Chapter 157 Divine power one by one King Kong is not bad (first more)

When I returned to the Hangzhou base, it was already afternoon.

Many people greeted Liu Zimo and Dragon Roll.

There are hundreds of people.

Except for the core personnel, most of the others are logistics personnel and peripheral personnel.

“Thunder Palace seems to be developing well this time.

In the soft sigh, Liu Zimo also looked at many figures.

Many are unfamiliar.

However, this does not affect.

Before leaving, Liu Zimo had already confessed that Sister Qin and Bing Nu could directly handle the affairs of Thunder Palace.

Except for Liu Zimo’s personal approval to join the core staff, the rest of the logistics and peripheral staff have the right to decide.

And now

Slowly raising his eyes, looking at more than twenty strange figures not far away, Liu Zimo also asked:

“Are these all peripheral personnel?”


Nodded, sister Qin also explained:

“These are talents who have awakened their talents. Their talents are good at fighting, and their combat power is not bad. Some of them have the possibility of becoming the core.”

With that said, Sister Qin also pointed to the front figure.

“This is the only transcendent first-tier powerhouse among the peripheral personnel. Because I admire you, he did not hesitate to come across several cities. His ability is to discharge. However, his discharge is somewhat simple, not comparable to yours.”

Listening quietly, Liu Zimo also looked at the figure headed.

This is a youth.

The blond hair looks a little handsome.

And now, it seems that he has noticed Liu Zimo’s gaze, he straightened his chest abruptly, and introduced himself:

“Lei Long Da” 530″ brother, I am Liu Feng, you can call me nickname’Electrical, my ability is electric discharge, can put the electric light of a hundred meters in the circle.”

Speaking of this, this young man also clenched his hands, as if farting.

“Cracking, crackling”

The continuous golden electric light was spraying out from his body.

Without waiting for these electric lights to diffuse, Liu Zimo already raised his hand.


With a roar, countless golden electric lights poured into Liu Zimo’s palm like a torrent.

The lost magic-Thunder Slaying Dragon, can make Liu Zimo swallow thunder and lightning.

And at this time, seeing the golden electric light spreading to the innocent, Liu Zimo also chose to swallow it for the first time.

It’s just that this scene fell in the eyes of Electric, but it made him even more excited.

“Boss Thunder Dragon, this is too terrifying to control Thunder, even my Thunder can swallow it.”

“If you reach my realm, so can you.”

While speaking softly, Liu Zimo’s eyes also narrowed slightly.

【Discharge-It can discharge a large amount of electricity like an electric eel, but when a large amount of electricity is discharged in a short time, the host will fall into a short-term stupor due to a short circuit in the brain. At the same time, the host can also directly charge to replenish its own power. 】

This is the gift of electricity.

What should I say?

Although it is the talent of thunder attribute, in Liu Zimo’s opinion, it is a bit unexpected.

Just this “discharging a large amount of electricity in a short period of time, the host will fall into a short-term stupor due to a short circuit in the brain,” is not a normal pit.

You know, what they are facing is a tide of beasts.

It is an inexhaustible mutant beast.

Wasn’t it just looking for death for a brief moment of stunner.

With this in mind, Liu Zimo also faintly understood why this extraordinary first-tier powerhouse took the initiative to find him, and even asked to join the Thunder Palace.

“This guy’s talent is too bad. If he didn’t guess wrong, he should be looking for me to help.”He muttered in his heart, but Liu Zimo didn’t speak bluntly.

This, just wait for Electric to say it.

Not urgent.

And now, it is more important to talk to other people.

“Let others retreat, just leave old acquaintances.”


Listening to Liu Zimo’s instructions, Sister Qin also dismissed everyone immediately, leaving the core staff of Thunder Palace alone.

And the core members of Thunder Palace are not many.

Mountain Lake, Tinder, Five Newcomers, Ice Girl, Sister Qin, and Cat Girl, Twin Sisters, Little Lolita

The total number of people is less than twenty people.

However, at this moment, Liu Zimo raised his brows suddenly.

