Chapter 238 Jiu Tun Boy?

(First more)

In this new era of aura recovery, it is unfortunate for all countries in the world.

But for Long Kingdom, it is lucky to have Thor.

Thor not only allowed himself to stand on top of the world, he also brought the Dragon Kingdom to this position step by step.

If Long Guo is likened to a high-speed train, there is no doubt that Thor is the locomotive.

He will lead the Dragon Kingdom to a higher level.

It is precisely because of this that the head of the headquarters issued a sincere sigh of “You are so good in Longguo”.

Liu Zimo was warmed by these words, and he showed a bright smile.

The Dragon Kingdom becomes stronger, which is what Liu Zimo would like to see most.

After exchanging a few words with the head of the headquarters, Liu Zimo entered the hospital and rested.

During this period of time, he was also a little tired, so he stopped practicing and slept well to replenish his mental strength.

Since it takes a while to build a battleship, Liu Zimo started his daily tidying and training from yesterday morning, in order to steadily improve his strength.

His attention first focused on improving his skills.

From the beginning of stepping into the grassland, Liu Zimo is really rare to have such time.

For Liu Zimo, the number of skills is not important, the number of skills is important.

King Kong is not bad magic power is Liu Zimo’s strongest life-saving and body-physical strength skills.

It took him some time to temper the magical power of King Kong not being bad.

After the tempering, the strength and power of the magical power of the King Kong is not bad, and the golden light of the little golden man has become stronger and stronger.

In addition, there is Moko Bo Temo. After acquiring the water element ability, Liu Zimo also has a new understanding of Mo Ko Bo Temo.

Mokobotimo is a skill of ice nature, but the essence of ice is still water, so the ability of water element is also helpful to Mokobotimo.

After a period of deduction, the power of Mokobotimo has also increased a lot.

After Liu Zimo refined the skills he mastered, he left the hospital.

Now that his state has reached the peak, it doesn’t make much sense to go after training.

So Liu Zimo went to the outskirts of Yandu, looking for some mutated beasts in groups or more powerful to harvest.

In this way, not only to solve some hidden dangers for Yandu, but also to collect important points.

When Liu Zimo harvested mutant beasts, the strength of many powerful men in the Spiritual Power Headquarters was also improving.

Such as Dragon Roll and Ice Girl.

After Liu Zimo’s guidance, the control of the tornado and the cohesion of the ice girl have been greatly improved, which also made their strength stronger.

There is also the general candidate Xue Ji, who has also gained a lot of insights in “walking on the water”, and her strength is better than before.

Of course, Shui Ling has made the most progress.

After careful guidance from Liu Zimo, she has steadily reached a half-step transcendent third-order realm.

This also laid a solid foundation for her to break through the third-order extraordinary in the future.

In short, the strength of many strong players has been greatly improved during this period.

The trip to Australia will also reduce some dangers because of their strength.

Time passed slowly, and half a month passed in a blink of an eye.

Only at this time, Liu Zimo is already in the late stage of the third-order transcendent, and has a tendency to break through the peak of the third-order transcendental.

His accumulation of spiritual power reached a terrifying amount of more than 2.8 million.

This is to a large extent thanks to the help of the saint thief. The saint thief can better help him digest food and greatly enhance his spiritual power.

Sage Pirate is definitely a magical skill to accumulate spiritual power, you can see it by looking at the tornado.

Liu Zimo only taught a small part of the Tornado Saint Pirates, and her spiritual power far exceeded that of the same level.

Again, spiritual power is the foundation of strength. The stronger the spiritual power, the stronger the strength.

The tranquility while waiting to build the battleship is rare for Liu Zimo.

It’s just that he didn’t know that it was during this period that Linhai City had an accident.

The transcendent third-order mutant bull demon and the transcendent third-order mutant spider who were suppressed by Liu Zimo and imprisoned in Linhai City escaped unexpectedly.

Yes, escaped!

Without Liu Zimo’s suppression, it was an accident after all.

In fact, Linhai City Spiritual Power Bureau has been very cautious and has taken many measures to guard the two extraordinary Tier 3 mutant beasts.

After all, there is no Thor Lord sitting here, they don’t dare to be careless.

But what they didn’t expect was that these two extraordinary Tier 3 mutant beasts matched perfectly.

Yes, it fits perfectly.

After feeling the abnormal movement of the extraordinary third-order mutant bull demon and the extraordinary third-order mutant spider, the Linhai City Spiritual Power Bureau decisively detonated the small nuclear weapons on their bodies.

Originally, two small nuclear weapons were enough to kill these two extraordinary Tier 3 mutant beasts.

But the Spiritual Power Bureau did not expect that in the moment when the small nuclear weapon was about to detonate, the extraordinary third-order bull demon would forcibly swallow the small nuclear weapon on the body of the extraordinary third-order human spider.

Then the transcendent third-order mutant bull demon rushed to the door of the cage with two small nuclear weapons.

“Boom /~,”

In a loud noise, the solid cage was exploded.

But that extraordinary third-order mutant spider was moving at high speed, avoiding the explosion center of small nuclear weapons.

Although it was seriously injured by the aftermath of nuclear weapons, it was not incapacitated.

