Chapter 221 Elemental reaction (second more)

“Space can create different spaces, virtualize itself, or instantaneously. It’s just a pity that I haven’t really touched the power of space yet.”

With a sigh, Liu Zimo also had a sense of relic.

It’s not that he didn’t understand enough.

It’s the power of space, which is too mysterious.

Far beyond the extraordinary three levels.

According to Liu Zimo’s guess, this is a force that can only be touched by the fourth-order transcendent, natural disaster-level life forms.

As for the mastery, it is estimated to be the fifth-order transcendent, or even the sixth-order transcendent.

But now, Liu Zimo relies more on the skill of “Shenwei, rigidly use it.”

“When I can leap in space, that is, teleport, then it is almost time for me to touch the power of space.”

In the soft whisper, Liu Zimo’s eyes also showed a glow of heat.

But no hurry.

At the moment “Five Seven Three”, the most important thing is to deduct Moko Bo Temo.

This skill, practice to the extreme, but it is very likely to touch time.

And while learning this skill, Liu Zimo’s control of the ice attribute power can also be greatly improved.

Kill two birds with one stone.

In the early stage, practice ice attribute power.

Later, it was sublimated to time.

With a smile, Liu Zimo is also looking forward to it.

“Go back first.”

With that said, Liu Zimo was also an acceleration, rushing towards Bell City.

There are many human cities in the grassland.

However, now, Liu Zimo mainly wanders in four cities.

One is Bell City.

The other three cities are not far from Bell City.

A Ram City, a Snow City, and an Ice City.

It is worth mentioning that Liu Zimo has sent out Dragon Girl and Shanhun to guard the more distant cities.

With their strength, it should not be difficult to guard a city.

As for Liu Zimo, he can now be regarded as guarding the four cities.

Which city encountered the beast tide, notify Liu Zimo as soon as possible.

Then, Liu Zimo will try his best to rush away.

It’s just that I don’t know if Liu Zimo killed too much.

Nowadays, the frequency of encountering animal tides in these cities is much lower.

However, it is.

At every turn, there are tens of thousands of mutant beasts, destroyed under the thunder.

Even if it is a mutant beast, it can’t stand it.

The mutant beast is also wise.

Naturally, he knows how to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.


Many mutant beasts are evacuating, rushing towards the depths of the grassland.

And these, Liu Zimo didn’t know.

He only knew that he was about to leave.

I heard that there seems to be some problems in the coastal cities.


With a sigh, Liu Zimo was also helpless.

He is really doppelganger.

“Unfortunately, I only have one person,”

With that said, Liu Zimo also returned to the depths of Bell City.

At this,

In a very quiet secret room, Liu Zimo Mo started the deduction again.

“Ding, are you sure to consume one hundred million Tao points to deduce Moko Bo Temo?”


Nodded, Liu Zimo felt a shock.

A deep chill came from the deepest part of the body.

This coldness, biting, more like freezing the soul.

Even Liu Zimo couldn’t help shivering.

Even more frightening was that the practice room where Liu Zimo sat cross-legged was frozen at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Yes, freeze.

The chill was deep, and there were snow falling.

“It’s a chill.”

In the soft sigh, Liu Zimo also gradually understood the principle of Mokobotimo.

This skill is very simple.

It’s so simple that it doesn’t require a deep understanding.

What it pursues is the ultimate chill.

Freeze all the chill.

Just like now, as far as Liu Zimo’s eyes are, everything freezes.

Even the thunder overflowing all over him is frozen.

It’s just a pity that this chill is not enough to freeze time.

According to Liu Zimo’s guess, he is still not at home in practice.

In other words, the ice element in the body has insufficient spiritual power.

“Freezing time only exists in theory.”

“Rather than freezing time, it is better to freeze the body and thinking of life, thereby slowing down their perception of time.

While speaking softly, Liu Zimo was also guessing.

If it is frozen directly,

Obviously unrealistic.

This is not an extraordinary third-order power that can be touched.

But if it is simply freezing the body and slowing down the brain’s thinking speed.

Then that’s it.


“Before I set foot on Transcendent Tier 4, or even Transcendent Tier 5, don’t expect to freeze time.”

Thinking like this, Liu Zimo also shook his head.

Then, began to polish up this god-level ability.

It’s also not bad.

Although I dare not say that the time is frozen.

But the extreme chill is enough.

As the chill is permeating, everything will freeze.

With such a chill, with Liu Zimo’s thunder, what will happen?

That is superconductivity!!

Significantly enhance the power of Thunder, but also reduce the enemy’s defense.

This is superconductivity.

It’s scary.

If you talk about Liu Zimo’s thunder before, there are mutant beasts that can resist.

But after Liu Zimo has thoroughly mastered the ice attribute god-level skill Moko Botemo, then this “hard resistance” will be a question mark.

In Lina, which the Thunder touched, the chill spread directly through the defense and penetrated the body.

In this way, no matter how terrible the defense was, it was like a piece of paper in front of Liu Zimo.

With this thought, Liu Zimo is also delighted.

Unexpectedly, there are such benefits.

And, more than that…

When Liu Zimo started Mokobotimo, the chill spread, and everything around him would be stiff, frozen, and then slowed down and dull.

So, although I dare not say that it is freezing time.

But relatively, it also slowed down the moves of the approaching Liu Zimo enemy.

And this is enough for Liu Zimo to kill them how many times they don’t know.

Therefore, this is another god-level life-saving skill.

“I still like the 5.4 life-saving skills.”

With a smile, Liu Zimo didn’t hide his thoughts either.

Many of his skills are for life-saving.

For example, Shenwei,

Another example is elementalization.

And now, there is another Mokobotem.

This ability can largely help Liu Zimo cope with such a fast speed, or defend against terrifying enemies.

It’s pretty good.

Moreover, Liu Zimo has another piece of information.

That is, elements can react.

Forces like thunder and ice can cause superconductivity and directly penetrate the enemy’s interior.

The flame and ice attributes can also melt or explode.

If these elemental reactions can be used well, the damage will increase a lot, which is not a problem at all.

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