Chapter 184 Monster Dragon Girl (first more)

When I came to Yanjing, as Liu Zimo is now, he naturally stayed in the most high-end five-star hotel.

Next door is Xue Ji, Monk and others.

And now,

–The individual sits quietly on the big bed of the hotel, Liu Zimo is also tidying everything up.

“The big move, there are Shenming Hall, Lei Ying, and the Arrival of the Tree Realm.”

“Currently, I have four genres, Chidori stream, Thunder Dragon Slayer genre, Thor stream, and Thunder Breath-Inhalation stream.”

“There are also iron cloth shirts for external power, and golden bells for internal power.”

In softly speaking, Liu Zimo is also thinking,

Thinking about what he needs next.

However, at this moment, his gaze narrowed slightly, and he also set his gaze on the golden bell.

Today’s golden bell is small for a few months.

Dacheng is not far away.

Previously, the reason why Liu Zimo kicked the Flying Monkey King was the blessing of internal and external exercises. The iron cloth shirt and golden bell greatly enhanced Liu Zimo’s body strength and strength.

Later, Liu Zimo even swallowed the heart of the tree, greatly increasing the strength of his body.

As a result, the strength of his body has stepped into the second-order transcendent.

However, the physical body of Transcendent Tier 2 doesn’t sound good, and Liu Zimo prefers to call it’Second Turn’.

A turn of the flesh is equivalent to an extraordinary level.

The physical body alone can contend against the extraordinary.

In fact, it is even more powerful than the ordinary transcendent first-order.

After all, the ordinary and extraordinary first-tier is difficult to tear-split the defense, how can it be able to compete with you.

Besides, a strong physical body also represents the speed of power, which is very terrifying.

So well

But Liu Zimo’s physical body, after a series of hard work, actually reached the second transcendent level, that is, the second rank.

And what does this mean?

Relying on the physical body alone, Liu Zimo is enough to push most of the second order horizontally.

If you say that an ordinary second-order punch is not attached to spiritual power, it is ten thousand jin.

Then, Liu Zimo’s punch is actually 50,000, or even 100,000 catties. 550

This is the horror of Liu Zimo’s body.

As for Liu Zimo’s physical metamorphosis so fast, it is not only because he has cultivated the inner and outer palace iron cloth shirt and golden bell cover.

And swallowed treasures such as the heart of the tree.

It is even more because he is the master of the thunder element.

Can rely on the thunder to polish the body.

Just like the “Lightning Style Outer Armor” he cultivated, while greatly increasing the speed of nerve response, it can also use the thunder to stimulate the cells to continuously increase the strength of the body.

In Liu Zimo’s memory, the “Raiking”, whose body is powerful, seems to be a monster.

It is even more of one’s own power, fighting tens of thousands of people alone.

Lasted for three days and three nights.

In the end, it was exhausted and died of exhaustion.

As for his body, no injuries were left.

In this way, it is also possible to imagine the horror of his physical body.

And Liu Zimo is the same as him, constantly using the thunder to stimulate the cells, how can the body be not strong?

Just like now, kicking the huge body of the Flying Monkey King is because of his thick and thin hair.

“I don’t know when, my physical body has also become my strongest combat power.”

“Now, my physical body may be stronger than the extraordinary third-tier of the same level.”

–Sigh, Liu Zimo doesn’t think that most of the extraordinary third-order mutant beasts have second-turn physical bodies.

Although the body of the mutant beast is inherently strong,

But they lack systematic polishing.

So well…

Except for the best among them, the rest certainly cannot be compared with Liu Zimo.

And now,


Taking a deep breath, Liu Zimo also started to practice the golden bell of foreign skills.

He wants to cultivate the golden bell to perfection as soon as possible.

Then, start to deduct the magical power that King Kong is not bad for magical power.

According to his guess, King Kong is not bad magic power should be able to further strengthen his physical body, until the impact of three revolutions, four revolutions.

And one day,

The magical King Kong will not be broken, and he will be transformed into a little golden man, and he will attack the entire battlefield in a rampant manner.

Wherever he went, he turned his back.

Countless mutant beasts will fly upside down.

At that time, it was the real horror.

With a heart-to-head smile, Liu Zimo is also looking forward to that day.

However, what Liu Zimo didn’t know at this time was that there was a figure standing quietly just below his hotel.

She was enveloped in black robes.

In the dark alley, stepping back and forth, seemingly anxious.

“How can I see Lord Thor?,

Somewhat at a loss, the Dragon Girl also looked at the heavily guarded hotel.

-One after another-fully armed guards, guarding them firmly.

No one is allowed to approach.

It’s so uncomfortable, even she is not easy to get close to.

But she wanted to see Lord Thor.

I really want to.


– In the silence of the formation, she was also deep in the alley, exhaling a deep breath.



