Chapter 253 : Luo Guo’s death battle (third more)

Luo Guo battleship in the rest room.

At this time, the ten burly men who had previously explored Australia were receiving treatment.

Although they were all tied with gauze and looked a little embarrassed, they were in good spirits, and it seemed that their injuries were not very serious.

Just a mutant beast in a dilapidated city can injure ten burly men of the extraordinary second-order peak-the situation in Aolu is really a bit tricky.

At this time, a major general of Luo Guo came in and checked the injuries of ten people.

After watching, Major General Luo frowned, “You said that the ruined city has mutant beasts that are close to beasts?”

The captain of the ten-man team nodded, his face was serious, and he looked at Major General Luo Guo.

“Major General, the situation in Australia and Mainland China is more serious than we thought.”

“What we are looking for is just a small ruined city. There are so many mutant beasts. I am afraid there will be more in other places.”

The major general pondered for a moment, and then said: “I just received the notice that the Freedom Federation, the Sun Resting Empire is almost the land that you are exploring at the same time.,

“They have also been attacked by a large-scale beast wave. If it weren’t for Magneto and Knight King to follow, the two expedition teams would not be able to return.

When everyone heard the words, their faces became more solemn, and the team leader groaned: “It seems that it is impossible for us to save the entire Aolu.”

Just a small ruined city is so difficult to conquer, let alone the vast and vast entire land of Australia.


The major general sighed softly, “Do as much as you can.”

“I just communicated with the governor of the Free Federation, the Empire of the Sun Never Set.”

“They mean to break through the main city occupied by the Seven Mutated Kings, leaving a ray of life for the people of Australia and mainland, as for the others.”

In the back-to-front terms, Major General Luo Guo didn’t say-come. The back-to-front matters can only be seen in the good luck of the people in Australia and Lu.

Although the team leader was unwilling, he also knew that this was a helpless move.

In fact, it was to conquer the main city of Australia and kill the seven mutant kings. They were not sure.

In the face of such a huge mutant beast group, they were afraid that they would not be able to kill the main city, and they would be exhausted, unless a few strongest people opened the way.

With the blessing of a few strong men, they opened up a road to the main city, and they have the energy to break through the main city.

Just where to find these strongest people?

The Magneto of the Free Federation is considered one, as can the Knight King of the Empire that never sets.

But only these two people are far from enough.

If it is the Thunder God of the Dragon Kingdom

By the way, Dragon Kingdom Thunder God!

The team leader’s eyes lit up and he looked at Major General Luo, “Has the Dragon Kingdom Thunder God arrived?”

“With his help, there is hope for breaking through the main city.”

Major General Luo Guo smiled slightly, “Long Country has arrived in Australia a few days earlier.”

“I just got in touch with the naval colonel of the Dragon Kingdom, and it has been confirmed that Thor has arrived in Australia.”

Hearing the news of Thor’s arrival in Australia, everyone was refreshed.

“It’s great. With Dragon Kingdom and Thunder God, it is definitely not a problem to break through the main city of Australia.”

“Of course, Dragon Kingdom Thunder God has killed the terrifying existence of three extraordinary Tier 3 mutant wolf beasts.”

“Okay, okay, with the Dragon Kingdom Thunder God, this trip to Australia and land, I will have enough confidence”~!”

Now the Dragon Kingdom Thunder God is not only the belief in the hearts of the Dragon Kingdom people, but also spread all over the world.

Hearing the name of Dragon Kingdom Thunder God, they can lift their spirits. This is the terrifying influence of a strong person, a peak strong person in the world.

“Major General, what shall we do next?”

“Does it converge with the Dragon Kingdom and other countries?”

Major General Luo Guo smiled and said: “On this point, I am still communicating with Long Guo and other countries.”

“You have seen the situation now, thinking-it is not a simple matter to converge.”

“We landed from different coasts, no matter where we meet, we have to cross the land of Australia, and the resistance is not small.”

“If you walk from the sea, too much time is wasted

“So, think of a way to get the best of both worlds.”

Everyone nodded. Indeed, it is really difficult for several countries to converge.

“Besides.” Major General Luo Guo’s face turned dignified. “There is news from the Dragon Kingdom. The noise we have been searching for is too great. It is estimated that it has attracted the attention of the seven kings of the main city.”

“Long Kingdom suggests that we strengthen our defenses so as not to be

“Om, hum, hum!”

At this moment, the sirens suddenly sounded, and Major General Luo Guo and the ten burly men were all taken aback.

“What’s the matter?” Major General Luo Guo asked anxiously.

–A soldier rushed in and hurriedly reported, “Major General, Qi, a large number of mutant beasts have been found a kilometer away from my battleship!”

“Many of them can’t see their heads at a glance, like a flash flood and a tsunami, they are coming towards my battleship!”

Major General Luo Guo’s face sank, “I’m coming so soon!”

“Passing fate!”

“Order all warships to be on alert!”

“Yes!” The soldier took the order and turned and went out.

“you ”

Major General Luo Guo turned his head to look at the ten burly men, and at this time, they had torn off all the bandages on their bodies, revealing their strong bodies.

“Major General, let’s fight!”

Looking at the ten people’s firm eyes, Major General Luo Guo didn’t say anything. He hammered his chest with his fist, turned and left the rest room.