“Where is Li Feng?,

Tieshazhang Li Feng, one of his early friends.

We have discussed martial arts with him many times.

Later, at his request, this one also joined the Thunder Palace.

“Li Feng him”

In some hesitation, Sister Qin also gritted her teeth and said bluntly;

“During a hunt not long ago, he was seriously injured, and he is still recuperating. Fortunately, he has sister Hong Yu, otherwise he will not be able to save him.”

“so serious?”

Somewhat stunned, Liu Zimo was also stunned.

Li Feng’s combat power is still good.

As a warrior, his actual combat experience can be regarded as rich.

It stands to reason that the chance of injury should be relatively small.

“Unlucky, I met a few very smart mutant wild wolves.

With a sigh, Sister Qin was also helpless.

This is the battlefield, accidents and deaths. We never know who will come first.

And Li Feng, obviously waiting for his accident.

“I’ll go see him later.”

While speaking softly, Liu Zimo also wanted to see Li Feng’s injury.

But it’s okay.

According to Sister Qin, Li Feng has been recuperating for more than half a month and is now able to get up, which is okay.

There is no need for Liu Zimo to worry too much.

But now, after turning his eyes, Liu Zimo looked at the five newcomers again.

Good guy, this kid Bai Beast has already set foot on the transcendent level.

“Yes, really good.”

With secret praise in his heart, Liu Zimo also thought of the skill he is now practicing-Saint Pirate.

This skill is very suitable for all animals.

It really fits.

Hundred beasts devour all kinds of mutant beasts, possessing their abilities in a short time.

Simply put, he can beastify any mutant beast in a short time.

The sage thief is to strengthen the body’s six energy organs, and instantly decompose all substances into their own energy.

And such a skill, combined with the beasts, is truly a must.

The beasts now swallow the flesh and blood of three or four kinds of mutant beasts at most a day, and then have three or four kinds of beastization abilities.

But if he had cultivated the saint thief and swallowed a hundred kinds of mutant beasts directly, wouldn’t he have a hundred kinds of beastification.

Not to mention, the spiritual power increase brought by the sage thief, and other effects.

Therefore, the sage pirates are really suitable for beasts.

It’s just a pity that the current beasts are not yet at the point where they can teach this kind of skill.

“When will the beasts become my confidant, and after ensuring my loyalty, I don’t mind teaching him the saint thief.”

With a smile in his heart, Liu Zimo is also looking forward to the day when the beasts learn to steal from the saints.

I believe that at that time, the combat power of the beasts will have a leap-type improvement.

But before that, he still needs to work hard,

After simply greeting everyone, Liu Zimo teased little Lori Ani for a while.

After a long time, no see, she didn’t seem to have grown up in half.

However, the maturity in the depths of the eyes is visible to the naked eye.

She is growing up,

However, that is just mental growth.

As for the body, she is likely to stay in the Loli era forever because of her god-level talent.

“Ugh ”

With a sigh, Liu Zimo didn’t tell Lori Ani the truth.

I’ll talk about it later.

Let’s talk about it when Ani has matured her mind and can accept all this.

“I’m going to practice, and you have a good old age with your sister Dragon Roll.

Sending Little Lolita into Tornado’s arms, Liu Zimo also walked directly towards the deepest part of the base.

He is about to start his new round of cultivation.

Looking up, Liu Zimo also took the lead in taking a look.

Today, there are more than five million points.

no more, no less.

However, it was enough for Liu Zimo to cope with emergencies.

After confirming the number of points, Liu Zimo started to run the Thunder Real Technique again.

“Kacha, Kacha”

One after another, there were countless arcs intertwined in Liu Zimo’s body.

At the same time, his spiritual power is also growing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The real secret of practice day and night is one of the secrets of Liu Zimo’s rapid strength growth.

After practicing the exercises for a while, Liu Zimo began to practice the inner strength golden bell.

Only, this time,


With a loud noise, Liu Zimo’s body suddenly shook.

Just because, at this moment, from the inside to the outside, there is a surge of vast energy.

“Boom, boom, boom”

The vast energy is constantly surging, and Liu Zimo’s body is also increasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

And this, surprisingly, his golden bell is finished.

