovers, he is already the Taishan Beidou of the martial arts world, and his strength is very terrifying.”

Listening quietly, Liu Zimo’s gaze also looked at the figure not far away.

This is a silver-haired old man.

However, it is different from the average elderly.

His back is not very rickety.

On the contrary, some are tall and straight, like a pine, extremely straight.

And although his body looks petite, but he has an indescribable power.

It feels extremely dangerous.

“Well fangs”

In the soft whisper, Liu Zimo’s eyes condensed slightly.

“Ding, no ability talent detected”

Among the unexpected voices, Liu Zimo also knew it.

It seems that this old man is really accomplished in martial arts.

Purely practicing martial arts, now

With a smile in his heart, Liu Zimo also bowed his hand, politely said:

“Senior Langya, I’ve been admiring a big name for a long time.”

“My old man, it’s been a long time since I heard your name. I saw it today and it was extraordinary.”

In the very polite voice, the gaze of Silver Wolf Fang looking at Liu Zimo also showed an unspeakable dignity.

Worthy of being the legendary Tianjiao.

Really scary.

There are dense purple lightning all around,

Like a god of thunder,

It stands quietly, but it gives people a feeling of not being angry or prestigious.

What’s more terrifying is that his aura is clearly restrained, but from time to time a purple arc erupts, and the air is still frozen.

The air was filled with a terrible sense of oppression.

“This guy may be even scarier than the rumors.”

In shock, Silver Spike also glanced at many old friends, all seeing the color of vibration in the depths of the eyes.

These old guys are all practicing martial arts.

For strong cognition, it is even more accurate.

And even if they are separated from their aura, they (ahfe) can faintly perceive the horror of Thunder Dragon.

However, at this time, a burly figure suddenly walked out.

This is an old friend of Silver Spike, a warrior who barely set foot on the innate, that is, an extraordinary first-order warrior.

And now…

With his mouth open, he also looked at Liu Zimo and smiled:

“I heard the name of Thunder Dragon for a long time, but those of us who are practicing martial arts don’t have so many corners.

Speaking of this, this burly man also clenched his fists and made a sound of bone humming.

Fighting or something, he likes it best.

Moreover, the tiger boxing he cultivated can only grow faster in actual combat.


“Let’s learn from each other.”

In the soft whisper, Liu Zimo’s face also showed a look of interest.

He also likes to learn from each other very much.

Isn’t there a saying that is good?

Fighting with people is full of fun.

Being able to compete with these martial artists is also a kind of polishing for Liu Zimo.


Slowly raising his eyes, Liu Zimo also glanced at the figure not far away.

“I see, Lord Thunder Dragon.

In the soft response, the secretary Liu Yayu was also the first time, rushed to a short distance, ready to open the martial arts training ground.

Today’s base, with the strong support of the Lingli Bureau and the military, is extremely complete in all aspects.

There are also martial arts training grounds dedicated to martial arts.

It was a huge field comparable to a small football field.

The surrounding area is completely enclosed by special glass.

Although it cannot completely isolate all kinds of terrible attacks, it can also greatly limit the spread of aftermath.

And now…

Under the leadership of the secretary Liu Yayu, they also walked towards the martial arts field.

“How long do you think the tiger can last in the hands of Thunder Dragon?”

“I think it should be there for a minute. Tiger punches are still very fierce. I heard that this guy raised a mutant tiger himself in order to practice tiger punches…”

“Squirt, this guy is really cruel.”

In the continuous discussion, many figures also showed expectations.

Tiger, among many warriors, is not weak.

It’s definitely not weak.

Tiger Fist is fierce and domineering, and with Tiger’s fierce temperament, it can be said to be a match made in heaven.

And now, this one is challenging Thunder Dragon.

I have to say that many strong people are looking forward to it.

Even though it was the silver wolf fangs, his eyes were hot, revealing a look of interest.

At this time, Liu Zimo also smiled after listening to everyone’s discussion.

“Maybe, everyone doesn’t have a deep understanding of the power of Transcendent Second Tier.”

Muttering in his heart, Liu Zimo also knew that most martial artists had a vague understanding of Transcendent Second Order.

And, more importantly, Liu Zimo is not a general extraordinary second-order.

The corners of his mouth curled up slightly, Liu Zimo also felt that something needed to be revealed

Not long after this, a dozen people were looking forward to it. Liu Zimo and this warrior named “Tiger” also stood opposite each other in a huge square.


Taking a deep breath, the tiger was also a little nervous.

