Chapter 374 The beasts are jealous (seeking flowers, begging for rewards)


In the clouds, blue lightning was drawn.

Liu Zimo faced the direction of Flying Tiger, his left hand stretched forward, right index finger and middle finger bent, and pulled back in the air.

A huge arrow made entirely of thunder and lightning takes shape with the passage of time.


However, in the blink of an eye, the length of the arrow made entirely of thunder and lightning has exceeded two meters.

At this time, the arrow continued to extend forward.

The color of the arrow also changed from the original light blue to dark blue, moving towards black.

Liu Zimo and Flying Tiger looked at each other.

The next second, Liu Zimo released his hand.


The arrow broke away from his palm, and it expanded rapidly in less than a second.

The surrounding leaves rustled.

The next moment, the arrow collided with the flying tiger.


With the point where the arrow collided with the flying tiger as the center, spiritual power overflowed.

A blue circle that is visible to the naked eye and composed entirely of spiritual power expands at an extremely fast speed.

Immediately afterwards, there was a loud and deafening noise.

The surrounding trees were instantly destroyed, and the forest became bare and beautiful.

The swept trees fell to every corner of the city of Yue State.

667 huge trees and branches fell from the sky.

Houses collapsed and vehicles and pedestrians were overwhelmed.

Most of them closed their eyes and held their heads in their hands, not daring to see what happened.

Only a few people had their eyes open and their eyes fell on the place where the “explosion” just happened.

It is a forest covering an area of ​​thousands of hectares.

Under everyone’s eyelids, the entire forest was almost “uprooted”.

Among them, there was a figure with thunder shining all over.

“Roar ”

A large area of ​​the original white hair on the flying tiger was scorched, and it was hovering in the air at the moment.

Flying Tiger is a wind attribute.

And Liu Zimo is good at thunder.

Below, Liu Zimo, who was originally standing on the ground, had his legs bent, his feet accumulating strength.

He looked at the direction of Fei Tianhu and jumped vigorously.


He rushed into the sky, like an arrow breaking off the bowstring.

Flying Tiger looked at Liu Zimo coming towards him, waving his wings vigorously.

The invisible wind rotates in one direction, forming a tornado with a diameter of kilometers.

Wherever the tornado went, everything on the ground no longer existed.

Liu Zimo’s figure disappeared without a trace at the same time.


He disappeared instantly, and then instantly appeared on top of Flying Tiger’s head.

The thunderclouds in the sky gathered together and it was pitch black.

The thunder and lightning in the sky moved in a regular rhythm with Liu Zimo’s own breath.

Liu Zimo fixed his eyes tightly at the Flying Tiger under him, holding his right hand imaginarily and raising it above his head.


The lightning in the sky fell on Liu Zimo’s body, and did not cause even the slightest damage to him. Instead, the lightning condensed in his hand became stronger and stronger.



Amidst successive thunders, Liu Zimo focused his strength on his right hand and aimed at the flying tiger.

In his hand is a huge spear that is completely condensed from thunder and lightning.

Thunder Spear!

Liu Zimo’s eyes condensed, and he threw it out hard.

With his movements, the sky suddenly thundered.

The thunder and lightning with powerful power fell from the clouds and entangled in the gun body of the Thunder Spear.

Because of the arrival of thunder and lightning, the size of the Thunder Spear expanded rapidly.

The huge tornado also came in front of the Thunder Spear.

Within the territory of Vietnam, all the people of Vietnam watched this shocking scene, and couldn’t help holding their breath.

It’s not just them.

Mutant beasts in other places are also watching this battle.

Thor is the nightmare in the hearts of countless mutant beasts.

These mutant beasts have an expectation in their hearts.

They hope that one of them can stand up and suppress Thor.

They have been waiting for this day.

Tens of thousands of meters away from the country of Vietnam, in a swamp, a powerful breath spreads out (ahfe).

Occupying here is a powerful swamp monster.

Its own cultivation base has reached the fourth order.

Even so, it dare not act.

It has heard of Thor’s prestige.

Out of fear, it did not show up.

Now, now, it was tens of thousands of meters away, feeling the powerful aura that almost enveloped the entire Yue country, and couldn’t help but take a break in its heart.

Such a powerful force is simply not something he can contend.

No, Thor must have weaknesses!

After thinking, it expanded the scope of the extravagance again, trying to explore the details of Thor.

At the same time, deep in the river.

A huge creature with a body length of at least 100 meters is looming.

It looked like a snake, a flood, and a dragon.

It focused its attention on the country of Vietnam, and mist rose from time to time on the surface of the river.

“Thunder God,” it whispered a gleam of wisdom in the depths of its eyes.

Liu Zimo, who was in Yue country, suddenly became the focus.

Wind and thunder and lightning both grow and resist each other.


The moment the Thunder Spear passed through the tornado, the originally invisible tornado was stained with a faint blue color.

The lightning range instantly expanded from the original thousands of meters to tens of thousands of meters.

All the things around here that could leave the ground were swept high in the sky by the tornado, and were torn to pieces under the action of thunder and lightning.

The Thunder Spear did not slow down due to the arrival of the tornado.

It emerged from the tornado and continued to move towards the flying tiger.

Upon seeing the flying tiger, his body accelerated in an instant while his wings were waving.



The thunder spear pierced the skin of Flying Tiger, and the powerful thunder and lightning spread its whole body immediately.

The body was paralyzed and unable to exert strength, the flying tiger fell straight from a height.



The flying tiger’s huge body smashed down, with the power of wind and thunder and lightning, leaving huge cracks on the ground.

The crack expands.

Below this is a dark, bottomless abyss.

Liu Zimo kept walking, and came to it almost at the same time as Flying Tiger landed.

In Liu Zimo’s hand, I don’t know when there was an extra long sword.

Heavenly Street Parade!


Liu Zimo’s figure disappeared, hiding in the sword shadow.

Next, Fei Tianhu faced with extremely fast slashes!




The place where Liu Zimo and Flying Tiger are located is surrounded by smoke and dust.

The line of sight is obscured, and it is impossible to see what is inside from the outside.

All they can see is the electric light that flashes from time to time.


There was a loud noise, and the ground suddenly began to sink.

Violent vibration occurred within a radius of one kilometer.

The foundation is sinking, the ground is cracked, and the cracks are still spreading rapidly around.

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