Yes, it’s done.

In the course of continuous cultivation, he has unknowingly cultivated the golden bell jar to the greatest extent.

No wonder, he ushered in the baptism once again.

Not to mention the body strengthened by 50%.

the more important thing is

The eyes suddenly condensed, and Liu Zimo also spurred his spiritual power fiercely.

“Golden Bell Jar.”

After hearing a violent shout, a golden bell phantom came out of Liu Zimo’s body, and rose up against the wind, turning into a huge golden bell phantom, covering Liu Zimo.

And this is the condensed phantom when the golden bell is completed.

Don’t think this is just a small layer of phantom, but it can block most of the long-range attacks.

It is also able to stun the figure close at hand.

And such a skill is a magical skill in the beast tide.

And more than that…

“The golden bell, if it can perfectly match the iron block of one of the six types, it can almost make me resist all physical attacks for a short time.”

In a very confident voice, Liu Zimo is also looking forward to the perfect cooperation of the golden bell and the iron block, turning it into a real defensive skill,

However, this is not in a hurry.

It will take time.

At least, Liu Zimo can’t integrate these two skills perfectly right now.

“This, is the impurity expelled from the golden bell jar of internal strength cultivation to the ultimate goal?”

Suddenly, Liu Zimo also noticed that a layer of black matter appeared on his body surface at some time.


It’s really smelly.

Therefore, I did not dare to hesitate, Liu Zimo also rushed into the bath for the first time and started washing.

However, after a while, looking at the smooth and delicate skin in the mirror, Liu Zimo wondered if he had changed his body.

“Good fellow, it doesn’t matter if you wash the essence and cut the marrow, can you bring your own skin?,

In a bit of amazement, Liu Zimo didn’t care about these details.

Cultivation is originally evolution.

And evolution is destined to move towards perfection.

According to Liu Zimo’s guess, if he can set foot on the fourth-order transcendental level, he should be able to become a perfect human being.

Even beyond the human species.

At that time, Liu Zimo should be the so-called perfect creature.

However, this is just Liu Zimo’s conjecture.

Specifically, we need to look at the future.

At this time, after taking a shower and changing a suit, Liu Zimo was also lost in thought.

“The iron cloth shirt of external power is completed, and the golden bell cover of internal power is completed, then I can try to deduce the magical power-the diamond is not bad, let’s practice.

In the voice of some hesitation, Liu Zimo was also uncertain.

King Kong is not a bad god, it is a very powerful body-building magical skill in Buddhism.

If it can be cultivated, 5.4 the human body looks like wearing a golden armor, transforming into a diamond body, which can resist all attacks from external forces.

The great cultivator is even more able to peep into the “world of humans and immortals”, which is the so-called land immortal.

In this way, one can also imagine the terrible aspect of this magical skill.

But although this technique is extremely terrifying, it is also one of the most difficult to cultivate.

No, it shouldn’t be difficult.

It requires long-term polishing.

If Liu Zimo really deduces this practice, then he will have a lot of time to spend on this practice in the future.

Therefore, Liu Zimo is also hesitating.

“If I focus on the Thunder, my combat power will be further improved.”

“But if it is the physical body, thunder, and spiritual power, Qi Xiu, then my background will become deeper and deeper, and it should help me to make breakthroughs in the future…”

While speaking softly, Liu Zimo also knew that he had to make a choice.

Is focused on thunder,

Or Qi Xiu?

However, his hesitation did not last long. After just a few breaths, he had already made a decision.

Qi Xiu,

He must polish his body well.

The body is the capital of everything.

Moreover, in Liu Zimo’s memory, the Thunder God he was familiar with, the guy who would also be elementalized, although he developed the Thunder to the extreme, he still seemed to be defeated by a little guy who was “far inferior to him.” .

And the reason is simply because that little guy is too constrained to him, his body is made of rubber.


It was a little embarrassing.

“If Thor was not weak in physical skills at the time, and his body was strong, it would be impossible for a hundred rubber imps to defeat Thor.”

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