Chapter 267 : Thor, the man who shakes the world (first more)

The battle of the main city of Australia ended in Liu Zimo’s single-handed killing of the seven mutant kings.

The detained Australians and mainlanders regained their freedom.

Then, the Australians and mainland people headed by Tyre began to rebuild the main city and strengthen the defense. The Freedom Federation and the sun never set empire also extended a helping hand.

At this moment, the news that Thunder God used his own power to kill the Seven Mutated Kings also spread out.

All continents and countries have received images and videos.

For a time, the whole world boiled, and people all over the world cheered.

People were horrified when they saw the scene of Thor releasing thousands of thunders, like a real Thor launching a trial and slaughtering 100,000 mutant kangaroos.

“Oh my God, is this really something humans can do?”

“Thunder God, really my human god!”

When he saw the scene of Thor single-handedly killing the mutant kangaroo king.

Powerful people from various countries have their eyes widened, and the look of horror is self-evident.

“This is one of the Seven Aolu Mutant Kings? A powerful, transcendent Tier 3 mutant beast?”

“It has no power to fight back in Thor’s hands. It’s too powerful.

“This is simply crushing!”

The transcendent third-order mutant beast has always been a nightmare for the powers of mankind.

But this nightmare was in Thor’s hands, as weak as a baby, and such a powerful contrast shocked the human powers to the extreme.

Immediately afterwards, there was a real battle, where Thor had one enemy against six and a battle against the mutant six kings.

Such a terrifying battle of 07 made the viewers thrilling, and even more passionate.

Every move and every style of Thor makes them feel an unprecedented sense of impact.

Horror, tough, and the strongest. Various titles have been added to Thor.

There is no doubt that at this moment, Thor is the most dazzling existence in the world.

The people of the world are boiling because of Thor’s power, and Dragon Kingdom is even more so.

Every city, every person, and every strong man in the Dragon Kingdom is cheering for Thor, and I want the world to hear the cheers of the Dragon Kingdom.

At this moment, Thor’s position in the hearts of the people of the Dragon Kingdom has reached an unprecedented height.

How can the Dragon Kingdom not be proud of having a strong man who can stand on top of the world?

And at this time.

The headquarters of the Longguo Spiritual Power Bureau boiled to the extreme.

When the head of the headquarters saw the battle image, his whole body was shaking with excitement.

“What a Thor!”

“Hahaha, I knew you were fine.”

“Thor Boy, this time your prestige will truly resound through the world!”

Different from the last grassland war, this time Liu Zimo went abroad to fight, with the goal of solving Australia and land.

This is tantamount to conveying a message to the world, and the power of the Dragon Kingdom helps the whole world.

And Liu Zimo’s battle of one god and seven kings is also deeply imprinted in the hearts of people all over the world, and it will definitely be recorded in the annals of history!

The battle between Australia and the mainland is about salvation and help.

Just like a god, spread his gospel to the whole world.

This meaning is extraordinary!

“Report to the head of the headquarters!

At this moment, a soldier walked over and reported in excitement.

“Iceland sent a letter of thanks to our dragon country, thanking our dragon country Thor for saving Australia and land.”

“Report to the head of the headquarters, Sha Guo sent a letter of thanks to Long Guo, thanking Lei Shen, Long Guo, for saving Ao Lu!

“Report to Headquarters Director”

One by one thank you newsletter gathered at the headquarters of the Lingli Bureau.

Hearing this information, the head of the headquarters was full of spirits and was even more excited.

Thank you from all over the world, what an honor this is.

The Dragon Kingdom has always wanted to be recognized by all countries in the world, and now it has finally reached it.

Countries in the world not only recognize the Dragon Kingdom, but also raise the Dragon Kingdom’s prestige to an unprecedented height.

And the person who created all of this is Thor!

The head of the headquarters was so excited that he couldn’t help himself. He looked at the stalwart figure in the video with tears in his eyes and muttered to himself.

