Chapter 160 Undead monsters (repair)

The battle continues.

However, what is shocking is that Liu Zimo is actually a dozen opponents without injury.

Even give pointers from time to time.

“This is the boss of Thunder Dragon, too strong, powerful and suffocating.”

“I can’t touch it, I can’t touch it, I’m afraid that I don’t even have the courage to make a move in front of him.”

“Really outrageous”

With exclamations after another, the gazes of many figures were also focused on the figure who was holding a sword in one hand and going through the crowd wantonly.

He didn’t use Thunder.

Just holding a sword in one hand, like an extremely elegant swordsman, walking among the crowd ~ strolling in the garden,

But all the offensives are-resist.

“The python bites.”

With a violent shout, Bai Beast’s right arm was turned into a big yellowish yellow snake with a length of five or six meters, and it slapped Liu Zimo fiercely.


In the sudden roar, the earth shook, but Liu Zimo’s figure had long since disappeared.

The earth is shaking

The storm suddenly lifted, and Liu Zimo’s figure also appeared in front of him in the horrified gaze of all the beasts.

“Although you can use the power of beasts, you obviously don’t know how to work around.”

While speaking softly, Liu Zimo also hit a knee and pressed it against the belly of the beast.


The internal organs couldn’t help but roll up, and the whole beasts rose into the air.

And Liu Zimo didn’t care about this either.

Instead, it is a step on the foot.


In the repeated shaking, he attacked towards the red pupil again.

Fight one after another

Not only polishing these little guys, but also polishing Liu Zimo himself.

He is used to fighting mutant beasts, but he rarely fights humans.

Now, it just happens to be polished.

At this time, Liu Zimo didn’t know the deepest part of the base.

“Roar, roar”

In the roar like a beast, the body of a figure is already extremely swollen.

That is the mountain mud.

He had just finished plundering his abilities, and some of him couldn’t bear his natural ability, and his body was constantly swelling.

It can be seen to the naked eye that his flesh and blood are constantly surging, as if he has life.

And that, surprisingly, the talent is super-regenerate, able to quickly recover all of his injuries.

It’s terrible.

Even if the physical injury is severe, it can recover quickly.

The more spiritual energy is consumed, the faster the recovery.

Just like now, it is clear that the entire body is constantly bursting because of its extremely swelling, but the chaotic mountain is still alive and well.

And that is the talent super regeneration that makes Shan Hun’s injuries continue to heal.

If there is no talent for super regeneration, he who plunders two talent abilities in a short time will inevitably burst into death.

And this, even Liu Zimo didn’t think of it.

Although talent plunder is terrible.

But plundering two talents in a short time is still extremely deadly.

Other talents of the body and even others will be rejected.

A talent is okay, it will be directly assimilated by the body, and even adapted.

But after plundering two talents at the same time, then the whole body is also difficult to assimilate and even adapt in the first time.

And the result of that is that Shanhun is like this, and the body has become a battlefield for many talents.

The shock wave talent surging from time to time,

Juli talent, bursts out from time to time,

More’arm strength enhancement, and “super regeneration” burst out one after another


It’s really scary, the whole body has become a battlefield,

The mountain was lucky, and he robbed a talent super regeneration, which could make his body recover extremely quickly.

If there is no such talent, what is waiting for him is bound to burst and die

And now…

The body gradually returned to calm, and a bright smile overflowed on Shanmu’s face.


It really became.

He really suppressed the new talent-super regeneration, and arm strength enhancement.

“I feel very strong now.”

While speaking softly, Shanhu also slowly climbed up from the ground.

And at this time, if you pay attention, you can definitely see that Shanhu’s arms are thick in a circle.

That is the characteristic of the talent for arm strength enhancement, which can increase his arm strength several times.

And such a talent, with Juli, what sparks will be rubbed, Shan Hun didn’t know.

However, one thing is certain, and that is very scary.

The horror is breathless to the mountain.


In the sudden crackling sound, the earth actually cracked,

“Even the earth can’t stand my strength.”

Grinning the corners of his mouth, Shan Hun also lifted his steps and walked outside.

He heard

The sound of fighting was heard.

If there is no accident, it is the boss of Thunder Dragon who is discussing with everyone.

With this thought, Shan Hun was also a little excited.

After all, being able to be with Thunder Dragon’s boss is also a dream thing for him.

And not long after this, Liu Zimo, who was still fighting with everyone on the lawn, seemed to have noticed something, suddenly raised his eyes and looked into the distance.

“Boom, boom, boom”

There was a roar after another, and the earth seemed to be shaking.

Far away, there was a strange figure with arms as thick as a gorilla, walking slowly.

That is the mountain mud.

Today, he seems to have completely integrated his talents.

Not only the arms are thicker, but also the momentum is skyrocketing.


Accompanied by a terrible roar, an invisible pressure spreads in the air.

“This momentum?”

“It’s terrible, it looks like a human-shaped beast coming from a distance.”

“It feels like a tyrannosaurus, step by step, the earth is trembling.”

Among the sounds of amazement, many figures couldn’t help but stare at each other.

Shanshan, how could it suddenly be like this?

What’s worth mentioning here is that Shanhu’s natural ability is a secret.

Except Liu Zimo knows, no one knows.

After all, his talent plundering is a bit scary.

Believe that it is a capable person, will be frightened.

It is also for this reason that Liu Zimo has been telling others about Shanhun’s natural ability.

And this is understandable.

After all, innate ability is a person’s greatest secret.

Except for the existence of similar probing capabilities like Liu Zimo, it is not easy for outsiders to know the natural ability of others.

Most of them can only rely on simple guessing and speculation.

In other words, someone stupidly tells you about talent.

And now,

Looking at the figure in the distance with fiery eyes, Shan Huo was also a little excited, saying:

“Boss, fight with me, right?”


