Chapter 364 : The default general

Inside the office of Thunder Palace.

Liu Zimo discussed the candidates of the other two generals with the General Administration of Spiritual Power.

Long Guo first identified three generals, and now Liu Zimo has one seat, with two remaining.

There are five general candidates before.

Therefore, the first three generals still need to be selected from these five general candidates.

The General Longguo is of extraordinary significance, so he must be cautious.

First of all, the strength must be strong, at least the third-order transcendent, and second, you must have the Dragon Kingdom and the people in your heart, and finally you need to have a certain prestige, otherwise it will be difficult to convince the crowd.

Considering these three aspects, Liu Zimo thought of a person.

“General Administration, I’m suggesting a monk!”

The monk, recognized as the second strongest in the Dragon Kingdom, is second only to the Thunder God Liu Zimo in strength.

In addition to strength, the prestige of the monks in the Long Kingdom people is also very high.

He is the representative of Buddhism.

You must know that Buddhism has a great influence on the Long Kingdom. If a monk is elected as a general, he will definitely get the strong support of Buddhism’s children.

This is tantamount to enhancing the national power of the Dragon Kingdom.

Regarding Liu Zimo’s suggestion, the General Administration also agreed. From various considerations, monks are the most suitable candidates for generals.

“Okay, the monk can be determined, who is the last one?”

Liu Zimo chuckled, “There should be someone in the Central Bureau’s mind, right?”

The three generals are important and important positions in the Dragon Kingdom. Liu Zimo understands 663 very well that the senior leaders of the Dragon Kingdom can gain their opinions and affirm and love themselves.

But he can’t occupy both the nominations of the two generals.

Even if someone chooses in his heart, Liu Zimo is not easy to speak out directly.

The head of the headquarters naturally understood Liu Zimo’s thoughts. He smiled and said, “You stinky boy, you are really a monkey spirit.”

“Well, Long Guo senior proposed that the candidate general Can Meng should be the candidate. What do you think?

“Oh, by the way, Can Meng has already set foot in Transcendent Tier 3, and his strength is comparable to that of a monk!”

Can dream?

Liu Zimo muttered, a beautiful image appeared in his mind.

Can Meng is a peerless genius of Taoism.

With silver hair, fluttering and glamorous, in a long gown, Qiu Li looks down upon the world’s heroes with a sword in his hand.

More importantly, Can Meng has a high prestige in the Taoist school, and the status of the monk in the Buddhist school is the same.

If Can Meng became a general of the Long Nation, it would be equivalent to integrating the strength of Dao Sect.

And a Buddha can also balance the power of the Dragon Kingdom.

Only one thing is that Can Meng’s influence in the people of Long Country is not very high.

Can Meng is different from a monk.

The monk long wandered around dangerous places in the Long Kingdom and solved many crises. Therefore, the monk’s prestige in the hearts of the Long Kingdom is very high.

And Can Meng rarely shows up in front of the people.

Of course, this is not to say that Can Meng did not contribute to the Dragon Kingdom.

This is Can Meng’s behavior, always solving some crises in secret.

Thinking of this, Liu Zimo also agrees with Meng Can as the third general of the Dragon Kingdom.

It just needs an opportunity.

“General Administration, please arrange it. I want to test Can Meng’s strength.”

The head of the headquarters also instantly understood what Liu Zimo meant.

Liu Zimo intends to use the opportunity of testing Can Meng’s strength to build momentum for Can Meng, so that Can Meng can be recognized by the people of Long Nation.

The prestige of the monk was greatly improved at the time, and it was also after discussing with Liu Zimo.

With Thor’s influence in the Dragon Kingdom and the world, it is very simple to help Can Meng build prestige.

“Okay, I will arrange it as soon as possible.”

The candidates for the two generals are now determined, and the process can be followed.

It’s just that Liu Zimo has another idea.

It is far from enough for the military system to have only three generals. The number of Dragon Nation’s troops is very large, and it is not possible to use generals for all front commands.

Therefore, Liu Zimo proposed that eleven lieutenants can be selected.

The lieutenant general is responsible for directing the army to fight, and the general is the supreme commander of the army.

With Liu Zimo’s current status, it is possible to propose a national policy.

And his suggestion was also approved by the head of the headquarters.

However, to implement it, Longguo’s high-level consultation and decision are needed.

“Well, I will put your proposal in the high-level meeting, and it should be approved, so you can now consider the candidate for the lieutenant general.”

Liu Zimo smiled slightly, “Don’t be anxious, wait until the decision is made, and it will not be too late to consider.”

“Now we still have to arrange the affairs of the two (ahfe) generals.

The head of the headquarters nodded, “Okay, I’ll make arrangements right away.”

After the secret talks, the head of the headquarters did not stay too much and rushed back to Yanjing to arrange the coronation of the general, while Liu Zimo continued to practice in the Thunder Palace.

Time passed quickly, and another half a month passed in a blink of an eye.

During this time, Liu Zimo’s strength has improved to a certain extent, and he has also received a notice from the head of the headquarters.

The decision to advance the monks and Can Meng to generals has been passed.

The decision to add eleven lieutenants has also been passed.

The head of the headquarters also informed Liu Zimo that each general has a lieutenant general recommendation.

As the head of the general, he can get two recommended places because of his identity. As the head of the headquarters, he also has two recommended places.

As for the remaining five positions of lieutenant generals, the senior leaders of Longguo decided to elect across the country.

Long Guo has always maintained the style of meritocracy.

Such a decision can also prevent some geniuses from being buried.

For this decision, Liu Zimo also expressed absolute support.

“Thor Boy, do you want to recommend someone? The top management decided that in the near future, the coronation ceremony of the general will be opened to show the whole world the demeanor of the general of the Dragon Kingdom.’

“The eleven lieutenants will also appear at this time.”

“In addition, the senior management also decided that in the future, the general candidates should be selected from among them.”

“Therefore, you must be cautious.”

Liu Zimo smiled and said, “Okay, I will submit a recommendation as soon as possible.,

In fact, Liu Zimo had already planned for the candidate for the lieutenant general.

That is Shanhun, Dragon Girl.

Shan Hun and Dragon Girl have already set foot in Transcendent Tier 3, and their strength is absolutely no problem.

Moreover, during this period of time, Shanhun and Dragon Girl have solved many crises for the Dragon Kingdom, and their prestige in the hearts of the people of the Dragon Kingdom is also very high.

Absolutely capable of serving as a lieutenant general.

Most importantly, Shan Hun and Dragon Girl are Liu Zimo’s confidantes, and they are very loyal to the Dragon Kingdom.

It’s definitely worth choosing two people as lieutenants.

The head of the headquarters also agreed with Liu Zimo’s recommendation.

Shanhu and Dragon Girl are both heroes of the Dragon Kingdom, and their extraordinary third-tier strength is enough to be a lieutenant general.

Recommending them will surely convince the senior management and the people of Longguo.

“Okay, then I will report the quotas of Shanhun and Dragon Girl to the top.

“By the way, there is one more thing, Can Meng, I have already contacted, and she will return to the Thunder Palace in the near future. By then, I will be there with several high-level members of the Long Kingdom.”

“Monks and other veteran experts will also watch the battle.”

Liu Zimo also smiled, “Do you want to make such a big move?”

“Haha, since it is to build momentum, it must be a big scene!” The head of the headquarters laughed.

“All right.

After Liu Zimo discussed with the head of the headquarters, on this day, Leiming Hall welcomed a daughter of Tianjiao.

She is the pre-designated general, Can Meng!

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