Chapter 149 Mysterious black robe, gaze from the darkness (fifth)

“Find a reason for each slaughter, just to better maintain the heart.”

“Only with my heart, I will not get lost in the killing.”

In the soft whisper, Liu Zimo was also waiting for the darkness to come.

Time is fleeting like fine sand between fingers.

In a blink of an eye, it was late at night.

At this time, what no one knows is that a figure has already taken out a black robe and enveloped itself.

Then, he took out another mask and put it on his face.

This mask is silver, like a smile but not a smile, like a cry but not a cry, as if it carries the joys and sorrows of the world.

But it gives people a very indifferent feeling.

That is indifference.

Indifference that transcends the world.

Just like Liu Zimo wearing this mask, he also has no scruples.

At this moment, he will be the god of death in the dark night.

Reaping all lives recklessly.


In the sudden roar, ripples, Liu Zimo’s figure also penetrated into the depths of the space, rushing towards the unknown world.

And shortly after this, Hangzhou was out in the wild.

“Boom, boom, boom…”

There was a roar after another, but the space was constantly distorted.

It was visible to the naked eye that the bodies of mutant beasts were constantly distorting, and uttered a terrible roar.

“Roar, roar, roar”

“Roar, roar, roar…”

The mourning continued, and the night sky trembled.

“what happened?”

“Why does the mutant beast let out such a desperate roar?”

“Oh my God, this roar is terrible, and, you can smell it, it’s a strong smell of blood.’

Amidst the repeated exclaims, countless extraordinary people hunting in the wild were shocked.

Among them, there is also a group of seven.

“What’s the matter, instructor Shanhun?”

In the sudden opening, a handsome figure also looked at a very burly man in the distance.

This is Shanhun, the second instructor of the office’s Thunder Hall.

This time, he brought a newcomer from Lei Ming Temple to the field trial.

However, they did not expect to hear such a stern neigh as it approached the middle of the night.

Moreover, it sounds like not one or two.

Instead, hundreds of mutant beasts screamed.

“How can it be?”

Frowning, Shan Huo was also a little puzzled.

However, listening to the direction of the sound, he also looked at the fire that was not far away:

“Let’s go and see.


With a loud response, Tinder also controlled the armored chariot and came in front of everyone.

In the wild, separation is not a good choice.

Therefore, wherever Shanhun goes, he will take these newcomers with him.

What’s worth mentioning is that although Shan Hun seems extremely rude and rude, his mind is extremely delicate.

This time, he took good care of many newcomers.

And these little guys also sincerely admire this instructor.

“Let’s go.”

After saying hello, Shan Hu also took everyone into the car and rushed in the direction where the mutant beast screamed.

And along the way, it’s not just them,

There are also many extraordinary teams, all rushing in the direction of the sound.

It is not a trivial matter to be able to make the mutant beasts scream like this collectively.

As for people, most of them have curiosity.

So more or less, they will all rush.

It’s just that, not long after this, the scene that caught everyone’s eyes, it made them collectively dumbfounded.

“Oh my god.”

Covering her mouth, Hong Tong looked at this scene in disbelief.

Broken corpses all over the ground, fresh blood stained the ground red.

From a distance, countless mutated beast corpses covered the earth.

This is not a mutant beast, nor two mutant beasts.

But hundreds of thousands all over the earth.

With the blood flowing, an indescribable horror spread in the night sky.

Just because there is only the corpse of the mutant beast here, and nothing else.

Moreover, what is even more terrifying is that these mutant beasts seem to have been distorted by a huge force… and then deeply torn apart

In this way, this hell-like scene was created.

“How is it possible/~?”

Somewhat shocked, the little guys like Control Silk and Beasts couldn’t hide the shock on their faces.

Not only them, but even the mountain and fire were stunned.

“what is this?”

In a daze, Tinder also asked his doubts.

“do not know.

Shaking his head, Shan Hun said with great certainty:

“However, there seems to be some big horror coming up.”

“The time for these mutant beasts to die will not exceed half a minute, or even more than twenty seconds.”

“In other words, there is a very terrifying existence that instantly kills all mutant beasts in a short time.”

Speaking of this, Shanhu couldn’t help but feel a little shocked.

How can this be.

In a short time, all mutant beasts are instantly killed.

Does such a terrifying power really exist?

Is this afraid that Thunder Dragon can’t do it?

At least, Thunder Dragon shot, these mutant beasts still have the opportunity to resist.

But now.

Looking from a distance, one after another mutant beasts were desperate, and they didn’t even have the power to resist.

Such a horrible scene is really frightening.

And now, it’s not just them who discovered this scene.

The rest of the transcendents who came here also saw it..

“F*ck, what the hell is this?”

“The corpses, they are all corpses, who did it?’

“Are you sure it was made by humans? Maybe it’s other mutant beasts?”

“this ”

Excited after another, countless people trembled.

Yes, not necessarily human.

Maybe other mutant beasts did it?

If so…

Thinking of this, they couldn’t help but shrink their necks, and the soles of their feet were chilling.

However, at this moment, a weak voice suddenly sounded in the corner:

“I saw it, I saw it, it’s a person…”

“He is shrouded in a black robe, wearing a mask, and he will die wherever he goes.”

The speaker is an extraordinary person.

However, it seemed that he was terribly scared, and his face was so pale and bloodless.

However, it is.

Imagine a figure wearing a black robe and a weird mask walking among the beasts.

