Chapter 164 Shen Lin Yi Yi Shen Ming Temple (third more)

“Is this guy sent by Thunder Dragon?”

There was a secret voice in his heart, but the monk noticed the thickness of the burly arms that were different from ordinary people.

“Is it ability?”

In some shock, the monk’s face changed drastically.

Just because at this moment, the mountain moved in mud.


With a sudden punch, it hit the frozen ground.

Accompanied by it was a terrible shock wave that swept across a radius of 100 meters, suddenly spreading.


In the sudden roar, countless mutant sea beasts that were frozen in the ice actually fluttered.

Continuously shattering in the ice cubes.


In the silence for a while, the corner of the monk’s eyes couldn’t help but twitch.

Is this an extraordinary first-order destructive power?


In some horror, the monk also suppressed the shock of his heart.

Now, it is not the time to be surprised.

It is important to suppress the animal tide.

With this in mind, the monk also said for the first time:

“Sir, together?”


With a response, Shan Hun also stepped forward, planning to fight side by side with the monk.

At this time, few people noticed that a figure had slowly lifted into the sky.

That is Liu Zimo.

Legendary Thunder Dragon

And now, looking down on the entire battlefield.

Looking down at the countless mutant sea beasts under the city wall, Liu Zimo’s eyes were also hot.

This is the point.

Countless points.

Moreover, it is even more amazing that these mutant sea beasts are all in the sea.

Sea water, conductive.

Here, Liu Zimo’s thunder, less to say, has to increase its power by 50%.

So, it is also conceivable why Liu Zimo is a little excited.

“The sea is spreading, this is the right place, the spiritual power crystal has been prepared, this is the harmony of people, and the sky is the invasion of beasts…”

“The time, the place and the people are in harmony.”

“Become me today’s “Thunder God” name. ”

Whispering softly, Liu Zimo also knew that today, it will be recorded in the annals of history.

In the true sense, it is recorded in the annals of history.

Shenming Temple is here, destroying a million beast tide

This is definitely a scene enough to go down in the annals of history

“Hahaha ”

In the long whistle, Liu Zimo also had a fine electric arc around his body.

“Kacha, Kacha”

After 537, the purple arcs continued to interweave, and it was actually centered on Liu Zimo, constantly spreading.

And this thunder has also attracted the attention of most transcendents.

Slowly raising his eyes, what imprinted in the eyes of countless people was that, above the night sky, a figure opened its arms, as if embracing the sky.

There are countless purple arcs intertwined all over the body.

Makes him look like a god of thunder

Some dazzling.

This is Thunder Dragon

“It’s Lord Thunder Dragon, it’s really Lord Thunder Dragon. I didn’t expect him to come too.”

“Wow, Lord Thunder Dragon, my idol.”

“Hahaha, Lord Thunder Dragon is here, now we are more relieved.”

In the repeated exclaims, many transcendents showed excitement on their faces.

Compared to other general candidates.

Thunder Dragon is undoubtedly more famous.

Time and time again, take the lead.

In the beast tide, continue to charge.

It has turned the tide several times.

When the country is in distress, we will travel everywhere.

To put it bluntly, the current Thunder Dragon has become the idol of many people.

And now, idols are coming,

No wonder so many people are excited.

Only at this moment.

“Don’t go near the sea.”

The sudden voice echoed in the night sky, but it shocked many figures.

Don’t go near the sea?

What’s the meaning?

Can’t wait for them to have more doubts.


Amid the sudden roar, the entire night sky was shaken.

Immediately afterwards, in the horrified eyes of countless people, there were countless purple crystals condensing in the sky.



These crystals are very beautiful.

With a dazzling luster of spiritual power,

The night sky is shining faintly.

What is even more shocking is that among these crystals, there are intertwined purple lightning.

“what is this?”

In some stunnedness, Xue Ji couldn’t help being surprised.

Because, as the master of the elements, she has already sensed what kind of spiritual power is gathered in this palm-sized purple crystal.

Moreover, one, although not terrible.

But two, three

Even a hundred,

How horrible will it be?

It’s like now…

“Shubu, La, ah…”

The purple crystals continue to gather, and it turns out to be surrounded by Liu Zimo

Moreover, these spiritual power crystals are still accelerating and spinning.

At the same time, spiritual power crystals are also constantly spreading.

Yes, spread.

At the beginning, he was only more than ten meters away from Liu Zimo.

Now, it is a hundred meters away,

It turned into a purple circle, lingering around Liu Zimo.

“Crack, click”

Amidst the roars, the thunder continued, and there were countless purple lightnings intertwined in the sky of a hundred meters.

It’s just that this is not the end.

In other words, this is just the beginning.

Because, at this moment.

“Shenming Hall”

In the soft whisper, more purple crystals actually poured out from around Liu Zimo.

I don’t know where it came from.

It’s more like cohesion.

But this one, one crystal, made Liu Zimo’s power even more terrifying.

In a trance, there is an indescribable depression that permeates the world.

“What the hell is this?

In unimaginable shock, the monk was also stunned.

He is a cultivator of Buddha.

Perception is extremely keen.

Now he can better understand what power is surging here.

That is truly ruining the world.

Once it broke out, the horror was beyond everyone’s imagination.

And such power actually appeared on Thunder Dragon.

“This guy.”

His eyes widened, but the monk noticed that the Thunder Dragon was flying towards the sea.

And the purple halo around him is constantly expanding…

Time passed slowly, and the roar of artillery fire continued.

