Chapter 225 Purgatory on earth

Attached to the city Purgatory on earth.

Language can no longer describe the tragic degree of the battlefield. The bones and blood flow into rivers are just the tip of the iceberg on the battlefield.

The black beast tide seemed endless, and it was like waves of tsunamis bombarding the city.

The soldiers holding the weapons in the garrison fired wildly, but before they could completely block this wave of beasts, the next wave of beasts would be bombarded.

-The mutant locust just flew on the face of the guard soldier, tearing and splitting a piece of his face, and dozens of mutant locusts would swarm in immediately afterwards, and ate him to death.

– Just as a mutant mouse bit the guard’s leg, hundreds of mutant rats swallowed his body in the next second.

Under the city wall, the defending general led all the awakened people attached to the city, and the warriors launched a full-scale blockade, but in an instant, their line of defense was broken.

This beast tide is really too powerful.

Most of the ordinary beasts are mutant locusts, mutant rats, and mutant argali as pioneers, and their number will occupy a large proportion of the beasts.

The king mutant wolves on the grassland act as the warlord. Although they will also go to the battlefield, they are far less numerous than mutant mice.

However, this beast tide is very different. Although the mutant rats are still the pioneers and the number is also very large, the proportion of mutant rats and other mutant beasts is not so heavy.

The reason is that the number of mutant wolf beasts has increased, and it has greatly increased!

“Die to me!

The defending general gave a roar, and abruptly split a mutant Snow Wolf.

The smelly blood splashed on the defending general’s face, and before he wiped the blood off his face, another mutant snow wolf had already pounced on it.

“Damn it!”

“How can there be such a mutant wolf beast this time in the beast tide? Could it be that all the mutant wolf beasts on the grassland have been dispatched-have they?”

“Is this going to completely destroy my city?”

The defending general really guessed right, this time the beast tide, the mutant wolf beasts on the grassland really came out of their nests.

But their purpose is not just an attached city, but the Thor!

Bell City.

The old director who was more than half a hundred years old narrowed his eyebrows and walked into the communication room with a serious face.

“Is the video communication of the attached city connected?”

“Back to the director, the Lingli Satellite just connected with the attached city signal, this is a live battle!”

The old director shook his eyes and looked at the video. When he saw the endless huge tide of beasts, his eyes burst instantly, and the whole person was dumbfounded.

“How is this possible!”

“How can there be such a huge wave of beasts attacking the attached city?”

The old director was really shocked. He had never seen such a huge animal tide in ten years of guarding the grassland.

“What are these mutant wolves thinking!”

Fighting against mutant wolf beasts many times, the old director knows the wisdom of this group of beasts, they will never do meaningless things.

“Pass the order, order the third team, the sixth team, the seventh team, the ten team to quickly support the attached city!”

No matter what conspiracy and tricks the mutant wolf beasts fought, the old director can’t let the attached city ignore it.

First, the attached city and Bell City are complementary. If the attached city is breached, then Bell City will be a solitary city.

Even if the defense of Bell City is strong, it cannot withstand the attacks and attacks of the beast tide.

The second is life-life!

Hundreds of thousands of lives and lives in the attached city, they are the backbone of the Dragon Nation, and they have made great contributions to the Dragon Nation, how can the old director help them be killed!

“Yes!” The soldier took the order and hurriedly delivered the order.

After the message was delivered, the soldier looked at the old chief, and his lips trembled slightly.

“Director, can the attached city be able to resist such a huge tide of beasts?”

“It will take two days for our people to arrive soon. I’m afraid the attached city will already be there by then.”

The old director condensed his eyes and shot cold light, “Even if there is only a glimmer of hope, I will not give up!”

“Look for yourself!”

The old director pointed to the soldier who was desperately fighting with the mutant beast in the video. He raised his hand and trembled, and his dry eyes were also moistened.

Seeing such a tragic picture, the soldier burst into tears, and he understood what the old chief meant.

The guards of the attached city knew that this was a war with no chance of winning, but they still fought hard regardless of life and death.

Even if the battlefield is stained with blood, even if the body is broken to pieces. There is no hesitation at all.

“Chief,” the soldier wiped his tears, “I didn’t give up hope.”

“With our speed of support, the horror is really too late, but Master Thor

The old Secretary’s heart-head moved, and a tangled color appeared on his face.

Of course he knows that only Liu Zimo in Bell City has the ability to rush to the battlefield quickly, and he also intends to ask Liu Zimo to help him.

But when he gave the order, he hesitated.

This beast tide is really weird. It’s against common sense to attack an attached city from the nest!

Although the old director hadn’t guessed the conspiracy of the mutant beast, he felt that this conspiracy seemed to have something to do with Liu Zimo.

Liu Zimo is the Thunder God of the Dragon Kingdom, the symbol of the Dragon Kingdom.

His safety is even related to the entire Dragon Kingdom, and there must be no loss at all.

Therefore, the old director had to bear the pain to suppress this idea.

If you have to ask Liu Zimo to do it, you have to find out the conspiracy of the mutant beast.

However, the situation-emotion did not develop in the direction expected by the old director.


–A soldier rushed into the communication room, “Master Thor, he

“What’s wrong with him?” The old director was nervous.

