Chapter 334 :Vengeful boy

Under the pressure of Thunder God, the three-tailed demon fox had to spit out his demon pill.

It is a fiery blood red bead.

It contains extremely pure spiritual power, much purer than the magic core of the mutant beast.

Looking at the mysterious demon pill in his palm, Liu Zimo also showed a bit of surprise.

“It’s really amazing, much stronger than the magic core of the mutant beast.”

At this time, the three-tailed demon fox had recovered to its original form.

It became a fox more than fifty centimeters in length, white all over, and swinging three tails.

Without the demon pill, the three-tailed demon fox loses its ability and cannot maintain its human form.

However, she still retained a bit of humanity, such as being able to confide in others.

Upon hearing Liu Zimo’s comparison between her demon pill and the demon core of the mutant beast, the three-tailed demon fox showed an extremely disdainful look.

“How can the demon cores of those wild beasts compare with my demon core?

“If this is in the myth, they are just the lowest demon race, only worthy of me as a slave!”


Liu Zimo raised his eyebrows, a bit of interest came. He pinched the neck of the three-tailed demon fox and lifted her into the air.

“Do you seem to have a good understanding of the age of mythology?”

“tell me the story?”

The three-tailed demon fox was very uncomfortable being carried by Liu Zimo. The four small paws were constantly waving, seeming to be protesting, but they were also very cute.

“What do you understand? This is what I see from the book, don’t you read the book 643?”

In fact, the three-tailed demon fox really knows a little about the age of mythology.

As a demon, she is fundamentally different from the mutant beast, and she also hides some secrets.

It’s just that she didn’t want to tell Thor.

Thunder God took her demon pill and wanted to make her a slave. She hated her, how could she reveal her secret.

Liu Zimo naturally saw that the three-tailed demon fox was making emotions.

However, Liu Zimo didn’t have much interest in the era of mythology. What he wanted to know was the evolutionary trend of mutant beasts.

Also see if it is related to the age of mythology.

Since the three-tailed demon fox didn’t want to say it, Liu Zimo didn’t bother to ask.

Lifting his hand, Liu Zimo placed the three-tailed demon fox on his shoulder.

Then he asked: “Since you are one of the six hegemons of the Kimchi Nation, you should have some knowledge of the other hegemons, right?”

“Tell me, where are their nests?”

After catching an “inner traitor”, Liu Zimo will naturally make good use of it, and save him from searching everywhere.

It’s just that the three-tailed demon fox is still making emotions and ignores Liu Zimo at all.

She squatted on Liu Zimo’s shoulders, combing her hair constantly.

Liu Zimo raised his eyebrows, a little impatient.

This little thing, don’t you know his status?

“Little thing, I warn you, you are my pet now, don’t show me anything!”

“If you anger me, I will peel you off and bake it!”

The three-tailed demon fox was taken aback by Liu Zimo’s killing intent. Those crystal-clear fox eyes were actually frightened.

He is a devil!

In the end, under Liu Zimo’s “friendly” negotiation, the three-tailed demon fox told Liu Zimo of the other overlord’s lair without reservation.

Liu Zimo did not hesitate and left immediately.

The war begins. The war ends.

In just three hours, Liu Zimo had cleaned up the mutant beasts in Kimchi Country.

Even those so-called overlords, those Transcendent Tier 3, are not the enemy of Liu Zimo.

Tier 4, natural disasters, is really terrifying.

The three-tailed demon fox was shocked to the extreme after seeing Liu Zimo’s method of slaughtering the mutant beasts.

This is too scary, right?

Is he still human?

God, he wouldn’t be a big demon, would he? Otherwise, how could he be so scary?

In the successive shocks, the three-tailed demon fox has also become more honest.

At this moment, she understood that it was impossible for her to escape from the hands of Thunder God, even if the demon pill hadn’t been separated from the body, it was impossible.

In the hands of Thor, she had no choice but to accept her fate obediently.

Liu Zimo cleaned up all the mutant beast forces and harvested a large number of Dao points, and then he returned and joined the little Daoists.

At this time, many strong and high-level people in Kimchi Nation gathered together, waiting for Thor.

In the respect and worship of everyone, the figure of Thor was ushered in, but many people were surprised, why is there a little three-tailed fox on Thor’s shoulder? (ahfe)

Didn’t it when I left just now?

There was consternation and doubt, but no one dared to ask.

As Liu Zimo slowly landed, the leaders of the Kimchi country led the strong and stepped forward to greet him.

They bowed deeply to Thor, and their gratitude could not be expressed in words.

“Thank you Thor, you saved my kimchi country, you are the savior of my kimchi country!”

“On behalf of all people in the Kimchi country, I offer you the highest respect.”

“From now on, my Kimchi country will always be a friend of Longguo!”

Facing the kimchi country’s gratitude, Liu Zimo just smiled faintly, but didn’t take it to heart.

He didn’t believe in the character of Kimchi country at all.

Without those two spiritual power veins, he might not have come.

“You’re welcome.”

Liu Zimo said lightly: “Your crisis, I have resolved it.”

“I hope that your country will fulfill its promise soon, and I will also rush back to the Dragon Kingdom as soon as possible.

The leaders of Kimchi Nation nodded repeatedly, “Yes, yes, sign immediately.

“Master Thor, please come here.”

Liu Zimo was too lazy to deal with this kind of political affairs, so he asked the three little Taoists to follow the senior leaders of the Kimchi country to sign the transfer contract of the spiritual power vein.

And he himself returned to the car to rest.

Sitting in the car, Liu Zimo wanted to tease the little fox, but the little fox fell asleep

Without the demon pill, the three-tailed demon fox is very weak and needs a period of self-cultivation.

Liu Zimo saw this and did not disturb her either.

When he had nothing to do, Liu Zimo started to look and feel domineering, and scanned the environment of Kimchi country to see if there was any existence that caught his attention.

Unexpectedly, Liu Zimo really found one.

Is a person.

A little boy of twelve or thirteen years old.

This little boy has no realm, but has a very strong spiritual power.

“Good seedling!”

Liu Zimo opened his eyes abruptly, and a flash of light flashed.

It is really rare to see such a strong spiritual power before the talent is turned on.

While pondering, Liu Zimo also moved his mind.

He turned into a thunder light and came to the little boy in the blink of an eye.

At this time, the little boy was looking for something in the ruins.

He was quite embarrassed, but his expression was very firm and indifferent.

When he saw Thor appear, he just glanced lightly, then lowered his head and continued to search among the ruins.

Seeing such a cold boy, Liu Zimo also became a little interested.

“What are you looking for?


“where is your family?

“Dead, killed by a mutant beast.”

Liu Zimo smiled faintly, and said nothing.

In fact, there are too many such things.

Every city is destroyed, there will be countless families lost, and the little boy is only one of them.

“Do you want revenge?”

When the voice fell, the little boy’s stern expression finally had a look

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