Chapter 384 Breakthrough opportunity

Except for these two figures, their eyes were hollow and their eyes were blank, and the rest were exactly the same as the two old squids.

Even if Liu Zimo, who has the Eye of Thor, is present at this time, I am afraid it is difficult to tell.

“But I was dull and forgot that you still have this ability.”

The old squid stroked the tentacles on his chin, and the surprise in his eyes turned into joy.

“However, when did your puppet art reach this level? There is no flaw!” Looking at such a realistic puppet, he asked again.

Although he has a cooperative relationship with this ghost shark, he still knows a lot about him.

As far as he knows, this ghost shark’s puppet technique has not yet reached the level that it can be fake.

When he heard the old squid’s words, the ghost shark grinned. At this time, he also showed his true face.

It is actually a monster with a human shark head. The fangs of a mouth are arranged like jagged teeth, and a neat row of fish is distributed on both sides of the cheek.

With his already ugly face, this grin made him look even worse.

“Jie Jie, I have already noticed that the Sea King guy is eyeing us, so these two puppets are the means I have prepared for many years.”

“It’s just in case of emergencies.

Hearing this, the old squid was awakened, but in 673’s eyes looking at the ghost shark, in addition to admiration, it was a little more jealous.

As for what he is afraid of, I am afraid that only he himself knows it.

“The two puppets are still in an inactive state. You only need to drop blood into them to completely control them.”

“Then Sea King, aren’t you planning to kill someone with a knife.”

“We just made the plan. After they are out, I will let him taste what it is like to catch a fire in the backyard.” The ghost said with a sullen face and coldly.

Then the two of them cut their fingers, and as a drop of blood entered the puppet’s eyebrows, the puppet’s godless pupils instantly became brighter.

At this time, the four figures in the hall were completely indistinguishable from true and false.

After doing all this, the ghost shark’s figure was hidden in the darkness again.

And just when the old squid thought he had left, the hoarse voice sounded again: “Old fellow, after the matter is done, the position of the golden dragon chair belongs to you.”

“But don’t forget what I want.

“If you dare to ask me, I promise you will definitely let you know what life is better than death.”

Looking at the direction of the sound, the old squid’s body trembled.

In the eyes of the people of the Sea Clan, this ghost shark is just a subordinate of the old squid.

But in fact, the old squid himself didn’t know the identity of this ghost shark, but one thing was certain, if he didn’t get the thing for him, he would really make himself worse than dead.

After a while, the old squid nodded dumbly.

It’s just that the direction is empty, and even the slightest breath is gone, as if ghost dumplings have never appeared.

On the other side, a training room in the Thunder Palace.

Liu Zimo was cross-legged, and a terrifying aura was lingering around him.

If there are outsiders present at this time, you will be surprised to find that his strength is actually stronger than a few days ago.

After about half an hour, Liu Zimo opened his eyes slowly.

If ordinary people are diligent in such a short period of time, they would already be ecstatic.

But on Liu Zimo’s face, not only did he not see the slightest joy, but the frowning appearance looked completely depressed.

“What’s the matter, there are clearly signs of a breakthrough, why can’t you still be able to set foot on the fifth rank?” Liu Zimo, who was sitting on the ground, looked at his palm, and muttered.

It turned out that during this period of retreat, he had faintly felt that he was only a thin line away from the fifth-order transcendental.

It seems that between him and the realm of the fifth-order extraordinary, there is only a thin piece of paper. As long as a bucket of force is used a little bit, he can become the only strong person of the fifth-order in the entire human race.

But I don’t know why (ahfe), he can clearly perceive the existence of this thin paper, but he still can’t know his specific direction.

This caused him to be powerful but didn’t know where to go.

During this period, Liu Zimo could be said to have tried his best, but the result still remained unchanged for a long time.

That’s why he looks so depressed at this time.

“It seems that I want to break through to the fifth rank of the extraordinary, but I am missing some kind of opportunity.” After thinking about it, Liu Zimo no longer struggled.

Anyway, now that the spiritual power in his body has reached the level of Tier 5, he doesn’t believe that with his many methods, he will not find the opportunity to break through.

But since it won’t be able to break through at this moment, it doesn’t make much sense to stay in retreat.

So Liu Zimo simply got up and prepared to leave the training room.

It just so happens to see what the current sea area is like.

Above the sea, several pillars of spiritual energy burst through the clouds, and the roar of horror, from time to time, spread towards the distance.

The voice is miserable, and people who don’t know the truth might think that there is a purgatory ahead.

And that voice came from the mouth of the evil spirit.

But the fact is not the case. The miserable roar was made by a sea beast, and the several spiritual light beams were not others, it was the dragon group and the thunderous people.

Under the leadership of the head of the headquarters and Shan Hun and others, the tide of sea beasts has been driven out of the territory of the Dragon Kingdom during this period of time.

And during this period, there were hundreds of thousands of sea beasts that died in the hands of everyone.

Every time a beast roar came out of the sea, it heralded that a sea beast became a corpse.

At this time, the carcasses of sea beasts under everyone have piled up like dirt mountains.

But even so, the faces of the people above the sea not only did not see the slightest joy, but they looked heavy.

Because the sea beasts that died in their hands were without exception, they were all low-level mutant sea beasts, and only a handful of them could reach the third level.

But such a group of things to die, it is like a wave, endless to kill.

One wave had not been killed yet, and the other wave had already flowed towards them.

Once they stop, these sea beasts will rush towards the Dragon Kingdom.

In this way, it will be the people of the Long Kingdom who will suffer in the end.

But if it drags on like this, it is not a solution. Although the Dragon Group and Thunder Palace are powerful, they are only flesh and blood after all.

The powerful Shanhu and the head of the headquarters are better. Those who are slightly weaker, such as the Yan Man and the Transformed Woman, have nearly exhausted their spiritual power.

Don’t look at these sea beasts, they still have no resistance in their hands, but within a day, the situation will probably be completely reversed.

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