Although Thunder Dragon is very young, the name is not a joke.

**, one of the six general candidates.

Moreover, from some videos, it is also possible to see this horror beyond imagination.

Therefore, even the tiger is a little nervous.

However, this is exciting.

After licking the corner of his mouth, the tiger also claws with both hands, like a tiger.

“I have practiced Tiger Boxing for eighteen years. If it weren’t for my aura recovery, I’m afraid I’m doing miscellaneous tasks in a fighting club.”

“It can be said that Tiger Boxing is everything to me…”

Speaking loudly, Tiger also told a lot of his deeds.

This is to embolden yourself,

It is to enhance one’s own momentum.

I saw that his whole body was slightly bowed,

“Roar ”

Amidst the sudden roar, there was a phantom tiger that kept overlapping with him.

And this is today’s Xingyiquan.

Repairing its shape, concentrating its mind, and finally controlling the animal shape, the combat power is amazing.

Listening quietly to what the tiger said, the corners of Liu Zimo’s mouth were slightly tilted, and a subtle arc was lifted.

“Is this a declaration before the battle?”

With a smile, Liu Zimo didn’t know if others would introduce themselves like this.

However, he doesn’t mind learning it.

“I, stepped into the extraordinary for more than two years to take charge of Thunder”

In a simple sentence, a thunder fell from the sky.


Hearing a roar, the bright purple electric light and Liu Zimo’s figure complement each other.

at the same time,


Focusing on the place where Liu Zimo was, there was a terrible hurricane.

That is imposing,

Substantial momentum.

But, more than that.


There was another roar, as if it sounded in the hearts of all the strong, an unimaginable oppression actually broke out.

The air seems to be condensed,

One after another strong breath can not help but freeze.

“This is?”

“How is it possible? This momentum.

“What are you kidding about, this is really the momentum that people can explode.”

Exclaiming after another, even the expression of Silver Wolffang’s face changed drastically.

At this time, if you look behind him, there are many people who are unsteady.

It’s like a flat boat in the storm, which makes the heart tremble.

Not everyone is on the transcendent level.

And this time, among the powerhouses who came here, there were only three extraordinary first-order warriors.

Therefore, amidst Liu Zimo’s sudden eruption of domineering aggressiveness, the others were somewhat unbearable.

“This is the extraordinary second-order.”

In the stunned, the silver silver teeth are faintly dripping sweat on his forehead.

Since setting foot on the Transcendent level, he has rarely been so frightened.

But now, I have to say that he is a little panicked.

Not only him, but even facing Liu Zimo, the vigorous tiger couldn’t help but let out a mournful cry.


And at the moment when the screams sounded, the phantom tiger condensed behind him suddenly collapsed.

But this is still, Liu Zimo has reduced his momentum.

If it all broke out, this tiger might fly upside down.

Liu Zimo’s aura, but already materialized, can truly shake the earth and even the sky.

This is also conceivable, how terrifying his aura is.

However at this moment,


During the sudden violent drink, the tiger gritted his teeth and rushed towards Liu Zimo.

As a warrior, you will never retreat in a hundred battles.

Perhaps those with other abilities, under Liu Zimo’s momentum, will lose the courage to shoot.

But he won’t,

He is a warrior.

Even if he felt that Liu Zimo was terrifying to the extreme, he would not back down.

And this is the warrior.

They who practice martial arts all the year round have far more willpower than ordinary people.


With a sudden roar, the tiger made a fierce punch and came towards Liu Zimo’s cheek.

This punch, like a tiger descending the mountain, raised its claws, as if to tear everything apart.

But at this time, Liu Zimo laughed.

This punch, the spiritual power is restrained,

Different from ordinary transcendents.

Warriors call spiritual power internal power,

And internal force, of course, is operating within.

Therefore, most of their spiritual power circulates inside the body, while the external seldom adheres to the internal force.

And what does this mean…

Without a narrow fist, he can really hit Liu Zimo.

“I admire your courage to take action, but it’s not enough.”

While speaking very calmly, Liu Zimo just watched the punch hit his face.

“What is he doing?”

“Can’t even resist? This is too arrogant.”

“This Thunder Dragon”

Many warriors were also shocked by the repeated shocks.

What’s more, there was a touch of anger on his face.

It’s just because Liu Zimo’s behavior is too despised.

However, at the next moment, their eyes were frozen.


In the sound of thunder like Chidori, the tiger’s punch actually passed through Liu Zimo’s cheek, bringing out a series of electric lights

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