Chapter 144 Towards the invincible Thunder Dragon (third more)

“Really left”

Looking at the mutant giant crocodile that was gradually disappearing from the field of vision, and was about to flood into the yellow river, one after another extraordinary creatures were unwilling.


After such devastating destruction, he left unscathed.

This is an insult to the entire city.

As for the injuries Qianjinnan caused him before, to be honest, with the terrifying resilience of the extraordinary second-order mutant giant crocodile, I am afraid that it has already recovered.

So it is unharmed, and the problem is not big.

However, at this moment, no one knew, a figure stood quietly in the sky.

He has a slender figure,

There was an arc of a smile at the corner of his mouth.

And now, his gaze has crossed a kilometer and landed on the mutant giant crocodile on the ground.

“An extraordinary second-order mutant giant”

Smashing his mouth, Liu Zimo looked at this mutant giant crocodile, also showing a look of interest.

Hope this mutant giant crocodile will not let him down.

With this in mind, Liu Zimo also slowly raised his right hand.

“Crack, click…”

With a roar after another, the endless thunder light actually gathered in his hands.

From a distance, like thunder from the sky, pouring into his hands.

But at this time, it seemed as if he had sensed something, the countless extraordinary people in the city were stunned.

“what is that?”

“Look, there seems to be a person in the sky.”

“Lightning, how can there be lightning?”

“This lightning is still purple, shouldn’t it be?”

With exclamations after another, individual figures were already faintly aware of something, and there was a touch of ecstasy on their faces.

“Thunder Dragon, it’s Lord Thunder Dragon.”

“It’s really him.

In the repeated exclaims, countless people were shocked.

And at the next moment…


Hearing a roar, a thunder light tens of meters long, falling from nine days, was like a purple thunder dragon, rushing down, pointing directly at the mutant giant crocodile on the earth.


Sudden roar, the earth quaked,

An unimaginable explosion, set off at the end of the earth.


The terrible wind and waves are all rolled back in the sky and the earth,

From a distance, the shock waves spread from circle to circle.


I can’t even imagine it.

But this is not the end.

“Roar ”

Amidst the screaming screams, on the ground raging by thunder, there was an earth-yellow beam of light rising into the sky.

“interesting ”

With a chuckle, Liu Zimo didn’t expect that this mutant giant crocodile could take the initiative to fight back.

However, this is interesting…

“In that case… Then taste the more terrifying thunder light.

While speaking softly, Liu Zimo also sacrificed a coin.

The coins fluttered at the fingertips,

There is arc flashing.

From a distance, it was like lightning dancing at Liu Zimo’s fingertips.

“Super Electromagnetic Gun”

In the soft murmur, Liu Zimo’s gaze was filled with purple thunder light.


Hearing a roar, an orange-red laser rushed towards the khaki beam of light.

This is a super-electromagnetic gun.

Unlike the general Thunder, the super-electromagnetic gun uses its own electromagnetic force to correct the flight trajectory and can continuously accelerate before hitting the target.

As for its attack distance, it depends on the hardness of the coin.

Ordinary coins, due to the high temperature generated by friction with the air, will begin to melt after fifty meters.

But the coin in Liu Zimo’s hand is different.

This is forged by spirit iron.

The spirit iron is the iron ore that contains spiritual power.

Compared with ordinary iron ore, ling iron ore is harder and can withstand the impact of spiritual power greatly.

Therefore, Liu Zimo’s super-electromagnetic gun is far, far away.

“Ah. ~”

The terrible speed left many afterimages in the sky. The orange-red beam was like a laser, tearing the atmosphere, and hitting the khaki beam straight.


Accompanied by a terrible roar

In countless people’s horrified gazes, that seemingly tiny orange-red light beam actually collided with the khaki light beam.

It’s just that there is no explosion as ordinary people imagine, as well as Naruto.

Some are just indomitable.

The orange-red light beam with the thick arm actually tore the entire ocher beam, piercing away at a more terrifying speed.


In the roar again, the body of the mutant giant crocodile above the earth was shocked.

A blood hole with a thick bowl had already surfaced on his body.

“My God, is this Thunder Dragon?”

“Is this an anti-wave? The legendary anti-wave? But since ancient times, the left has won against the wave. This time Thunder Dragon actually won on the right.”

“You guy, still win against Bo’s left? You don’t want to think about how terrifying the Lord Thunder Dragon is.

Excited after another, countless people were shocked.

too strong,

It’s really too strong.

Although it only took two shots, the unspeakable dominance still shocked everyone.

You know, they gathered the power of a small city, but they didn’t cause too much injury to this mutant giant crocodile.

But now, just two shots, it seems that this time the mutant giant crocodile has been hit hard.

From afar, countless people can hear the extremely scream of this mutant giant crocodile.

“Roar, roar…”

One after another, there was a kind of indescribable tragic and vigorous.

But this is just the beginning

Just because, at this time, Liu Zimo, who is high in the sky, has slowly fallen…

He has a slender figure.

Eyes calm,

Practicing around the purple arc.

And now, slowly raising his finger, there was a ray of electric light on his fingertip, Liu Zimo also looked not far away, his body has a huge, partially scorched figure.

“Come on, let me see your strength.

While speaking softly, Liu Zimo also had some expectations.

He was expecting that this mutant giant crocodile had the power of a battle.

“Roar ”

In the sudden roar, the mutant giant crocodile not far away slowly propped up its body.

