Chapter 326 : Treasure House of Thunder Palace

The main hall of the thundering hall.

Liu Zimo sat on the throne, the members of the Thunder Palace and the newly joined arrogances gathered, but only the mountain that had just set foot on the third step was missing.

At this time, Shan Hunzhen was moving the stone sadly to rebuild the hill.

Everyone looked at each other, a little bit dumbfounded.

The only person who can make an extraordinary Tier 3 powerhouse do hard work is Lord Thor.

In fact, it doesn’t matter whether Shanhun is allowed to do hard work.

The important thing is that Liu Zimo wants to convey a message.

No matter what realm you are in, you are treated equally in the Thunder Palace, and there is only one king in the Thunder Palace, and that is his Thunder God!

Glancing at the crowd, Liu Zimo also spoke slowly.

“During this time, I was busy practicing, and I didn’t manage the Thunder Palace well.”

“In fact, to join Thunder Palace, the most important thing is to practice and improve your strength.

“Recently, I have sorted out some exercises, and now I’m preaching “64 Zero” to you, I hope you will practice well!”

Hearing that Thunder God was going to teach the exercises, a flash of heat flashed in everyone’s eyes.

As we all know, Thor is not only powerful, the techniques he created are also unique, and they are rare treasures in the world!

All Tianjiao joined Thunder Palace, in addition to admiring the Thunder God, there are also these exercises.

In fact, many Tianjiao practiced by relying on their talents in the past, and they did not have their own practice methods, which also led to their inability to fully utilize their talents.

Now with the exercises taught by Thunder God, the cultivation path of the Tianjiao can have a systematic trend in the future.

Seeing the excitement of the crowd, Liu Zimo smiled slightly and continued: “In addition to the exercises, I will choose some skills to place in the Merit Shop.

“If you want to learn these skills, you need to redeem merit points.”

The skills of Thunder Palace were provided by Liu Zimo, and he also chose two methods.

One skill is something that all members of Thunder Palace can learn, without paying anything.

Of course, this is not to say that this skill is not powerful.

Just because this skill is suitable for all members to practice.

The most representative is the “six-style” skills.

The “Six Forms” is a physical technique that surpasses the limits of the human body and has a very powerful power.

The “six styles” are divided into shaved, iron block, painted on paper, moon step, landed feet, and finger gun.

Each style represents a physical technique that transcends the limits of the human body.

Just like the iron block style, after successful training, you can make your body as hard as iron, invulnerable to swords and guns, and greatly enhance your own defenses.

You should know that many awakened people are very fragile.

It’s just that the “six forms” are very difficult to practice, and most members can only choose one or two of them.

Among the members of the Thunder Palace, only Shanhu, the human weapon, has trained all of them.

He is also the instructor of Six Forms and is responsible for teaching.

Another skill needs to be exchanged for merit points.

The merit point is performance.

Members who join the Thunder Palace will perform tasks on a regular basis. After completing the tasks, they can earn merit points.

The skills that require merit points to be exchanged are the core skills of Thunder Palace. This is rigorously spread, and each of them is very powerful.

For example, the method of restraining interest, returning life to these powerful skills.

Even for the sage thief, Liu Zimo chose a part of his merit.

With these powerful techniques, the strength of Thunder Palace members will quickly become stronger.

Listening to Liu Zimo’s narration, the members of Leiming Hall were full of enthusiasm, giving birth to infinite yearning.

Mo said that the Tianjiao who had just joined the Thunder Palace, the backbone members of the Thunder Palace, were very excited, and eagerly wanted to practice one of the skills.

Just like the key member of the beasts, he will return ten minutes of love to life.

Indeed, in terms of the natural ability of the beasts, if you can practice the return of life, it must be even more powerful.

The characteristic of life return is that it can freely control the body, hair, and internal organs. As long as the spiritual power is strong enough, it can control anywhere.

Even the hair is a weapon to kill people when they cultivate to great success.

Imagine turning your hair into octopus claws for restraint and control of enemies, how powerful it is!

Beasts can be transformed into a variety of beasts, which also means that he can return the power of life to perfection.

Of course, it is the saint thief that has the fatal attraction to the beasts.

One of the effects of Sage Steal is that it can consume the energy of food to the maximum without wasting a point, which is a great bonus to his ability.

In addition to the beasts, there are many people who are full of love for the saint thief.

For example, the Ice Girl, she has taken a fancy to the saint thief’s ability to delay aging.

Girl, who doesn’t want to be young forever.

In addition to these skills, Liu Zimo also proposed a special method.

Members of the Thunder Palace can learn some unique skills from him0

For example, Blood Eye, a girl with a talent for intuition, she wants to learn Liu Zimo’s kendo.

There is also the little Taoist Zhang Lei, he wants to learn Liu Zimo’s Thunder Dragon.

These are no problems, but everything needs to be exchanged with merit points.

In short, the Thunder Palace is like a huge treasure house, you have everything you want, but the premise is that you have that strength.

In the cruel era of spiritual recovery, nothing can be obtained for nothing.

No matter how talented and strong you are, you still need to work hard.

Only by continuous hard work can we survive the troubled times and become a real strong man.

The reason why Lei Ming Dian can disregard the Dragon Kingdom is because of this fair and just benign competition.


After Liu Zimo announced his plan, he left.

The enthusiasm of the members of the Thunder Palace has been fully mobilized by him.

In order to learn the techniques they want, the members of Thunder Palace are also practicing desperately and performing tasks desperately.

Therefore, for a long time, there were active figures of Thunder Palace in various regions of the Dragon Kingdom, and many legends were left behind.

This is exactly what Liu Zimo would like to see.

The activeness of the Thunder Palace also means that the Dragon Kingdom is getting stronger and stronger.

And at this time.

After Liu Zimo arranged the Thunder Palace, he called Shanhun over again.

Looking at the sweaty and dirty mountains, Liu Zimo couldn’t help but smile.

Shan Chao smiled silly, “Boss, I’m almost done 5.4, give me some time.”

“Come on, you.”

Liu Zimo glared at Shan Hun angrily, “I am naturally happy for you if you can set foot on Tier 3, but you still have to say that, you can’t slack off, and your personality should be restrained.”

“For ordinary people, Tier 3 Transcendent is an end point that can never be reached.

“But for you, for the whole world, that is just the starting point, understand?”

Shan Hun’s face straightened, “Yes! I must remember!”

Liu Zimo nodded in satisfaction, “Go ahead, teach all the arrogances during this time.”

“Those are good seedlings.

Shanhun grinned, “Don’t worry, boss, I will let them know what a devil instructor is!”

“Haha, the boss is gone.

With that, Shan Hun turned around and went out.

At this moment, the secretary walked in.

“Hallmaster, a document came from the headquarters saying that it was Kimchi Nation who asked for help.”

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