Chapter 386 Turn anger into thunder sea of ​​purgatory

The situation at the head of the headquarters is also not optimistic.

If the three of them join forces on weekdays, I am afraid that no one can fight with them except Thor.

But now, due to the emptiness of spiritual power, the three of them had nothing to do with the two sea beast kings.

And these two sea beast kings never used all their strength from start to finish, they just dodge blindly.

Even if they couldn’t dodge, the heavy armor on the two of them caused a headache for the head of the headquarters.

The situation at this time seemed to be getting more and more unfavorable for Dragon Kingdom.

Many of the people of the Long Kingdom who learned about the situation on the scene through live broadcasts are also ashamed at this moment.

“It’s over, it’s over, they seem to be unable to stop the sea beasts.”

“Let’s leave quickly. Once we lose our defense, our coastal cities will fall instantly.”

“Where is Lord Thor? I beg Lord Thor to show up soon! Now only you can save us “Six Seven Three”.”

“Yes, Master Thor, show up quickly!”

Many people knelt on the ground and prayed for the appearance of Thor, but their words were like rocks sinking into the sea without any response.

About another half hour passed.

There was no blood on Yan Nan and others’ faces, and even the breath was chaotic to the extreme.

At this moment they stood back to back on the spot, staring at the group of sea beasts vigilantly, not because they didn’t want to fight, but now they didn’t even have the strength to raise their hands.

It has become a fish that can be slaughtered.

On the other side, the head of the headquarters and others, the situation is even more tragic.

The mountain, the most active in the daytime, became a blood man at this time, and almost every inch of skin on his body was covered with wounds.

The offensive of the two sea beast kings was almost completely blocked by him alone, and he was carrying it completely with his immortality ability.

Although the other two seem to be better, they have actually reached the point where they are exhausted.

“Jiejie, it seems that this group of guys can’t hold it anymore.

“Old Crab, the time is almost here, let’s do it!” Seeing this scene, the corner of the Turtle King’s mouth flashed with coldness.

After a hello, thousands of beasts rushed towards everyone.


Whether it is the people of the Dragon Kingdom who are watching the live broadcast or the people of the mountains in trouble, their hearts are completely shrouded in despair.

At this time, they were like fish that were slaughtered. Seeing these sea beasts with big mouths and blood basins approaching them step by step, they couldn’t help it.


But when everyone was desperate, a roar suddenly spread from the sky.

Immediately afterwards, above the sky, dark clouds were all over, and within a full range of thousands of miles, it instantly changed from day to night.

The sound of thunder caused the world to roar, and the fury of the storm made this sea area toss.

Such scenes are not like natural disasters, but they are better than natural disasters.

At this time, no matter it was Shanhun and others or the group of sea beasts, they had never felt such a terrifying power.

Above the sky, a small figure was raising these arms at this time, and countless Thunder Cai was around it, and there was a dazzling blue light in his eyes, overlooking the sea below him like a true god.

“Thunder God! It’s Thor! He is finally here.”

“Great, it seems we can be saved.

“Master Thor is mighty! Long live Master Thor!”

“Master Thor, don’t let this group of sea beasts let them feel the power of thunder!

Countless people of the Long Kingdom who watched the live broadcast cheered completely at this moment, and the previous despair disappeared instantly.

As long as this figure appeared in their eyes, even if the sky fell, they knew they would be safe and sound.

The head of the headquarters and others on the other side also let out a long sigh: “Smelly boy, if you show up later, I’m afraid you will only see my corpse.”

Looking at the direction where Thor appeared, the head of the headquarters broke a sentence, but not only did he not see any blame on his face, but he also felt a little bit of joy.

After seeing the appearance of Thunder God, Shan Hun rolled his eyes and fainted completely. If it weren’t for the Dragon Girl’s timely response, he might have sunk into the bottom of the sea.

In fact, he has long been unable to support it. The reason why he hasn’t fallen for a long time depends entirely on his firm will.

But now, Thor appeared, let alone fall, even if there was a sea beast with a big mouth waiting for him to fall down, he believed that only the sea beast would die.

At this time, Liu Zimo’s eyes were full of thunder. Although there was no expression on his face, it was not difficult to feel from the terrifying breath how angry he was at this time.

His eyes swept across the sea beasts one by one, and finally stopped on the two sea beast kings.

After the two sea beast kings felt Thor’s gaze, they had only one idea subconsciously, that is to run!

“Wan Lei!”

But before they could move, a clear voice suddenly came out from the sky.

All sea beasts, including the two sea beast kings, seemed to be fixed at this moment.

Even though their hearts have reached the extreme of fear, their body control has lost control, and they have been firmly held in place.

At the same time, tens of thousands of thunder beams appeared at the same time on the dark clouds that stretched for thousands of miles.

As if coming from nine days, they attacked the group of sea beasts together.

The thunder was everywhere, and the night turned into day again. Thousands of sea beasts, before they even screamed, they disappeared in ashes in an instant.

This scene lasted for a full half an hour, and all the sea beasts that had been arrogant before, at this time can be said to be shattered.

Under the terrifying thunder, even the soul was turned into powder.

But even so, Thor still didn’t stop, thousands of thunders, and quickly sank into the bottom of the sea, rushing towards the distant sea beast camp.

This vast sea area instantly turned into a sea of ​​purgatory thunder.

Whether it is a sea beast lurking deep in the bottom of the sea, or a king in the camp, at this moment, there is no escape.

The Thunder Sea of ​​Purgatory lasted for a full two hours, until the sea area was covered with the corpses of various sea beasts, then Thor stopped.

“Thanks for your hard work, leave the rest to me.” Looking at the tired faces of everyone, Liu Zimo’s eyes rarely showed some shame.

If it weren’t for him to let everyone guard this place, how could this situation arise?

Converging here, almost 5.4 of the top forces of the Dragon Kingdom, once something happens to them, it will be an unbearable blow to both Liu Zimo and the Dragon Kingdom.

Fortunately, everyone was injured only a little, and there were no casualties.

Later, Liu Zimo didn’t care about being exposed. He opened his arms, and his rich and vast spiritual power was released.

The sea area of ​​nearly a thousand miles was shrouded in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, in the incredible gaze of everyone, the sea boiled and a wave emerged.

A beam of powerful spiritual light beams are rushing out of the seabed quickly, rushing towards them.

The sea area under the sole of the foot, as if deprived of some important energy, quickly changed color.

After about half a moment, the water that was still blue had turned gray.

And the people who were extremely weak, not only fully recovered from their injuries, but also the strength in their bodies was unprecedentedly abundant. .

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