Moreover, the strength of the Transcendent Tier 3 mutant beast is quite terrifying, even if it is seriously injured, the strong of Linhai City Spiritual Power Bureau is not an opponent.

What’s more, this transcendent third-order mutant spider had no intention of fighting, and the moment the cage was broken open, it quickly escaped from the spiritual power bureau.

The many powerhouses in the Spiritual Force Bureau couldn’t keep up with the speed of the Transcendent Tier 3 Mutant Spider at all, and could only watch it escape with helpless and furious expressions.

After escaping from the Linhai City Spiritual Power Bureau, the supernatural third-order mutant spider ran fast without looking back, and even chose the direction of the island country.

After escaping to the sea, the third-order transcendent mutant spider breathed a sigh of relief.

However, when it looked towards the mainland, its eyes were still full of fear and horror.

Even if it successfully escaped now, it still can’t forget the scary figure.

The fear of the extraordinary third-order mutant spider for that figure has been integrated into the bone marrow.

Although it would grit its teeth angrily when thinking of that figure, but it would even more-endure-can’t stop-trembling.


No, now this transcendent third-order mutant spider has only one idea, that is, never meet that person.

Just when the transcendent third-order mutant spider fled the island country, Liu Zimo, who was in Yandu, also got the news.

The senior officials of Linhai City Spiritual Power Bureau have always apologized to Liu Zimo, but Liu Zimo didn’t say much.

Liu Zimo didn’t care about a badly injured Tier 3 mutant beast.

Just ran away.

Fortunately, the third-order transcendent mutant spider just ran away blindly, and did not cause any harm to Linhai City.

Liu Zimo also knew the reason, it must be that the mutant spider was too afraid of himself.

I have to mention that this mutant spider is still quite clever.

However, these Liu Zimo didn’t care, what really interested him was.

That mutant bull demon would actually help the mutant spider escape, even at the expense of himself.

This is kind of interesting.

Will the mutant beasts be so affectionate? Or is it that the mutant bull demon is directly controlled by the human spider?

Now Liu Zimo can’t guess it yet, but if one day he sets foot in an island country, he must ask about that mutant spider.

“Boss, do you want to go to the island country for a stroll before going to Australia?”

At this moment, Shan Hun came to Liu Zimo’s side. He touched his fists and made a thumping sound, and even more powerful spiritual power waved out.

During the rest period, Shan Huo was a bit suffocated, and his whole body didn’t know how to vent his strength. He really wanted to find a powerful mutant beast and fight happily.

Liu Zimo looked at Shanhun faintly, and did not speak.

He knows the cause of the mountain’s irritability.

As the power of the mountain becomes stronger and stronger, it becomes more difficult to control it.

Every once in a while, the muddy mountain will be released one-down, just like the previous trip to the grassland.

“”The battleship will be built right away. It is not suitable to go out during this time.

“You stay and learn how to control power with your own willpower.”

Shan felt muddled and touched his head, “It’s too hard to control with willpower. It’s not as good as fighting and fighting.”

Liu Zimo shook his head helplessly, “Then you go to the suburbs to find a few mutant beasts.”

“The mutant beasts in Yandu are too weak to resist my punch.” Shan Chao pulled his face in a depressed mood.

Indeed, there are no powerful mutant beasts in Yandu.

Yandu is the capital of the Dragon Kingdom, how could it allow the powerful mutant beasts to haunt it?

“It’s really troublesome, or, let me practice with you?” Liu Zimo narrowed his eyes to look at the mountain.


Shan Hun was stunned, then backed back again and again, his face showing a bit of fear.

“Haha, forget it, don’t bother the boss, let me find a place to vent myself.”

Just kidding, practicing with the boss, isn’t that looking for abuse by yourself?

Shan Hu just wants to fight-fight, not to be ravaged-ravaged.

“Don’t-dare to get out.”

“Good. (Li Qianhao)” Shan Hun smiled awkwardly and exited Liu Zimo’s room.

However, when he reached the door, Shanhu stopped, “Boss, are you really not interested in going to the island country?”


Liu Zimo sneered coldly, he has no interest in island nations

However, Liu Zimo is somewhat interested in a variant on the island country.

Recently, new species have appeared all over the world, and island countries are no exception.

According to intelligence, a powerful transcendent third-order mutant appeared in the island country.

Jiu Tun Boy!

This is the monster in the legend of the island country.

It is said that this monster is very similar to the legendary Jiu Tun Boy.

And Jiutun Boy is a mysterious monster with a handsome boy skin.

No one knows what its real body is, but its strength is beyond doubt.

Now, Jiutun Boy has gathered a group of evil spirits and occupy the largest capital of the island nation.

Has the ability to gather evil spirits

Liu Zimo squinted his eyes with interest, what kind of ability could this be?

If you can capture it, you can get a magical skill that can perform well.

At this moment, Liu Zimo really had the thought of going to the island country.

If he wants to go, he also wants to bring one person, that is a monk.

The monk is a buddhist, and it will surely be able to do more with less than the monsters in the island country.

It’s just that Liu Zimo didn’t know. As soon as he thought of the monk, the monk ushered in another metamorphosis. .

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