Chapter 275 The broken sound that stuns the soul (second more)

The deepest part of Australia.

A stunning battle between the strongest humans and the strongest beasts unfolds.

This may be the battle that determines the survival of Australian land humans and mutant beasts.

And the intensity of the battle is even more ~ ​​can be recorded in the annals of history!

The hurricane roared, the thunder sea churned, and the earth broke apart. Such a vision, as if there is a sense of fear of being in the end of the world.

It’s just one person and one beast that creates this illusion of fear.

Golden light shines, black light shuttles.

After countless fierce collisions, Liu Zimo finally fell behind.

Even if it is as strong as Thor, he has to sigh the power of the mutant snake.

At the same time, the mutant snake was also shocked.

It never thought that humans could fight head-to-head with themselves.

Even more unexpectedly, after hundreds of hard touches, he was unscathed!


What a Thor.

In this battle, I will never let you leave alive.

The mutant snake tightened its blood eyes, and a somewhat complicated light shone out.

There is even a hint of fear mixed in.

Yes, fear.

The mutant serpent asked himself that he had already stood at the top of the continent.

It thought there was no threat to its existence.

But Liu Zimo’s appearance made it feel threatened.

When there is a threat, it will naturally lead to fear.

The most direct and effective way to eliminate fear is to destroy it!

The mutant big snake faintly felt that if this battle could not kill Thor, then the next time I met, it would be the one who died.


There was another dragon chant that resounded throughout the world.

The mutant snake moved again, and at this moment its blood eyes showed unprecedented coldness.

This human being must never let him live!

It’s just that the mutant snake doesn’t know.

Thor is consistent with its thinking.

Only one of them can survive this battle!

“Brush, brush, brush”

Zhan Kong screamed.

In Liu Zimo’s horrible aura, twenty-four thunder swords came in and out.

The twenty-four thunder swords all exude a powerful atmosphere.

It seems to be able to cut everything in general.

“This is ”

Feeling the powerful aura of the Thunder Longsword, the mutant snake’s expression also changed.

And in the few seconds that the mutant snake hesitated, twenty-four thunder swords moved.

“Whoo!” There was a rhythm.

Twenty-four Thunder Longswords, with an aura of destruction, went straight to the mutant serpent and cut it off.

The blood eyes of the mutant snake passed a trace of chill, just about to block the Thunder Longsword.

But the Thunder Longsword suddenly changed its direction.

He wiped the Thunder Long Sword against the body of the mutant snake and flew by.

Among them, twelve flew to the sky and twelve were inserted into the earth.

After the stagnation, the twenty-four Thunder Longswords burst into dazzling brilliance, forming a huge sword formation.

The sword formation just shrouded the mutant snake.

Extreme ghost swordsmanship. Storm style!

[Twenty-four swords are spurred by spiritual power, twelve fly into the air, and twelve are inserted into the ground to form a huge sword formation.

And inflict continuous high damage to the enemy, and the caster can control the sword formation to attack the enemy.

The enemy will be sucked into the center of the sword formation after being injured!]

With the improvement of Liu Zimo’s realm, his swordsmanship has now reached the realm of iron cutting, and he can finally use the ultimate move of ghost swordsmanship.

“Aren’t your black scales like steel and iron?”

“See if my extremely ghost swordsmanship can break through your defenses!”

While talking, Liu Zimo also showed a smile.


With a cold drink, Liu Zimo opened his hands, and huge spiritual power poured into the sword formation.


The twenty-four thunder swords all uttered bursts of sharp swords.

In an instant, countless lightning swords burst out, engulfing the huge body of the mutant snake.

Seeing the extremely fast and countless lightning sword light slashed towards him, the mutant snake’s face suddenly changed.

In this situation, the mutant snake wanted to dodge, and it was too late.

Of course, with the arrogance of the mutant snake, it didn’t bother to dodge.

It doesn’t believe that there is power in this world that can hurt it.



A sword of light slashed on the huge body of the mutant snake.

A trace of horror flashed across the bloody eyes of the mutated snake.

It’s painful!

Immediately afterwards, the mutant snake looked at his body.

The black scales split, flesh and blood appeared, and blood flowed out.

It’s hurt!

The mutant snake’s blood eyes widened, revealing an incredible light.

It was actually injured.

Since the Thunder Tribulation, the mutant snake has not been injured, and now it is injured.

But this is only the beginning.

“Swipe it”

“Boom boom boom”

Sword lights and loud noises continued to bombard the mutant snake.

The sword array shot into the bloody light, and there was an unprecedented wailing.

From afar, a huge figure was frantically struggling in the sword formation, and the night sky was covered with blood.

“How can this be!”

The mutated beasts headed by the mutated snow leopard and other transcendent Tier 3 all showed horror.

“Master Orochi is actually injured!”

“No, this is not true!

0……Look for flowers…

“How can Lord Snake get hurt!”

Even if the facts are in front of them, they can’t believe it.

And in this unbelievable gaze, there was still extreme panic.

Do humans really have such strong people?

The invincible Lord Snake was injured.

Will Lord Snake lose?

Before this battle, the mutant beast had never thought that the mutant snake would fail.

They even think that the mutant snake can easily kill the human Thor.

But now, that strong belief is shaken.

It even began to crash.

However, at this time Liu Zimo had a firm belief.

As strong as a snake, it is not invincible!

Liu Zimo looked at the blood shot in the sword formation, his eyes flashed brightly.

“It seems that my extreme ghost swordsmanship is better!”

However, at this time.


A roar like a dragon roar broke through the air, and the power of terror, spewing out incomparable horror and aura, came straight to Liu Zimo’s door.


Shocked, Liu Zimo actually appeared sluggish.

Although it was only a moment, Liu Zimo’s mind was indeed shocked.

Liu Zimo’s face changed abruptly, showing unprecedented consternation.

The neighing that stunned the soul is really terrifying to the extreme.

However, at the moment Liu Zimo lost his senses, the huge snake head like a locomotive rushed straight towards him.

“Boom, boom, boom”

With the continuous huge roar, the sword array shattered directly.

In the next second, the bloody giant snake head appeared in front of Liu Zimo.


With a fierce impact, Liu Zimo actually flew upside down like a cannonball.

A few kilometers away, there is a hill.


With a loud noise, Liu Zimo hit the hill hard and shattered the top of the hill.

One can imagine how powerful this impact was.


After several violent coughs, blood sprayed out, Liu Zimo’s face was pale to the extreme.

Yes, he is injured, and the injury is not minor.

However, Liu Zimo looked at the blood foam in his palm and smiled.

He was seldom hurt, but he laughed.

“Hahaha, interesting, so interesting!”

“What a half-step extraordinary fourth-order!”

“Right, this kind of battle is what I want!”

With a long whistle, Liu Zimo slowly stood up.

When he got up, his fighting spirit was like an erupting volcano.

The fighting spirit is burning! Guang.

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