“Thunder god boy, have you seen it? Have you seen the respect of my dragon country from all over the world?”

“Your battle has raised the reputation of the Dragon Kingdom to an unprecedented height!”

At this time, a Sanskrit sound came.


“Master Thor’s strength has reached the top of the world, it is gratifying.”

The head of the headquarters heard the sound and saw a monk sitting cross-legged in the conference room.

This person is an extraordinary third-order powerhouse of the Dragon Kingdom, a monk!

“Little monk, you now understand the importance of a strong man to the country.

The head of the headquarters flashed in his eyes, and he was full of expectations.

“I hope you are the next Thor!”

Although the monk was expressionless, he smiled bitterly in his heart.

“It’s difficult to be the next Thor Lord.

“Master Chief, if the little monk can follow in the footsteps of Lord Thor, it is already the Buddha’s blessing.

It’s not that the monk is arrogant, but that he really feels the gap with Thor.

Not only him, including all the strong in the world, have this feeling.

It’s like now.

In the Freedom Federation, a mysterious professor sits in a wheelchair silently.

Circles of ripples agitated in the air, and the powerful breath made the air tremble slightly.

This professor is surprisingly an extraordinary third-order powerhouse, and his strength is probably still higher than that of Magneto.

At this time, he looked at the terrifying forces displayed by Thor in the image, and his eyes were full of horror and complexity.

“Unbelievable, Dragon Kingdom Thunder God has reached such a terrifying point.”

“When Magneto goes to Australia and Lu, he can only become a green leaf.”

The sun never sets in the empire, an old man in the palace mage group.

The whole body of the old man exudes spiritual luster, rich and powerful, as if the elemental power is hovering on his body, which can be triggered at any time.

Such a strong aura also shows that after he set foot on Transcendent Tier 3, it was only at this moment that his eyes flashed with inconceivable shock.

“Long Kingdom Thunder God has stood on the top of the world.”

“Within ten years, I am afraid that no one can reach his height!’

“Mankind’s great fortune”

Luo Guo, in a castle, with a huge body standing in front of the window, he is not angry and prestigious, and his powerful aura naturally exudes, as if there are mad dragons and tigers entrenched in him.

This person is the adult whom Major General Luo said.

Extraordinary Tier 3 powerhouse!

“Thor, thank you very much.”

“You slaughtered the Seven Kings of Ao Lu, I will get revenge for Luo Guo!”

“It’s just this shocking battle, have you really revealed all your strength?”

In fact, it is not only Luo Guoqiang who has these 603 questions, but the world’s top powerhouses have drawn question marks in their hearts.

The Dragon Kingdom Thunder God is like an unfathomable vast universe in their hearts.

Only at this time.

Liu Zimo doesn’t know the thoughts of the world’s great powers, he is working hard to sort out the gains this time.

This trip to Australia and Mainland, he has gained a lot.

The dot product has expanded by 120 million.

With so much accumulated in just two wars, Aolu is really a paradise for harvesting roads.

In addition, Liu Zimo also gained a lot of abilities.

He has mastered the scorching fire element ability of the mutant ostrich king.

He also stole all the land attributes of the mutant wombat king.

And the special talent of the mutant lizard king, transparency, was also obtained by him.

Now, Liu Zimo’s strength has gone a step further.

But this is not all.

Having absorbed such a huge spiritual power of the Mutated Seven Kings, some of his magical skills, such as King Kong is not bad, Mokobotem, etc., can be further refined.

Liu Zimo has never been satisfied with the improvement of his strength. The stronger he is, the more confident he will be and the safer his trip to Australia and land will be.

Yes, Liu Zimo’s trip to Australia and Mainland is not over yet.

One of his goals is the mutant snake that failed to cross the catastrophe

And at this moment Liu Zimo didn’t know.

The deepest part of Australia.

“Roar ”

A roar shook the world, the sky, the valley, and the earth trembled violently.

Far away, an unimaginable giant python slowly raised its eyes

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