Chapter 178 Set foot on the extraordinary third level (first more)

“This is the arrival of the tree world”

In the soft whisper, Liu Zimo also slowly opened his eyes.

In the faint, you can see a flash of green in the depths of his eyes.

The tree world is coming, it is a terrible skill.

It is the best skill to deal with mutant beasts.

It can evoke a forest that can be freely manipulated.

However, these woods can also swallow the vitality of mutant beasts.

In this way, mutant beasts can be harvested to the greatest extent.

This skill, Liu Zimo planned to deduce very early.

Unfortunately, when he knew that this skill needed his own vitality, he gave up decisively.


That’s a terrible thing.

If it is really driven by vitality, a few lives will not be enough for him to play.

However, after Liu Zimo obtained the god-level deduction for this skill-plundering vitality, everything was different.

With a little thought, Liu Zimo also pointed on the earth.


With a roar, a ray of greenery was rippling.

Immediately afterwards, in Liu Zimo’s expectant gaze, the earth began to vibrate slowly.

“Kacha, Kacha”

With one sound after another, a small tree has already swelled into the ground and continued to grow.

In a blink of an eye, it has turned into a big tree of more than ten meters.

And this is not important.

What is really important is that Liu Zimo actually feels that this giant tree is an extension of his arm.

When my heart moved, countless branches turned out to be like meteor showers, which were spreading and hitting the earth.

“Bang, bang, bang…””

With loud noise after loud noise, the earth began to vibrate constantly.

Visible to the naked eye, one after another huge potholes are emerging.

And this is really a tree.

If there were more trees, it would be fine.


“It is true that the legendary tree world has come. It is really terrifying.”

With a sigh, Liu Zimo also silently started another round of cultivation.

Next, he intends to attack Transcendent Tier 3.

Now, under the effect of the god-level talent plundering vitality, his body is full of vitality.

The body surface is full of greenery.

And his spiritual power has reached 250,000 yuan, already breaking through the shackles of the second-order transcendent.

As for the body, it is greatly enhanced

Everything has reached a limit.

Nowadays, it is just a good choice to hit the extraordinary third-order.

“Let me use it to set foot on Transcendent Tier 3 to give Yan Jing a great surprise.”

While whispering softly, Liu Zimo also slowly closed his eyes.


Accompanied by an extremely terrifying roar, the surrounding auras converged continuously and turned into a huge vortex.

And this is not terrible.

What was really terrifying was that at this moment, a crack opened in the divine mighty space.

The wisps of Jiucai aura constantly overflowed.

Then, under Liu Zimo’s terrifying suction, these nine-color auras were constantly pouring into Liu Zimo’s body.


Amidst the more terrifying roar, the entire forest shook sharply,

It seemed that there was a great storm.

As time passed slowly, the whole forest became calmer.

The noise of the past seems to have disappeared.

Everything is a return, the initial tranquility.

However, at this time, if you look at the countless mutant beasts in the woods, you will definitely be able to detect the color of fear in the depths of their eyes.

The mutated beast’s perception of danger far exceeds that of human beings.

Therefore, at this time, they could clearly perceive the horror in the depths of the woods.

“. ~.”

Suddenly, there was a shock. Over the entire forest, you could see it, and an amazing whirlpool emerged.

That is the aura vortex.

Vast and huge,

It covers a full radius of kilometer.

Fortunately, it is deep in the mountains and old forests, without human beings.

Otherwise, countless humans will be shocked.

Just because this is actually a vision of setting foot on the third-order transcendental.

Of course, what should be noticed is still noticed.

Like now,

For several human cities not far from here, the Lingli Observation Bureau raised the red alert for the first time.

“The spiritual power index keeps climbing, the spiritual power index keeps climbing.”

“It is suspected that there are unknown beings, attacking Transcendent Tier 3”

“The spiritual power index keeps climbing, the spiritual power index keeps climbing

“It is suspected that there are unknown beings, attacking Transcendent Tier 3”

Among the prompts, countless humans are shocked.

“How can it be?

“A transcendent Tier 3 lifeform appeared in the interior? What’s a joke?”

“My God, it’s crazy, it must be crazy.”

Not long ago, the mutant sea python that wreaked havoc on the coastline in Zhenhai City has not faded from human memories.

But now, here again?

Moreover, it is still inland.

You know, inland cities are very different from coastal cities.

Coastal cities, even if there are extraordinary third-order mutant sea beasts, they can cope with it to a certain extent.

At most, nuclear strikes.

But inland, don’t talk about nuclear weapons. General weapons of mass are not easy to use.

Especially the extraordinary Tier 3 mutant beasts on the land, acting like the wind and moving like thunder, if they rush to the city, it will be a catastrophe.

So panicked,

The cities around here are panicked.

For these, Liu Zimo doesn’t know.

Now he ushered in a critical moment,

Spiritual power continues to rise,

It has risen from more than 200,000 to more than 30

In the gathering of terrifying spiritual power, Liu Zimo was surrounded by purple arcs.

These arcs seem to have been transformed by Liu Zimo’s aura, and they are indescribably terrifying.

However, this is not scary.

