Chapter 343 : New life from natural disasters

Yanjing’s spiritual power poured out, leading to a wave of turmoil.

And Liu Zimo solved the turmoil without leaving home. With such a terrifying strength, he truly deserves to be the patron saint of the Dragon Kingdom.

One person guards one city, this is a worldwide pattern plan, but no one can do it.

Now, Thor has done it.

Worthy of being the strongest in the world.

However, staying at home also has a certain limit. With dozens of mutant beasts, Liu Zimo can easily solve them.

But in the face of the beast tide, he can only come to the scene in person to completely eliminate it.

Just like now.

In the inspection room of the General Administration of Spiritual Power.

The head of the headquarters pointed to the red mark projected on the detector.

“Thor Boy, look.”

“There is a strong wave of spiritual power here, and it appears in the form of a typhoon.”

“It’s like forming a huge spiritual vortex.”

“Now the mutant sea beasts along the coast are attracted by this spiritual power vortex, and I am afraid that an unprecedented wave of beasts will be formed.

“If it can’t be resolved, all the cities along the coast of our country will be burned.

Seeing the constantly spreading spiritual power fluctuations on the detector, Liu Zimo also frowned slightly.

He realized that this beast tide was not trivial, and he had to go there in person.

“Okay, let me deal with it.”

“The General Administration, there should be no more mutant beasts in Yanjing at present, but it is still necessary to defend against sources of spiritual power.

“The influence of the source of spiritual power is very large, and it may attract mutant beasts from other places.

Under Raytheon’s reminder, the head of the headquarters also nodded, “I’m already deploying.”

“Now there is an enchantment around the source of spiritual power, and the troops are deployed, and I will think about countermeasures in the future.”

While speaking, the head of the headquarters also felt a little powerless.

The spiritual force broke out for the second time, and this was something that could not be prevented.

At the same time, the source of spiritual power cannot be eliminated directly. Although the source of spiritual power is also beneficial to human beings, it is more of a crisis.

If the crisis can be handled well, the source of spiritual power is good luck, if it is not handled well, it will be the source of the nightmare.

It’s just that there is no way.

Spiritual power recovery is a double-edged sword, success or failure depends on how to deal with it.

Liu Zimo patted the head of the headquarters on the shoulder, without saying more, set off for the coast.

In the sky, a rapid thunder flashed across, and it was the god of thunder.

Many people saw Thunder and recognized Lord Thor. They clasped their hands one by one and placed them on their chests.

Give Thor unlimited encouragement, and at the same time place unlimited hope.

Today’s Thunder God is already the highest in the Dragon Kingdom.

He is also responsible for sheltering the Dragon Kingdom within his power. This is his responsibility and cannot be slacking off.

Of course, it’s not just Thor.

Many powerhouses in the Long Kingdom have also stepped forward, like monks, Xue Ji, etc., each of the general candidates, who are doing their best to guard one side.

Even the mountain that had just broken through the third tier, was ordered to guard a city in the Western Regions. In addition, the Thunder Palace was all deployed.

The backbone of the Thunder Palace, headed by Dragon Roll, Ice Girl, and Dragon Girl, led a group of geniuses into the battle to protect the Dragon Kingdom.

Although there have been many turbulences in the Dragon Kingdom, the situation in the Dragon Kingdom is still stable under the guardianship of the strong people of the Dragon Kingdom, and there has been no large-scale destruction.

This time the second burst of spiritual power, the Dragon Kingdom showed the strong national cohesion to the fullest.

However, other countries are not as lucky as Dragon Country.

Such as the Free Federation.

When Liu Zimo went to the coast to suppress animal tides, the Free Federation produced a huge shock.

There is a huge horror monster that has returned from prehistoric times.

Free federal coastal areas.


Accompanied by a loud noise, in the fierce tsunami, a huge thing came out, it was really terrifying!

It is like a prehistoric dinosaur, walking upright.

The height is as high as one hundred meters, one tail, tightly one tail is also one hundred meters long.

The whole body is covered with extremely heavy scales, which are a thousand times harder than steel, and the rows of back spines on the back are like hills.

What’s more terrifying is that its weight, which has reached tens of thousands of tons, is simply terrifying to the extreme.


The sudden loud noise caused the ground to shake violently, like an earthquake, but only the monster landed on the mainland.

Every step of the terrifying monster is accompanied by the shaking of the earth and the mountains, and it has infinite destructive power.

It walked into a city, and the tall buildings looked like Lego toys in front of it.

With a flick of its front paws and a flick of its tail, countless tall buildings can collapse. Such a huge and terrifying monster has never been seen before by the Freedom Federation.

Natural disaster! It is another Tier 4 natural disaster mutant beast.

But the strength of this monster is much stronger than ordinary Tier 4 mutant beasts.

Free Federal Command.

Magneto, Professor Bald and many other powerful people from the Free Federation gathered.

They looked at the huge monster slowly approaching, and their faces were full of extreme horror.

“Oh my god, where did this monster emerge from? Can we fight this kind of guy?” Magneto sighed in shock.

Professor Bald also frowned, showing a solemn color that he had never seen before.

“”According to intelligence, this monster is lurking in the ocean.

“It should be a behemoth of the deep sea, but I don’t know when it actually evolved the ability to walk on land!”

“Magnetic King, this is an unprecedented challenge and a catastrophe for our free federation!

Ciwang’s eyes tightened, and he gritted his teeth, “Is there any countermeasures?”

Professor Bald pondered for a moment, “I have ordered the super fighters to stop, but with their power, I definitely can’t kill this monster.”


“Let me go!”

Without waiting for Professor Bald to finish, Magneto stood up.

As the king of the free federation, he has the obligation and responsibility to solve disasters.

It’s just that Magneto doesn’t have any confidence.

At this time, a stalwart figure appeared in the head of King Magneto.


A monster of this level, I am afraid that only Thor can contend with it.

They are simply not capable of coping.

It’s just that now the whole world is in the turmoil of the second spiritual power outbreak, and the Dragon Kingdom (Wang Li’s) is too busy to take care of it, and Thor can’t help them.

In the end, they can only rely on themselves!

“Magnetic King!”

When Magneto was about to set off, Professor Bald blocked him.

“You go here, if you can’t kill the monster, then quickly retreat and lead the super warrior to transfer the people of the city.”


Magneto was taken aback, and suddenly thought of something.

“You plan to activate nuclear weapons?

Nuclear weapons are mankind’s most powerful means of attack, enough to razor a city to the ground.

However, the influence of nuclear weapons is too great.

The explosion of nuclear radiation is fatal to human beings, to living things, and even to the earth.

If it is used in a city, the power range will be even wider. Perhaps in the next few decades, this city will not be suitable for human habitation.

“Last resort!”

A sigh revealed the endless vicissitudes of life, Magneto also gritted his teeth and rushed to the place of the monster

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