Chapter 287 : Another breakthrough (first more)

A stream of huge energy kept on impacting, and Liu Zimo’s breath became stronger and stronger.

The breathing space has surpassed his limit.

This is a sign of a breakthrough.

Even Liu Zimo didn’t expect the energy of the snake heart to be so huge.

It’s really a little luck.


One more thing, Liu Zimo didn’t expect it either.

The snake nature is yin.

As the huge energy of the snake’s heart is constantly being refined, the snake blood also enters Liu Zimo’s internal organs, and a burst of heat suddenly rises.

Even with Liu Zimo’s entire body, there was discomfort, and his state of concentration was also relieved.

Damn, forget this one.

Liu Zimo’s eyes wrinkled tightly, trying to suppress the heat.

But at this moment, the sound of water spirit outside the door came in.

The nervous and timid whispers revealed the beautiful woman’s heart.

And this, surprisingly, came from the confession of Shui Ling.

There was a moment of silence, and forcibly suppressed the throbbing, Liu Zimo was also a bit groggy.

what’s the situation?

Shui Ling is actually confessing to me? This is a bit sudden, right?

I want an answer?

Liu Zimo’s face is full of bitterness. How can I give you the answer? Your confession is too untimely.

07 With a heartbeat, the heat that was suppressed forcibly surging again.

The suffering from the inside out made Liu Zimo’s mind a little blurred.

No, no!

Liu Zimo roared in his heart, and while there was still a trace of sanity, he also turned into a thunder light, and directly rushed out, thinking of shooting away from a distance.


Shui Ling outside the door was startled suddenly, seeing a flash of thunder, and she had no time to react.

How is this going?

Unidentified Shui Ling scratched his head in confusion.

At this moment, a faint voice came.

“The heart of a beautiful woman, I already know, but at the moment of training, please forgive me.”

Hearing the sound, Shuiling also trembled all over, and she was dumbfounded.

However, Liu Zimo didn’t care about Shui Ling at this time.

He turned into a thunder light and rushed straight to the Australian land and sea area.

In the next second, with a “puff”, Liu Zimo plunged into the sea.

The cold sea water invaded the body and mind, and the heat was finally suppressed.

Immediately afterwards, there was an unprecedented hearty.

“what ”

There was a sudden long howl, and an unparalleled huge aura surged, followed by endless thunder, bursting with Liu Zimo as the center.

In just an instant, the sea area with a radius of tens of kilometers turned into a sea of ​​thunder, and the aftermath spread to hundreds of kilometers.

“Boom, boom”

Accompanied by a roar of thunder, the sea rolled over instantly, and the turbulent sea water formed a tsunami, fiercely rushing in all directions.

At the same time, an unimaginable breath of terror rose into the sky.

Such a huge breath shook the main city not far away.

It shook countless mutant beasts.

At this time, all the powerful people from various countries who were originally practicing were awakened by this huge breath.

Everyone trembled, and their eyes burst open.

“This is the breath of Thor boss!”

“Oh my god, what a breath is this, can it be said that the Thor boss broke through again?”

The powers of the Long Kingdom were shocked, and Thor had already reached the third-order transcendent Dzogchen, if he was breaking through, wouldn’t it be necessary to reach the fourth-order transcendental?

Will the world’s first Transcendent Tier 4 finally appear?

As soon as his thoughts moved, the Dragon State powers were extremely excited.

What is the concept of Transcendent Tier 4? It is a powerful field that no one can touch. If Thor really reaches that field, who is his opponent if he looks at the world?

Not only that, the meaning of Transcendent Tier 4 is extraordinary, which is equivalent to opening a new chapter for mankind, and opening a more powerful door.

“You can’t go wrong!”

Magneto’s eyes flashed with unconcealable horror, “This is definitely an extraordinary Tier 4 breath!”

“Unexpectedly, Thor really reached that state!’

“It’s horrible.”

At the same time, the knight king, Tyre is also shocked and can’t help himself.

They all felt that this breath had completely surpassed the third-order transcendental level, and must have stepped into the realm of the fourth-order transcendental level.

The knight king’s beautiful eyes flashed, and amidst incomparable excitement, he exclaimed: “Thunder God is indeed the first to set foot in that field.”

“Since then, a new chapter for mankind has opened!”

Starting from the recovery of spiritual power, the third-order transcendental is the limit of human beings.

They all know that there is a higher level above, but no one has ever been able to set foot.

In the eyes of the world’s powers, the fourth-order transcendental is a mysterious existence, and they have always speculated that the fourth-order transcendental will gain more powerful energy.

Maybe it’s not just limited to the elements.

Of course, all these are just conjectures, after all, no one has set foot on the fourth-order transcendental.

But now, someone has finally set foot, and the secret of that extraordinary Tier 4 can be announced to the world soon.

This is the so-called new chapter.


It is not only human beings that are shocked, but also mutant beasts.

In the sea area of ​​tens of kilometers, countless mutant sea beasts were shocked by the powerful breath of Thor.

In an instant, all the mutant sea beasts in this sea area fled trial frantically.

In just a few minutes, there were no mutant sea beasts in this sea area.

In the sea area tens of kilometers away, countless mutant sea beasts appeared on the surface of the sea, looking at the source of that huge breath, their eyes were full of horror.

at the same time.

In Australia, among the rolling mountains, there is a huge lizard slowly raising its head.

The lizard is several tens of meters in size and looks like a hill.

If it doesn’t move, looking at it from a distance, it only feels like one among the rolling mountains.

Haoyue wine.

The appearance of this huge lizard also appeared.

The 617 sturdy bone spurs towered behind, like a small forest, covered with layers of scales, like steel and iron, and looked harder than the black scales of the mutant snake.

In the huge eye sockets, there was a dark, firm eye, which was as cold as ice, but the light it emitted was hot with moxibustion.

Occasionally, a drop of eye drops fell, and the ground instantly lit up with thick smoke, followed by a deep pit.

This corrosive force is as strong as sulfuric acid.

The appearance of the mutant lizard is even more terrifying. It cannot be described in words at all. It is somewhat similar to the legendary nuclear monster Godzilla.

Of course, the most shocking thing is not its appearance, but its strength.

This mutant lizard is the legendary leader of the mutant lizard group. It is at the same level as the mutant snake, and has reached the terrifying half-step transcendent fourth-order.

“Boom Rumble”

In a loud noise, the mutant lizard clan king also raised his head and looked at the sea area.

“Did you even lose the mutant snake?”

In the whisper, the huge eyes of this mutant lizard clan king also passed a trace of jealousy.

“Long Country Thunder God, I didn’t expect you to have reached this state.

“It seems that the situation in Australia and Mainland is about to change again

Then, the mutant lizard clan king let out a roar, and countless mutant beasts assembled instantly.

They follow the secret and continuous mountains of the mutant lizard clan king, forming a line of defense, and also leaving a ray of life for the mutant beasts of Australia.

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