Chapter 331 : Second burst of spiritual power

Just when Liu Zimo rushed to the country of kimchi, the world set off a powerful shock.

And its root lies in this swamp transformed into creatures.

“Guru, Guru, Guru”

Accompanied by strange noises, bubbles emerged in the swamp, and countless bubbles continued to pop up, expand, and burst again, as if the swamp was boiling.

What is even more bizarre is that in these countless bubbles continue to burst, a strong spiritual power has grown, and a rapid wave spreads out.

After a short time, the entire area was covered by strong spiritual power. Not only that, the richness of spiritual power is still increasing, and it has far surpassed other parts of the world.

And in this dense to dense spiritual power, the breath of the swamp is growing crazily!


The sudden thunder burst suddenly, really shaking the world.

The constantly gathering thunderclouds suppressed the sky. Such a huge “64 Zero” oppressive force gives people the feeling that the sky is about to fall down.

This is Thunder Tribulation!

Such a huge thunder calamity was actually bigger than when Liu Zimo hit Tier 4.

The stronger the thunder robbery, the stronger the strength of the creature crossing the robbery.

I am afraid that no one would have imagined that a swamp that was originally without life could be so powerful.

Natural disasters, Tier 4 is a natural disaster!

How terrible would a natural disaster formed by a swamp be?

However, in the face of such a terrible thunder calamity, this swamp was still boiling.

It doesn’t seem to be afraid of thunder robbery, the tumbling mud is more like provoking thunder robbery.

This shocking scene is simply weird to the extreme.

At the same time.

Many countries around have detected the powerful spiritual power of this swamp.

The psychic detector is constantly alarming, and it is constantly roaring, as if it can’t detect the depth of this swamp at all.

“It’s terrible! What kind of monster is this!”

“Quickly, send out the signal, and pass it to the countries of the world, a terrifying monster is about to be born!”

In fact, there is no need for this country to send out intelligence at all. Such a weird and shocking thing has been detected by all major countries through the spiritual power satellite.

This also includes the Dragon Kingdom!

Longguo Yanjing, the headquarters of Lingli.

“what is happening?”

The head of the headquarters walked into the testing room with a heavy face, which was already in a mess.

The detection equipment was humming, and the atmosphere was extremely tense.

“Reported to the General Administration, the Lingli satellite suddenly sent a signal that an explosive spiritual force was detected in a small country in the non-Asian continent!”

“Preliminary judgment, there is a variant that is attacking Tier 4!”

Hearing this, the head of the headquarters frowned, and he realized that something was wrong.

The situation of impacting the extraordinary fourth-order has happened many times, like the Aolu mutant big snake, like the Thor impacting the fourth-order

But no matter which time, there was no such big movement.

“Has any variant been detected?” the head of the headquarters asked in a deep voice.

“Yes, it’s a swamp!”


Hearing the staff’s answer, the head of the headquarters was also surprised.

A swamp?

What’s a joke, it’s a dead thing, how can it impact Transcendent Tier 4?

This level of absurdity is like saying that a stone has become refined.

But when the head of the headquarters saw the image from the Lingli satellite, he was completely shocked.

It’s really a swamp hitting Tier 4!

“How is this possible? How can a piece of stagnant water hit Tier 4?”

“The General Administration, we have carried out a further inspection. It is indeed this swamp that is impacting the fourth-order transcendental. It has already given birth to spiritual wisdom!”

Wisdom born?

The head of the headquarters was shocked again. With the wit, it shows that this swamp is already a living body.

But this is too ridiculous, how can a dead thing become a living thing?

No, there is definitely something to know about this!

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon. The head of the headquarters has already foreseen that something big will happen.

“Quickly, check the area where the swamp is located, I want the most detailed report!”


The staff got busy quickly and began to detect the area where the swamp was located.

Soon, a shocking situation was about to emerge!

“General Administration, this area is too weird!”

“We have detected that the concentration of spiritual power in this area is dozens of times that of other places!”

“It’s like the source of spiritual power!”

“Moreover, the rich knowledge of spiritual power is still rising, and it is spreading everywhere!”

“Now, with the swamp as the center, the spiritual strength within 100,000 meters has undergone tremendous changes, and the scope is still expanding!’

Hearing the report from the staff, the head of the headquarters suddenly trembled, and then his face shuddered violently, and his eyes flashed with unprecedented horror.

He has guessed the truth of this matter.

That swamp is a place where spiritual power gathers. Under the erosion of spiritual power over time, the swamp has undergone drastic changes, so that it transformed into a living being.

But this is not the most critical.

If it is only a Tier 4, it is not difficult to solve, Thor can obliterate it.

Even if Thor doesn’t have time, it can be wiped out with a railgun.

However, the swamp transformed life and produced a chain reaction.

Living beings can activate spiritual power, not to mention the gathering place of spiritual power.

Now that the place where the spiritual power converges has been fully activated, it is equivalent to opening a source of spiritual power.

This source will continue to breed spiritual power until it changes the entire world.

At that time, the world is afraid that it will usher in a second great resurgence!


Suddenly, the head of the headquarters spouted blood.

As the blood spurted out, his breath instantly diminished, and his spirit became extremely ginger.

That’s right.

The head of the headquarters just displayed his talent for predicting the future, which consumed a lot of vitality!

He has already sensed that the world is really about to usher in the second spiritual resurgence!

“General Administration, you”

Seeing the head of the headquarters vomiting blood, the staff hurried up to help.

“leave me alone!”

The head of the headquarters waved his hand and stopped the staff.

“Quickly, the world alarm will be issued soon, and the second spiritual recovery is coming!”

As soon as the news came out, the whole world shook.

All countries held urgent 5.4 urgent meetings at the first time, and there was only one topic!

The second great revival of spiritual power!

Now the whole world is in extreme panic, and no one knows what great changes will happen in the future.

The first great revival of spiritual power directly annihilated the old era and opened a new era.

Human beings have not yet fully adapted.

Who could have imagined that the second spiritual resurgence will soon be ushered in.

What will the world pattern become?

Will it be another worldwide subversion?

The senior leaders of the major countries are all horrified, full of panic, and there is a deep sense of powerlessness.


When high-level officials all over the world were in panic, Liu Zimo didn’t know what happened.

He has just entered the kimchi country now.

And as soon as I came, I encountered a wave of big beasts led by huge strange birds

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