Chapter 190 The mutant beast standing at the top (second more)

At this time, in the depths of Linhai City,

“Boom, boom, boom”

In the continuous vibration, the earth was trembling, and countless artillery fire flooded the entire sea of ​​beasts.

That is human artillery.

Countless honeycomb muzzles flashed fire.

There are machine guns after another, and they are vomiting fire in the high artillery.

“Da da da, da da”

The machine gun neighed, and countless bullets fell like raindrops in the beast tide.

It’s just that it’s appalling~

“Bang, bang”

In the continuous roar, these bullets are actually difficult to tear apart the shells of these mutant spiders.

Their shell is like armor, which will protect them firmly.

Occasionally there are depressions, but it does not affect their speed-degree.

“What the hell are these mutant spiders?”

“Why, they can block bullets and even dodge gunfire.”

Among the repeated exclaims, countless faces and colors of people watching the live broadcast changed drastically.

“Evolution is due to evolution. These mutant spiders have fought against humans more than once, and they have evolved a means to fight human firepower.”

With a sudden condensed sound, the Spiritual Power General Administration, sitting high in the first place, also understood everything.

This is a small spider bred by an extraordinary third-order human spider.

And the transcendent third-order human spider has no less wisdom than human beings.

It can already be called “higher life-fate”.

This kind of existence, the offspring that actively bred will be stronger than the wild in all aspects.

Like now,

Looking carefully, you can see these basketball-sized white spiders with a thin shell on their body.

That is the armor shell,

An armored shell that can withstand most bullets.

When invading human cities one after another, human spiders have realized that human beings are the most powerful force, which is firepower.

As long as it can resist fire for a short time, it is enough to invade the existing cities of mankind.

Therefore, when she bred the spider, she selected the armored spider with the hardest shell.

Although these mutant little spiders are not enough to withstand the bombardment of artillery fire, it is not difficult to move forward with the rain of bullets.

Moreover, they are extremely fast,

Enough to advance fast in the midst of gunfire.


A very shocking scene happened

Countless mutant spiders rushed to humans in just ten minutes.


Like the neighing of countless blades across the glass, a mutant little spider leaped fiercely and landed on the head of a human.

The blade like a sickle slashed across the neck.

“Stab it”

The blood spurted out, stained the ground, and also caused the faces of the surrounding humans to change drastically.

And at this moment,

“No, no”

“Let me go, let me go”

“I fight you guys.”

Among the screams one after another, countless people collided with the mutant spider.

In just a few breaths and breaths, the city’s first line of defense has become a meat grinder, strangling one life after another.

At this time, far away, behind the battlefield, Human Spider looked at the battlefield with a calm face.

This kind of mutant little spider that hasn’t set foot on the transcendent level, she wants as much and as many.

Even if she died, she wouldn’t care.

What really worries her are the mutant spiders that have evolved.

For example, now, behind her, there are dozens of mutant spiders of different sizes, quietly crawling.

With arms like sickles, it is a very petite sickle spider.

This is an extraordinary second-order mutant sickle spider. Its speed is as fast as a stream of light. It can compete with the most powerful samurai among the island nations.

For another example, there are spiders the size of a grinding disc that are constantly swallowing spider silk.

This is a mutant spider silk spider, his silk is not invaded by water or fire, hard as iron, and even more flexible-extremely tough.

It is also very scary.

And these powerful spiders are the ones who really care about her.

It can be counted as her family.

As for how they came.

Naturally, it is because, after bloodbathing human cities one after another, they have continuously evolved.

In this era of spiritual revival-the survival of the fittest, the show is vivid and vivid.

Excellent, constantly evolving, will be even better.

The inferior ones will be eliminated one after another.

“Hey-hey ”

In the very strange laughter, the human spider also does not hide the expectation on his face:

“Hope, this time, a few little spiders can set foot on the extraordinary second-order.”


Among the neighing in unison, behind the human spider’s back, all kinds of mutant spiders of different sizes are extremely excited and excited.

And at this moment,

“kill ”

In the sudden violent drink, far away, there was a figure rushing with a knife.

The long knife in his hand was swallowing a half-meter long blade.

Wherever he went, countless mutant spiders were bleeding.

“Brother-brothers, don’t be afraid, these mutant spiders are vulnerable.”

In the loud shouting, this one of Linhai City’s famous and extraordinary second-order martial artist Cold Sabre also rushed forward.

“Cut me.

– While shouting with anger, he was holding knives in both hands, and he cut out hundreds of meters of light.


With a sound of earth-shaking roar, the entire battlefield sank.

Countless mutant spiders were too late to scream, and they were already overwhelmed by the bright light of the sword.

At this moment, this extraordinary second-order warrior, like a god of murder, rages on the entire battlefield.