In response, Liu Zimo saw Shanhun speeding up and rushed in the direction where he was.

“Boom, boom, boom”

The earth seemed to be trembling, and the terrifying force of the mountains made the earth unbearable.

At this time, twenty to thirty meters apart, Shan Huo also raised his fist fiercely.


Amid the sudden roar, in the shocking gaze of one extraordinary person after another, there were circles of air waves in the air that continued to spread.

It seems that another invisible force, wrapped in narrow air, turned into the legendary “air cannon”.

“This is?”

Amidst some suspicion, Liu Zimo also stared at the legendary’Air Cannon, is this guy’s strength really improved to such a level?

The air cannon was blasted out with a punch.

Confounded, Liu Zimo also deliberately tested the power of this punch.

“Thunder and lightning strikes.”

In the soft whisper, the bright thunder light has exploded.

Immediately after,


Hearing a loud noise, the purple thunder beam of light that was as thick as a bucket was already lasing towards the air cannon.

“boom ”

Accompanied by a terrible roar, a shock wave sweeping hundreds of meters in a radius also broke out.

In the shocking gazes of one extraordinary person after another, the mountain mud that was only an extraordinary one actually blocked Liu Zimo’s thunder and lightning with a punch.

Yes, a punch.

The punch in an instant, like an air cannon, was actually the same as Liu Zimo’s thunder and lightning.

Although this is because Liu Zimo only used 10% of his strength, it is also possible to imagine the horror of the mountains.

And at this moment,

It’s not over yet,

“Boss, here I am.”

In a sudden violent drink, Shan Hun’s arms began to swell again.

At the same time, he also said in his mouth:

“Enhanced arm strength, great strength”

In the continuous whispering, his right arm has become thick for more than one circle.

And at this moment,

0……Look for flowers…


A fist hit the ground suddenly, and the whole earth seemed to have set off a small earthquake. With Shan Zehun as the center, it was constantly shaking and sinking.

It’s just that it’s not terrible yet.

What is really terrifying is that a ring of shock waves of horror are also rippling.


There was another loud noise, and the ripple-like shock wave was already approaching Liu Zimo at an extremely fast speed.

That is a shock wave,

Another talented ability of Shan Huo can make his attack, set off a terrible shock wave.

The stronger the force, the more terrifying the shock wave.But now, looking at the shock wave sweeping over a hundred meters, even Liu Zimo couldn’t help narrowing his eyes.

“These two talents are really huge for Shanhun’s improvement, and they actually make him approach the second-order transcendental power.”

In the soft whisper, Liu Zimo also roughly judged the strength of the mountain.

Close to the extraordinary second-tier combat power.

But it is not yet beyond.

To put it simply, the mountain mud and the general extraordinary second-order can pass the trick.

Of course, Liu Zimo is definitely not included.

Just like now, the figure is elementalized and turned into a dazzling thunder, Liu Zimo also disappeared in the amazement of the mountain.

And at the next moment, a bright thunder light came into view.


Accompanied by a loud noise, Shanhun’s entire body flew out under Liu Zimo’s whip leg, like a cannonball, slamming into the distance.

“Not bad, it seems that this time the improvement for you is still great.

In the soft approval, Liu Zimo also affirmed Shanhun’s strength.

“All of this is due to the cultivation of the boss.”

In the rare response, the muddy mountain also crawled out of a pit several meters deep.

And at this time, if you look closely, you can definitely see the sunken belly of Shanhu, as if it has life, it is constantly squirming.

And that is the super-regeneration of innate ability.

Even if Liu Zimo made a heavy kick and kicked Shanhun, Shanhun stood up like a okay person under the effect of the super-regeneration of his talent.

If it weren’t for Liu Zimo to observe carefully, he would even suspect that this guy was unharmed.

“I really found him a terrifying ability.

I sighed, but Liu Zimo didn’t care much.

No matter how strong Shanshan is, he must be counseled in the face of him.

After all, his Thunder is not a joke.

Under the full firepower, the terrifying thunder was enough to turn the mountains into fly ash, and even the scum remained.

But at that time, what if super regeneration is terrible?

It is impossible to come back from the dead.

Therefore, Liu Zimo never cares about Shanhun’s growth, will it be beyond his control?

Maybe others will care about this

But Liu Zimo is absolutely confident.

“If there is a god-level deduction, and I am still surpassed by the mountain, then I will just find a piece of tofu and hit it to death.”

With a smile in his heart, Liu Zimo also restrained the fluctuations of the spiritual power of his body.

At this time, slowly raising his eyes and looking at the many figures standing quietly in Zhou Guowei, Liu Zimo also smiled:

“Well, that’s it for today. Everyone will go back and rest.”

“Yes, Thunder Dragon boss.

In the unison response, everyone also chose to leave.

Shan Hun was left alone, patted his chest, and said with excitement:

“Boss Thunder Dragon, this super-regeneration is a little bit awesome. Look, you just kicked me out of the bruise, and even the internal organs were tumbling, it can be seen.”

With that said, Shan Hun also touched his chest, indeed he didn’t seem to feel anything anymore.

It’s just that the spiritual power has been reduced a bit.

“Super regeneration, in the Spiritual Power Research Institute, it can be regarded as a physical talent close to the S grade, naturally terrifying.”

“However, you should also pay attention. If your spiritual power is exhausted, your super regeneration may not be so great…”

Speaking loudly, Liu Zimo didn’t say another word.

That is when the mountain’s chaotic spiritual power is exhausted, his super regeneration can still be activated.

It’s just that at that time, it was not spiritual power that was consumed.

It’s the vitality in the body.

And this, Liu Zimo hopes that Shanhun will never be discovered, let alone used.

** Seek custom

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