“As soon as Lord Thunder got the news that the attached city was suffering from the beast tide, he set off to the attached city to support!”


Bang! The old director’s heart-head clenched, his hands heavily on the table.

“Pass the life of the teams, quickly support the attached city, and be sure to protect the safety of Lord Thor!”

“Protect Master Thor. The soldiers around the communication room were all taken aback.

With the strength of Lord Thor, do you still need protection?

Chief, what does this mean?

Is it…

“Do as I say!”

“In addition, let all the guarding forces of Bell City be ready to support Lord Thor at any time!”


The soldiers’ hearts and heads trembled, and they had a foreboding that this beast wave was unusual.

Under the scorching sun.

“Ah, ah”

A bolt of thunder and lightning galloped, so fast that the eyes could not chase it.

In the galloping thunder and lightning, a figure flickered faintly.

“Using all the power of the grassland, launching an unprecedented beast tide attack-attacking the attached city

“What is your purpose?”

Within the thunderbolt, Liu Zimo locked his eyes and pondered.

After receiving the news that the attached city was attacked and attacked by the beast tide, Liu Zimo did not hesitate, and immediately set off to support.

But this does not mean that he did not smell the conspiracy.

Even if Liu Zimo knows that there is a conspiracy, he must go to support it.

There are tens of thousands of soldiers and countless people in the attached city. He can’t give up so many lives because of his own guesses.

He is the god of thunder, a symbol of the Dragon Kingdom, and he has a mission that must be adhered to.

Of course, Liu Zimo is not a blind impulsive person. The reason why he dares to support the attached city is because he has strong self-confidence, and this confidence comes from his strength!

With the terrifying power of the extraordinary third-stage late stage, plus a variety of heaven-defying divine skills, who can make him, the Thunder God, fall?

Liu Zimo is not blindly arrogant. In this new era of aura recovery, he dare not say that there is no stronger existence than him.

0……for flowers…

But he dared to assert that there was absolutely no existence that made him fall.

This is the absolute confidence shown by strength!

“what ”

A beam of thunder continued to fly towards the attached city. As the distance kept getting closer, Liu Zimo had already felt the terrifying aura of the explosion of beasts.

“Sure enough, it is an unprecedented wave of beasts. The distance is still so far, and the depressive breath comes.

“How many secrets are still hidden in the mutant beasts on the grassland?”

Regarding the grassland, Longguo has not been able to collect all the information, and even if there are any extraordinary third-order mutant beasts in the grassland, it has not been investigated.

Therefore, Liu Zimo also intends to thoroughly investigate the real situation of the mutant beasts on the grassland in this beast tide that is pouring out of the nest!

Attached to the city.

Roars, roars, and howls shook the world. At this time, the entire attached city had become Shura Purgatory, countless corpses piled up into mountains, and countless blood gathered into a river.

The defense of the attached city has reached its limit, and a large number of soldiers, awakeners, and warriors have fallen.

Even the generals defending the city have joined forces with an extraordinary second-order Mochizuki wolf and an extraordinary second-order blood wolf and fell.

Although it has fallen, the general defending the city has shown the aura of the Dragon Kingdom.

With his throat cut by Mochizuki Wolf, he tried his best to take off the Wolf’s head.

The price was that the corpse of the general defending the city was swallowed up by the blood wolf.

The generals of the defenders looked at death as homecoming, and gave the guards of the attached city the last shot.

All the guards screamed desperately and killed the mutant beasts. Such a strong spirit is admirable.

But no matter what, the beast tide is so huge that even if the guards of the attached city tried their best, they couldn’t resist it.


–There was a loud noise, and the mutant beast began to bombard the city wall.

The impenetrable city wall began to break under such a powerful attack.

Deep cracks began to spread across the walls, and the walls were covered with spider web cracks in the blink of an eye.

The remaining guards saw this scene and wailed presumptuously.

“The wall is about to break, we really can’t hold it anymore!”

“We are willing to coexist and die with the attached city!”

“Master Thor, did you hear that?”

The roar in this life was made by the soldier who defended the city before.

Even in the desperate situation where the city is ruined, he still firmly believes that Lord Thor will appear.

The only regret was that he waited until that moment and couldn’t pay tribute to Lord Thor’s demeanor.


Hundreds of mutated blood wolves roared, they flew towards the city wall, and their steel claws struggling towards the city wall.

As long as the sharp claws of these hundreds of mutant blood wolves fall on the city wall, the city wall will inevitably collapse and the attached city will be over.

The defender closed his eyes unwillingly, and this moment is about to come after all.

But at this moment!

“Boom Rumble”

The huge-big thunder broke out, and hundreds of extremely bright thunder lights fell from the sky, laying a layer of power grid around the city wall.

Those hundreds of mutant blood wolves were instantly chopped into coke in this power grid!

The guard of the city suddenly opened his eyes, and when he saw the extremely bright thunder light, he was taken aback for a moment, and then his whole body trembled.



The dazzling light burst, and a figure fell from the sky.

“I heard.”

“You are strong, I am proud of you!”

“Thor, Lord Thor!”

“Master Thor is here!

The attached city, who had been immersed in unwillingness and despair, instantly boiled.

Just because of their beliefs, Thor has arrived! Guang.

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