What’s really scary is that more spiritual power is integrated into Liu Zimo’s body and into Liu Zimo’s bones.

In a daze, Liu Zimo felt that his body was evolving in another direction.

Yes, evolution.

His body is evolving.

“Is this the third rank transcendent?”

“The body has faded away from the mundane, and evolves in the direction of transcendence and sanctification.”

In the soft whisper, Liu Zimo also felt that his body was very different from the past.

Moreover, there is another point, that is, his control of the body seems even more terrifying.

Although unable to tell, the way is unknown.

But this feeling is real.

“The Transcendent Tier 3 can be called the Transcendence Realm.. This realm is the evolution of the body from carbon-based life to the evolution of higher dimensions.”

“I can clearly feel that the cells are fusing with spiritual power, and one cell after another is devouring spiritual power, as if it has become stronger.”

With that said, Liu Zimo also slowly opened his eyes.

“Kacha, Kacha”

Hearing only two crisp sounds, there was an electric light several meters long, and it flashed away.

And in the next moment,


Accompanied by a loud noise, far away, a giant tree has turned to black in the thunder, and finally turned to ashes and disappeared into the air.

And this is Liu Zimo’s thunder.

It is even more domineering than before.

According to Liu Zimo’s guess, his current thunderstorm is estimated to be four or five times more powerful than in the past.

This is the power of stepping into the third tier.

As for the specifics, Liu Zimo is also not clear.

Everything needs to be adapted.

And now, he is just a rookie who has just set foot in the third rank of the transcendent.

“I should be regarded as the first human being to set foot on Transcendent Tier 3, right?

With a sigh, the corners of Liu Zimo’s mouth also made a subtle arc.

These two days,

The luck is really good.

First, it hit the transcendent second-order spirit tree and matured.

It also gained a god-level talent to plunder vitality.

And now, in one go, he actually set foot on the third-order transcendental

Become a living body far beyond the ordinary.

This makes Liu Zimo a little untrue.

In his estimation, he should be the third-order transcendental impact in two months.

But now

“Ha ha ”

A long roar suddenly resounded across the night sky.

With the naked eye, the sound waves came out from Liu Zimo’s mouth.

“‘”Boom, boom, boom”

In the continuous loud noise, the surrounding giant trees were constantly cracking and turning into shatters.

“Forehead ”

There was a slight silence, and Liu Zimo was also stunned for a while.

Subconsciously touched his mouth, Liu Zimo also discovered that he is now, his movements seem to be accompanied by spiritual power.

With a long roar, there is spiritual power gushing out, and then shaking the woods.


This is the third-order transcendent

Stunned, Liu Zimo also somewhat realized the horror of Transcendent Tier 3.

If you say level one to level nine, it’s just that the living body is adapting to the aura.

So extraordinary first-order, second-order, that is, beings are familiar with aura.

And when it comes to the third rank, it is the real beginning of the powerful

At this stage, the spiritual power increased explosively.

When moving, hundreds of thousands of spiritual power, like a source of spiritual power,

It’s scary.

Not to mention that there are various skills blessings.

In this way, it is also possible to imagine the combat power of an extraordinary third-order life form.

“Transcendent Tier 3 beings, some are like Raton I know…”

“No, it’s more accurate to say that Raton is an extraordinary third-order life form. Just flying at supersonic speeds can set off a sonic boom and fly over the city. The shock waves it set off are all that flatten the smaller half of the city…”

“This is the horror of Transcendent Tier 3 beings.”

“Of course, Raton, can be regarded as a powerful Transcendent Tier 3 life form.

“And I just broke through now. It should, maybe, … hasn’t reached the level of Raton.”

Among the voices of some hesitation, Liu Zimo was also not sure.

Just because his combat power is different from ordinary people.

(How about Lee)

He has all kinds of magical skills to bless him.

Individual combat power far exceeds the same level.

Therefore, he is very likely to compete with Raton in his impression.

And what is Raton?

It is a monster that eventually evolved into a monster due to nuclear tests and high-temperature volcanic gas.

According to legend, it was originally an ultra-ancient toothless pterosaur.

Later, waking up, it was even more evolutionary.

Although this is the monster of the movie.

But it didn’t seem to be any different from the mutant beasts of the current era.

Liu Zimo has no doubt that there will be mutant beasts more terrifying than Raton in the future.

Even the ultimate life form like the three-headed dragon will come out.

However, if the three-headed dragon really appeared in today’s world, it should be the legendary Tier 4 life form.

Walking in the world like a real natural disaster, it is extremely terrifying.

Even ordinary nuclear weapons may not be able to cope with disturbances.

Like the old enemy of the three-headed dragon, it even feeds on nuclear fuel.

And this, in today’s world, is entirely possible.

This is the best era. In just a few years, life will go through an evolutionary process that is difficult to go through tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years.

In recent years, it is completely conceivable that the ability to “resist nuclear radiation” has evolved.

At that time, human nuclear weapons are likely to become the greatest disaster.

“If there is such a mutant beast born, his growth rate will exceed imagination.

“After all, there are too many nuclear weapons in the world today.”

With a sigh, Liu Zimo didn’t want that day either. ,

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