Everywhere he went, there were twisted corpses.

How horrible this is.

That is, his psychological quality is strong,

I changed it to someone else, I’m afraid it’s already scared to pee.

And at this moment, as if he had noticed something, this extraordinary person suddenly screamed:

“It’s him, it’s him.”

Looking at the finger of this transcendent, countless transcendents noticed that there was a figure standing quietly on a hill not far away.

He carried his hands,

The whole body was shrouded in a wide black robe, and the figure was not visible.

And there is a silver mask on his face that looks like crying but not crying, and smiles but not smiling, covering his face.

“Quack quack”

It seemed to be aware of the gaze that everyone was looking at, and this figure also made a very weird and harsh laugh.

This is very vivid.

It goes well with his makeup now.

However, the problem is that there is no blood on the whole body of this figure.

Is it possible that he slaughtered these mutant beasts without any injuries?

Even the blood is not contaminated.

Are you kidding me?

In shock, countless transcendents were stunned.

It’s just that at this moment, Shanhu suddenly came out.

“Your Excellency?”

Suddenly speaking, Shan Hun also looked at the figure in the distance.


Only the weird laughter as always greeted him.

What was even more shocking was that this figure turned around slowly, seeming to want to leave.

“and many more ”

In the subconscious violent drink, Shan Mu also activated his abilities-shock wave.


Hearing only a roar, a terrifying shock wave has already hit the black robe figure far away.

However, at the next moment, the gazes of the mountains and even the many transcendents were frozen.

Just because this figure is still walking slowly towards the distance.

Did not even stay.

And in the next moment,

That terrible shock wave actually penetrated his body and shot towards the distance.

It seems that this figure is illusory.

“How can it be?”

In the incredulous exclaim, Kongsi’s face also changed drastically.

Even Shanhun himself changed his face slightly, revealing an incredible look.

“Is it elementalized?”

In a bit of amazement, I have seen the thunderbolt of Thunder Dragon’s fire, but also guessed it.

“No, it’s definitely not elementalization. Thunder Dragon said that elementalization is not immune to attacks with spiritual power, and my shock wave is pure and extremely spiritual attacks.”

“In other words, he can evade even spiritual attacks.”

After speaking loudly, Shanhu also showed amazement.

But how is this possible?

If so, isn’t this guy invincible.

Even more terrifying than Thunder Dragon.

And at this moment,

Slowly turning his body, the eyes of the figure in the black robe from far away were also focused on the whole body of the mountain.

“‘”Shoot me, but you have to pay a price.

In the sound of a smile but a smile, the eyes of this black robe figure turned into a whirlpool at some unknown time.

And in the next moment,

“what ”

In the screaming scream, Shanhun’s body was actually distorted visible to the naked eye.

The first thing to start is the arm,

It seems that there is an invisible force that is constantly twisting his arm,

The blood is gushing out.

However, at this moment,

“Forget it, for the first time, forgive you,”

“Moved, it’s rare for me to have compassion.

Among the very playful voices, this figure also looked at the huge boulder not far away.

In the incredible eyes of countless extraordinary people,

The huge boulder in the distance was constantly twisting, one point, one point, to shatter, until it disappeared into the night sky.

And at this moment, let alone ordinary transcendents, even Shan Hun’s face was frozen.

For the first time, a feeling called’chill’ came to him.

If the feeling that Thunder Dragon gave him is unimaginable horror, it is unfathomable in the true sense.

Then this figure gave him the feeling that it was weird to the extreme,

The night got deeper, and the strong smell of blood filled the air.

But for some reason, all the transcendents are staring in one direction in a daze, and the depths of their eyes are full of fright.

“Let’s go”

After a long time, Shan Hun finally said in a very dumb voice.

At this time, if you look at his arms, you can definitely see the blood constantly overflowing.

“Shanhun, are you okay?”

In some stunned eyes, Tinder was also worried. (Lee Li Zhao)

“It’s okay, it’s just a little injury, that guy didn’t move to kill.”

Speaking of this, Shan Hun’s face also showed an indescribable dignified color.

This time, it was he who did not intend to kill.

But next time?

Can you kill him at a glance?

Are you kidding me?

Are you kidding me?

When did he become so weak in the mountains?

“I have to get stronger, I have to get stronger”

My heart couldn’t help roaring, but the mountain was eager for power more and more.

Yes, longing for power.

He never wanted to reproduce things like today.

The feeling that life and death cannot be controlled by him makes him almost collapsed and desperate

And he didn’t want to experience it again.

Therefore, he has to become stronger and stronger.

And now, the most direct way for him to become stronger is to look for Thunder Dragon.

The guy is unfathomable, and he can see the essence of his ability.

If it were him, he would definitely be able to help himself become stronger.

At this time, what Shan Hun didn’t know was that the black robe figure was far away, but the corner of his mouth under the mask made a subtle arc.

He smiled.

Really laughed.

He knew what Shanhun was like.

With this guy’s character, it is absolutely unacceptable to take such a big loss.

And the power Liu Zimo just showed is far beyond his imagination.

So Shan Hun will inevitably turn to his Thunder Dragon identity.

“I look forward to the next time you and me meet, and I hope you can no longer be as small as you are now.”

Suddenly, a faint voice reached Shan Hun’s heart, causing Shan Hun’s expression to change.

In the faint, you can see that the veins and even blood stains are wiped out on his hands.

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