There are countless transcendents, and mutant sea beasts fighting under the city wall.

But at this time, the attention of countless people is no longer here.

But above the sky

There, at some point, there appeared a purple aperture covering a radius of five kilometers.

Looking carefully, it turned out to be one purple crystal after another, floating in the sky and the earth.

And just in the deepest part of the purple aperture, a figure stood quietly.

He has a slender figure.

There is a purple arc around him.

In the eyes, there is a purple electric current overflowing.

It’s just that it doesn’t matter.

The important thing is that now, with his right hand held high, an extremely suppressed breath is also spreading between heaven and earth.

The wind seems to have stopped.

The wave seems to have stopped.

Even countless mutant sea beasts stopped roaring.

Some are just above the night sky.

“Kacha, Kacha”

In the thunder, countless thick purple lightnings continued to spread and interweave… covering the entire night sky

And that is the aura of the Shenming Hall…

The thunder power contained in the spiritual power crystal, all gush out,

Converging on the night sky is the hand of Liu Zimo alone.

(ahfe) And now, with the right hand held high, Liu Zimo seems to be holding a purple thunder ball. There is an unspeakable aura that makes countless people silent.

However, there is nothing more exaggerated than the night sky dyed in purple.

It’s obviously a dim night sky,

At this moment, it was as bright as day.

The eyes of countless strong men couldn’t help but converge.

“My God is so beautiful…”

“Guru, is this the power of Thunder Dragon?”

“It’s a bit horrible, I’m a little out of breath before it breaks out.”

“I have an urge to run away.”

“Stop talking, I have it too, my legs are weak.”

Countless people couldn’t help being shocked after exclaiming after another.

And at this time, it’s not just them.

Even the Spiritual Power Bureau in various cities and the Spiritual Power Bureau in the depths of Yanjing saw this scene through satellite projection.

In the picture, a figure stood quietly above the night sky.

And all over him, there was a purple thunder halo covering five kilometers.

What’s more breathtaking is that this purple aperture is constantly puffing up thunder

“Kacha, Kacha”

One after another, there seemed to be purple thunder snakes interrogating in the sky.

“This guy ”

His eyes widened, and he had been following the shadow of the General Directorate of Spiritual Power, and he also suddenly walked out of the darkness.

Looking at this scene in disbelief.

Is this really an extraordinary second-tier strength?

“Has he reached this point?”

In some horror, the General Administration of Spiritual Power was also a little unable to sit still.

It has such a momentum before it erupts.

It was really terrible to the extreme.

It’s just that, at this time, Liu Zimo didn’t know everyone’s thoughts.

Now he is immersed in the thunder sea, unable to extricate himself.

Mind is all converging.

I dare not relax in the slightest.

It is because he understands that if he makes a mistake and the location of Shenming Temple is wrong, then he will become a sinner through the ages.

Therefore, he can’t make any mistakes.

And this time,

“Roar ”

In the sudden roar, there was a huge mutant crab of twenty meters, holding the tongs high.

At Liu Zimo, he fired a water arrow several meters thick.

Water arrows break through the air,

Countless people are shocked.

“Be careful, Lord Thunder Dragon.”

“Master Thunder Dragon, behind you.

Among the reminders, countless people’s faces changed drastically.

Can’t wait for them to exclaim more.


Hearing a loud noise, a purple thunder that was more than ten meters long fell from the sky and slammed into the water arrows.


Accompanied by a terrible roar, a terrible shock wave rolled over the sky and the earth, blowing Liu Zimo’s black hair.

However, at this time, it’s almost time

It’s almost there.


Taking a deep breath, Liu Zimo’s gaze was already focused on the ground below.

As the water spread, more mutant sea beasts followed the water and marched towards the mainland.

Here, it seems to be a breach.

Countless mutant sea beasts gathered.

Even if it is human artillery, it is not enough to completely kill.

But now

“Shenming Hall”

While whispering softly, Liu Zimo also pressed his right hand towards the earth.


Amid the sudden roar, the entire night sky was shaken.

In countless people’s horrified eyes

“Crack, click…”

With one roar after another, countless purple thunders that were more than ten meters long actually fell from the sky and smashed toward the sea.

One after another

Densely packed,

It seems endless.

From a distance, like countless purple thunder snakes, falling between the sky and the earth.

“Boom, boom, boom”

In the continuous roar, in the horrified gaze of countless people, the land where the sea spreads has actually turned into a thunderland,

“Roar, roar, roar”

“Hiss, hiss, hiss”

The sorrowful roar continued, and the wailing was even more unknown.

The entire coastline was shrouded in bright thunder.

“Ding, you have already killed an extraordinary first-order mutant crab, and the point is +10000.”

“Ding, you have killed a fifth-level mutant sea python, point +500”

“Ding, you have already killed an extraordinary first-order mutant sea snake, point +10000”

Among the prompts after another, Liu Zimo’s doctrines were also growing visible to the naked eye.

At this time, if you look at the coastline, you can definitely see that the land flooded by the tsunami turned into a purple thunder sea.

And that, because countless purple lightning, the moment when it fell on the sea, it spread again.

Water can lead to electricity.

With the help of the seawater, the power of the originally terrifying Shenming Temple has a qualitative improvement.

All of a sudden, the sky and the ground all turned into a world of thunder.

The extreme light and extreme heat destroy all life and turn it into ashes

Silence, everyone is silent.

Looking at the world that has turned into a world of purple thunder from afar, everyone has only one thought in their minds: “Is this really something humans can do?’.

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