The ten burly men looked at each other and followed them.

At this time, 50,000 navies gathered on the battleship’s board, each with firm eyes, holding weapons, ready to fight at any time.

On the ship’s bow, forty burly men gathered together, their faces gloomy looking into the distance.

The major general and ten burly men walked over.

“How is it going?”

The captain of the burly man reported: “Major General, it is a large-scale beast wave!”

“The number is too large to detect.”

“It can only be seen that these are all mutant lizards, and they are very powerful!”

Major General Luo Guo heard the words and looked at it. In the distance, smoke and dust billowed, the ground moved and the mountains shook, and all kinds of mutant lizards surged like a tsunami.

Such a large group of mutant lizards made Major General Luo’s heart and head tremble.

He has experienced hundreds of wars, big and small, but he has never seen such a huge wave of mutant beasts, let alone a kind of mutant beast.

“Is this the mutant beast of Aolu?”

“It’s really scary…”

The captain furrowed his eyebrows and his face was as cold as frost. “This should be the mutant lizard group described in the intelligence. It is said that they are one of the most powerful mutant groups in Australia.”

“And among them, there is also a mutant lizard king, one of the seven mutant lizard kings in the main city!”

“The strength has reached the third stage of the extraordinary third stage, it is very scary!’

When Major General Luo Guo heard the words, his face was even more ugly, “Is that mutant lizard king also here?”

“I haven’t found it yet.”

The captain said solemnly: “Major General, it is obvious that this mutant lizard group is coming for us.”

“Order an attack-attack!”

“Don’t let them destroy the warship, otherwise we will have no retreat!”

Major General Luo Guo naturally knew the seriousness of the situation. He walked to the bow and looked at the crowd of mutant lizards swarming, with an angry expression on his face.

“Naval gun preparation!!

Upon hearing the order, a thick barrel was erected on the battleship, aiming at the battlefield.

“The naval gun is ready!

Major General Luo’s face was as cold as frost. He watched the mutant lizards closely. After they entered the range, Major General Luo gave orders without hesitation.


“Bang, bang, bang”

Hundreds of naval guns fired together, and powerful shells fell directly on the mutant lizards.

“Boom, boom, boom!”

-Loud noises, cannonball drama-fierce explosions, the battlefield shakes the mountains for a while, and the fire blazes into the sky.

Under this intense artillery bombardment, a large number of mutant lizards were killed.

More were swallowed by the spread of the artillery shells.

However, the number of mutant lizard groups is too much, like a flash flood and tsunami, almost swallowing the entire land.

No matter how many naval guns a warship has, it can only lock one area and cannot cover all of it.

The mutant lizards outside of the artillery fire are still advancing fiercely.

Even some powerful mutant lizards emerged from the gunfire and continued to charge.

When Major General Luo Guo saw this, his face-color prints were sinking to the extreme.

He didn’t expect the mutant lizard group to be so smart and avoid the area locked by gunfire, and he didn’t expect the mutant lizard group to be so powerful.

Some were hit by artillery fire, but they were hit abruptly.

“‘”Damn, damn!”

Major General Luo Guo shouted angrily, “Continue the artillery attack!”

“All the soldiers are ready, rushing forward, and must not let the mutant lizard destroy the battleship!”


Fifty thousand navies armed with weapons, one after another got off the battleship, forming a barrier 100 meters away from the battleship.

However, the barrier they formed is fragile.

It is simply impossible to resist such a large group of mutant lizards.

The only one who can really deal with them is Luo Guo’s fifty extraordinary second-tier top-peak burly men.

The captain looked at the players, his eyes flashing with determination.

“It’s time for us!”

“No matter how powerful the enemy is, no matter how large the number of enemies is.”

“The only thing we can do is”

“Kill, kill, kill!”

The drama-Lie’s roar shook the world, fifty burly men urged their spiritual power to the extreme, and (Li Nuohao) a terrifying aura rose into the sky.


With the command of the captain, fifty burly men rushed to the battlefield together.

Looking at the background of fifty burly men, Major General Luo Guo couldn’t help twitching his mouth.

“The warriors of Luo Guo, rely on you!”

With a rapid charge, fifty burly men instantly entered the battlefield.

Facing the huge group of mutant lizards like ocean waves, fifty people didn’t have the slightest fear.

All of them exploded with terrifying power, like fifty sharp swords inserted into the herd.

Countless mutant lizards roared towards them, and the burly man raised his arms and attacked with all his strength.


-With a loud noise, a powerful force blasted the ground into a deep pit, and dozens of mutant lizards were ruthlessly killed.

And this huge-loud sound-ring continues uninterruptedly.

Throughout the battle-the field was wrapped-wrapped up by this explosion-and a large number of mutant lizards were bombarded and killed.

Fifty burly men, like fifty small tanks, crazily crushed the battlefield.

In a short time, the corpses of the mutant lizards piled up like a mountain, and the blood flowed into the village.

Fifty burly men were fighting constantly, and the more they killed, the more fierce they were, but they didn’t know that there was a pair of cold eyes staring at them in the distance.

“The strength is not bad, it’s worth my shot.

“Let me kill you all”

“Roar ”

–The sound of the beast roars, shaking the world!.

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