His ocher pupils are bloody,

With a pair of eyes, he looked at a figure not far away from him a hundred meters away.

It’s this guy who hurt him.

Repeatedly hurt.

“Roar, roar”

In the continuous roar, this mutant giant crocodile stepped away from its short legs and rushed towards Liu Zimo.

The tail behind, swayed gently.

“what ”

Just hearing a blast, the air seemed to tear, and the tail, like a steel whip, was already drew towards Liu Zimo fiercely.

But, at the next moment,


Suddenly, lightning pierced the air, and Liu Zimo’s figure also appeared in another direction.

“Not enough, little guy, your speed is too slow.

While whispering softly, Liu Zimo also raised his finger.


Hearing only a crisp sound, an electric light with a thick thumb had fallen on the body of the mutant giant crocodile.

There is no harm in this light.

But the insult is extremely strong.

That is to say, this mutant giant crocodile still doesn’t understand what is called’dignity, otherwise, just this electric light will make him angry.

And at this moment,

“Roar ”

Amidst another roar, lifted up, bringing out tens of meters of claw light.

But what made the mutant giant stunned was that this tiny figure had disappeared again.

Even more quietly appeared behind him.

The thunder and lightning gave Liu Zimo a speed that could not cover his ears.

And this kind of speed is extremely fatal to these extremely large and clumsy mutant beasts.

Moreover, what is even more terrifying is that Liu Zimo is not only speed terrifying, but also extremely terrifying offensive power.

This allowed him to increase his threat level several times, dozens of times.

Therefore, at this time, in Liu Zimo’s eyes, this extraordinary giant crocodile was like a plaything in his palm.

Somewhat ridiculous.

“Although it is difficult for me to withstand your attack, the problem is that you can’t hit me, and you are like a living target in my eyes.”

“In other words, as long as I want, I can kill you at an altitude of hundreds of meters.”

While speaking softly, Liu Zimo also kept summarizing.

This is his habit.

He likes to summarize in battle.

Then find the most suitable way of fighting for you.

Like facing this huge, but obviously clumsy mutant beast, long-range bombardment is a good choice.

And facing the extremely fast, extremely flexible mutant beasts, close combat is another good choice.

Many choices.

However, that is for Liu Zimo.

Just like other element masters, they are not weak in attack.

But without Liu Zimo’s speed, he couldn’t even pull the distance.

Once the mutant beast gets close, the trouble will be big.

But what about Liu Zimo,

“” “La, ah”

In the continuous burst of air, his figure constantly appeared around the mutant giant crocodile.

At this time, he was like a small fly in the eyes of a mutant giant crocodile,

It’s disgusting.

You can’t hit it, you can’t touch it.

Moreover, Liu Zimo also surging thunder from time to time, irritating him.

But at this moment,


With a sudden roar, this mutant giant crocodile seemed to be irritated, and its body was constantly swelling.

Visible to the naked eye, countless rocks on the earth continued to rise, flying towards his body.

This is the ‘Earth Armor’.

[Earth Armor–Ingest the power of the earth and greatly enhance your own defenses]

At this time, looking at this mutant giant crocodile again, the body was actually a circle bigger.

“Roar ”

Amidst the roars, he looked like a proud king who actually screamed provocatively at Liu Zimo.

“Humph ”

With a sneer, Liu Zimo also laughed.

“Don’t you think that if you improve your defense, you can resist my Thunder.”

Among some interesting voices, Liu Zimo did not know when he came to the top of the mutant giant crocodile’s head.

Lei Guang dissipated, and his whole person slammed on the head of this mutant giant crocodile.

“Roar, roar”

In the continuous roar, this mutant giant crocodile is also angry.

The terrifying spiritual power keeps surging,

And he even took his head and slammed it against a rock wall not far away.


Accompanied by a terrible roar, the rock wall burst into pieces.

But Liu Zimo’s figure disappeared again at some point.

From the perspective of one after another in the city, the Thunder Dragon seemed to turn into an electric light, constantly shuttled around this mutant giant crocodile.

But that (Li Lehao) mutant giant crocodile seemed to have nothing to do with Thunder Dragon.

A claw tore the earth and brought out a crack of tens of meters, so what?

What can be done to smash a boulder that is tens of meters high?

Fighting is more than just strength.

And Liu Zimo, I have to say, is another lesson for countless transcendents.

That is, the world of martial arts, only fast is not broken.

The battle continues.

No, this cannot be said to be a battle,

More is a game.

For Liu Zimo, a one-sided game.

And now, looking at the mutant giant crocodile who was already panting, Liu Zimo knew that the game was about to end.

“You disappointed me…”

With a sigh, Liu Zimo also drew his long sword.


Like Chidori’s chirping voice, dim electric lights circled on the long sword.

Chidori blade-greatly enhance the power of the long sword.

And now, holding a long sword, Liu Zimo is also stepping on the air, slowly walking towards the top of the mutant giant crocodile.

Yes, walk on the air.

This is a month step.

One of the six types,

A very elegant physique.

And this mutant giant crocodile saw Liu Zimo approaching oncoming, and it was the first time to attack.

However, his attack was either dodged by Liu Zimo’s thunder, or he was twisted away by Liu Zimo’s body.

And that’s it…

“Step on, Step on”

Step by step, showing the elegance to the extreme, Liu Zimo also came to the top of the mutant giant crocodile.

The long sword is held high, and the dim electric lights are constantly intertwined.

Liu Zimo also aimed at the mutant giant crocodile’s head and stabbed fiercely.

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