A very strange sound-sound echoed in the night sky between the neighs that looked like a snake but not a snake, like a dragon but not a dragon.

This sound is very strange.

Ordinary people still can’t hear anything.

But Liu Zimo in the depths of the hotel was shocked.

It’s just because he actually felt-received a call.

Call from afar.

“The blood-vein seems to be boiling, is this?”

Somewhat surprised, Liu Zimo also noticed that the Thunder Dragon True Spirit did not know when he got out of his arm.

Hovered continuously.

“Is it the call of the dragon?”

Suddenly, Liu Zimo realized something.

He practiced the lost magic-Thunder Dragon Slaying, and he also refined the dragon blood.

It also cultivated the existence of Thunder Dragon True Spirit.

Therefore, to some extent, he does have the blood-vein of the’dragon’.

And now, the call from afar is telling him: “Come on.”


–Sound chuckle, Liu Zimo also turned into a purple electric light, rushing to the direction where the sound came from.

And at this moment, deep in the alley, Dragon Girl was already looking at a figure not far away nervously.

It was a group of heavily armed figures (ahfe).

All are extraordinary.

It was Yenching, the extraordinary guard of the Lingli Bureau.

And now,

“I thought it was a mutant beast? I didn’t expect it to be a person.”

“But forget it, let’s go, and go to the investigation.

In the repeated narration, an extraordinary person has already made an “inviting” gesture.

“no, do not want.

In the repeated response to Yingzhi, the dragon girl’s face also showed a complex color.

She hates humans.

I hate these extraordinary guards even more.

In the old days, in another city, she was hunted for too long, too long.

Until now, she has been on the wanted list of the Lingli Bureau.


“do not come.”

Suddenly speaking, Dragon Girl also sternly looked at the many figures coming not far away.

Accompanied by it, she didn’t know when she actually lit up a line of red inflammation on her right hand.

“do not come.”

In another violent drink, the terrifying spiritual power is all gushing.

And at this moment, the whole alley was feeling-was an inexplicable repression.

The faces and complexions of the members of these extraordinary guards changed drastically.

“Be careful, this seems to be a dangerous character.”

“It’s okay, it’s okay, our general candidate is nearby. I have notified the monk.”

In the repeated narration, the members of these extraordinary guards also dispersed and besieged the dragon girl.

But, just when the dragon girl wanted to make a hand,


In the sudden roar, a purple lightning fell from the sky and slammed into the depths of the alley.

The bright purple electric light illuminates the whole alley.

It also reflects the surprise faces of the members of the Extraordinary Guard.

“Master Thor, Master Thor.”

“Unexpectedly, Master Thor came here.”

In the repeated exclaims, the members of these extraordinary guards were also agitated.


Sudden sound-tones echoed deep in the alley.

Countless electric lights are also intertwined continuously, which outlines the figure of a person.

“Yes, Master Thor.,

In the unison-Ying Zhi -, many figures also withdrew.

Liu Zimo and a figure wearing a black robe stood opposite each other.

At this time, looking at the figure not far away, the dragon girl was also excited.

Especially seeing the Thunder Dragon hovering around Liu Zimo, her eyes were a little red.

“Dragon, it’s really dragon blood-veins won’t lie to me.

With this said, the dragon girl also took off her hat, revealing a pair of very immature things on top of her head, like dragon horns, excitedly:

“Master Thor, I am a god-level beastization talented person, the blood-vein of the flame python, now it is suspected to be the Huajiao,

“Please let me follow you.”

Listening quietly, Liu Zimo, who was looking at this figure, couldn’t help but squint.

It’s really a god-level animalization talent.

【Beastized Flame Python (God-level)-The legendary blood-vein can transform into a flame-burning python, and it is even more likely to become a dragon. 】

After looking at his talent for a while, Liu Zimo turned his gaze again and looked at this beautiful shadow.

This is a very amazing girl.

Looks twenty-two years old.

He has long red hair like flames.

Even the pupils with eyes are not human pupils.

However, I have to say that this girl is very delicate.

“This is the legendary dragon girl.”

Heart-to-head murmured, Liu Zimo also remembered the list of wanted by the Spiritual Force Bureau.

This guy is inconspicuous on the most wanted list.

However, Liu Zimo paid special attention.

Just because of the name.

And her crime seemed to have severely damaged some members of the Spiritual Power Bureau.

“Do you want to follow me?”

Suddenly speaking, Liu Zimo’s voice is as majestic as ever.

“Yes, Lord Thor.

“But you know, you are a wanted criminal now.”

“I know, but I have no choice but to do it. They want to arrest me for a human experiment. I just resisted.”

Speaking of this, the dragon girl’s face also flashed a touch of complexity.

She didn’t want to either.

She really didn’t want to hurt other people.

But the problem is that others are choosing to hurt her.

Until now, she still remembers that there was a female supernatural person who grabbed her tail and yelled at her “monster, monster”. .

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