Not just him,

Near him, one after another, extraordinary people, unstoppable.

“Chong, follow Brother Leng Dao”

“The mere mutant beasts dare to be rampant.”

In the violent drinking room, more warriors and transcendents also rushed out.

Someone pressed on the ground with one hand and set off dozens of soil thorns

The mutant little spiders are all through.

Some people vomited fire and burned dozens of mutant small spiders.

And this is Linhai City.

As a coastal city no less than Zhenhai City, Linhai City cannot be underestimated.

Whether it is firepower or extraordinary combat power, they are all available.

Looking at the whole country, it is also one of the best.

It’s just that when the confidence of countless transcendents rises,

“Humph ”

Suddenly, in the middle and far away, there was a bright black electric light hitting him.


In the sudden roar, the famous warrior Leng Dao in Linhai City didn’t even have time to react, and his body was already shocked.

Slowly lowering his head, in Leng Dao’s unbelievable gaze, a hole as big as a bowl appeared on his chest.

“The cold knife is big, no…”

“Brother, you are fine-love.”

“Cold Knife”

Vaguely, he heard countless exclamations coming from behind.

But for some reason, those exclamation sounds became smaller and smaller.

Even with his consciousness is gradually-gradually blurred.

“How can it be?”

The heart-head rises thickly, I can’t believe it, and the cold knife slowly raises his eyes.

And at the next moment, what imprinted in his eyes was an extremely tall black man.

No, this is not a big man.

He has the bull’s head,

It looks-extremely fierce.

And now, with one hand up, he was actually grasping the head of Leng Dao, even grabbing the whole person…

0………For flowers…

“Supernatural second-order, nice guy.”

With a sound of admiration-Yinzhi-Zhong, this monster with a bull-head body opened its mouth slowly, revealing a big mouth of blood.

“Kacha, Kacha”

The sound followed by the sound of chewing and chewing is like biting in the hearts and heads of countless people, making countless people feel chills in their hearts and heads, and there is cold sweat on their backs and backs.

Cold knife boss, that’s an extraordinary second-order powerhouse.

But now, there is no resistance.

even more

It’s a pity,

Everyone is dumbfounded.

But at this moment,

“Brother Lengdao, I’m going to kill you.”

With a sudden scream, a beautiful transcendent who drew his sword and rushed out.

This is Lengdao’s girlfriend.

However, now, her eyes were breathing fire, and the spiritual power of her whole body was constantly erupting.

“You die for me, you die for me.

In the continuous roar, she jumped tens of meters high and slashed to the tall figure not far away.


-With a sneer, this big man with a big head also gave a backhand punch.



Accompanied by a loud noise, this transcendent first-order Dzogchen female warrior actually flew upside down like a cannonball, and slammed into the distant wall fiercely.

Looking carefully, she was completely bloody, and even her aura gradually disappeared.

It was quiet. The whole battle-field was quiet for a few minutes.

A cold knife that is as powerful as an extraordinary second-order is not an enemy of one.

And this extraordinary first-order Dzogchen martial artist is not the enemy of a punch.

This kind of terrifying combat power makes people can’t help but think of a word.

“Supernatural third-order monster This is a supernatural third-order monster.

–Sound unbelievable exclamation, everyone is unbelievable.

Even the staff of the Spiritual Observation Bureau in the depths of the city had already changed their faces a lot.

“To prepare for the launch of special missiles, he must be bombarded and killed as soon as possible.

The director of the Spiritual Observation Bureau of Linhai City still gave orders very calmly.

“When necessary, drop nuclear weapons regardless of sacrifices.”

“Yes, my lord.

In the successive responses to the response, the entire Spiritual Observation Bureau is telling it to operate like a machine.

At this time,

Quiet battle-on-the-field like death,

“Oh yeah…”

In the very strange laughter, a figure is also at the end of the arrogant land slowly-walking:

“Why did you do it so early, my little guys, haven’t you exerted any effort yet?”

“Extraordinary second-order, but a rare delicacy.”

–Sound Echo-Yes, the bull demon continued to chew the corpse in front of him without looking back.

Such corpses are also very precious to him.

Can greatly supplement energy.

However, at this moment,

If you look to the human side,

I can definitely find that countless humans are already dumbfounded.

Even the eyes are wide..

Just because, far away, there was a very strange figure walking around.

Her upper body is an extremely bright female sex, with black hair like a waterfall.

The eyes are like red gems, shining with dazzling light.

And under her side, it was an eight-legged spider…

At first glance, it was strange and terrifying.

And, more importantly, these two guys seem to be talking.

The previous sneer, I’m not sure yet.

But now, countless people are sure, these guys are talking widely.

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