Chapter 377 Humanoid weapon

As far as he knows, the whole country of Yue has five spirit stone veins up and down, and he only had one before he opened his mouth, which is already very good.

And if it wasn’t for him to take action today, the loss that the Flying Tiger brought to the Yue Kingdom might be more than the value of a spiritual stone ore vein.

So Thor’s request is not excessive.

But I didn’t expect this group of high-level officials from Vietnam to be so ignorant of admiration.

In that case, Liu Zimo stopped being polite to them.

If they are still unwilling, then continue to add on it, anyway, the warrior resource of Lingshi ore veins, no matter how much it is, it will not be too much.

After hearing Thor’s words, all high-level people were shocked, and the monk hurriedly got up.

Just when he was about to speak again, Liu Zimo Mo preemptively said: “Why? Do you want to add more?”

Hearing this, not only the monk, but also the high-level officials of the Yue country who were present trembled.

“Don’t add it, don’t add it, there are only two seats, Lord Thor, raise your hands high!”

A group of senior officials said repeatedly, for fear that Thor would raise the price again.

Hearing this, Liu Zimo smiled indifferently.

In fact, to him, the 07 value of Lingshi veins is not great, at least not yet to the point where it can attract him.

Normally, if these senior executives are really unwilling, it is not without room for negotiation.

However, nowadays, Liu Zimo is not only Thor, but also one of the three generals of the Dragon Kingdom.

Naturally, we have to consider more for the benefit of Dragon Kingdom.

After the remuneration was agreed, Liu Zimo stopped saying much. After a brief farewell, he left the meeting room.

This departure naturally returned to the Dragon Kingdom.

Since the list of eleven lieutenants and three generals was made public.

Such a powerful lineup not only attracted worldwide attention, but some old monsters in the Dragon Kingdom who were originally ignorant of the world also rushed to come out.

It seems that I want to do something in this agile world.

For example, the ancestor of the burning lantern in the West Sea, it is said that his strength has reached the realm of the third-order transcendental decades ago.

The lotus golden lamp in his hand made countless mutant beasts even more frightened.

There is also the extreme snowman entrenched on the top of the Tianshan Mountains. Although the strength has only reached the half-step third-order realm, according to rumors, he was accompanied by a third-order snow monster.

The talent of the ice element is easily frozen by thousands of miles, and its combined strength is estimated to be able to compete with the fourth-order powerhouse.

In addition, there are still many powerful people who have been hidden from the world, or young talents with strong talents, who are rushing to show up.

Although they have never mentioned the reason for being born, but in the entire Dragon Kingdom, besides Thunder God, who else has such a large energy?

With the advent of many strong men, Lingli Bureau and the other two generals are naturally full of joy.

After all, no matter what, that is the power that belongs to the Dragon Kingdom, and the stronger this force, the more stable the Dragon Kingdom can live in troubled times.

However, compared with the three generals, the eleven lieutenant generals just nominated are not only delighted, but the pressure on their shoulders is also heavier.

In order to enhance their prestige, during this period, the eleven lieutenants also showed their magical powers.

The extraordinary second-order mutant giant tortoise that appeared in the land of abundance, after a few rounds, was crushed by the old man of gravity and the tortoise shell was crushed and killed in the northwest.

The second-order mutant snapping turtle that appeared in Lingnan, even with a scaled armor called absolute defense, was still bitten by dinosaurs.

Compared with these two, the Dragon Girl of Thunder Palace was even more terrifying. In just a few days, they killed two mutant beasts that had reached the third-order extraordinary strength in succession.

It can be said to be famous in the first world war.

At the same time, it also adds a lot of brilliance to the Thunder Palace.

However, during this period of time, the most amazing performance is the mountain!

Not long after Liu Zimo left the Dragon Kingdom, a powerful mutant beast appeared in a vein of spirit stone in the wild land!

The strength of Wasteland Barbarian Bull has not only reached the realm of Transcendent Tier 4, it is also a combination of strength and defense.

The flesh on his body is as indestructible as steel and iron bones, and ordinary Tier 3 powerhouses can’t even cause any damage to it.

And the hard horns, coupled with the bull collision, can even burst out the power to shatter mountains and rivers.

Suddenly, many powerful people had nothing to do with the wasteland barbarian cow, and they could only watch it plunder the resources in the spirit stone ore vein.

And at this moment, Shan Hun, one of the lieutenants, shot.

However, the Tier 3 strength displayed by Shan Huo disappointed many people, and even in the eyes of some people, it was tantamount to looking for death.

Because there is already a huge gap between the realms, it is even more difficult to climb across the realm.

Ordinary Tier 3 can be wiped out in the eyes of Tier 4 powerhouses with a wave of hands.

So in the beginning, no one was optimistic about the mountains.

But with Shanhun’s shot, the world was shocked again!

Everyone knows that there is the strongest man in the Dragon Kingdom, Thor!

But after that day, they discovered that in addition to Thunder God, there is also a monster named Shanhun in the Long Kingdom!

Actually, he was alone in the third-order transcendent, fighting the fourth-order alone, and he was still invincible!

If Thor is the strongest person, then in the eyes of everyone, Shan Chau is the sharpest humanoid weapon!

Not only the shot is cruel, but the strength is extremely sharp.

In the end, it was dragged to the support of the Dragon Kingdom powerhouse.

Since that day, the title of “Humanoid Weapon” Shan Hun has spread like wildfire among all countries.

“Humanoid weapon, hahaha, this name is quite suitable for that kid.” Liu Zimo laughed.

For Shan Hun’s performance, he can only use the word satisfaction to describe.

As the saying goes, raising soldiers for a thousand days, using soldiers for a while, this time the mountain mud not only gave Long Country a face, but the reputation of Thunder Palace was further promoted.

“However, although Shan Hun can beat the fourth-order mutant beasts, it is still a bit difficult to kill them.

“If I guessed correctly, that kid should still be waiting for me.

“No matter, since this kid is doing well, I can add fire to him.” Liu Zimo thought secretly.

As soon as the thunder light flashed by, his figure disappeared in the same place strangely.

A barren land, within a camp.

Shanhun and Dragon Girl co-exist in a military tent, and they seem to be discussing something.

And at this moment, an officer rushed in with a nervous look: “Master Shanhun, Master Dragon Girl, the big thing is not good!”

“What needs to be so flustered? When the sky is falling, Laozi will hold it for you, do you panic?” Shanhun’s temper is still irritable as always.

When the officer was drunk like this, he sucked drool in an instant, and he was so scared that he didn’t dare to continue talking.

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