Chapter 395 Regret? Sorry, it’s too late!

Seeing the chain getting closer and closer to him, Zheng Lie’s pupils instantly enlarged, and he subconsciously wanted to dodge.

But who would have thought that before he could move, a terrifying coercion would firmly lock it, under this coercive pressure, he could not move his feet!

I was so shocked!

In a hurry, he caught the sea-snake-shaped king next to him, using his body to block him in front of him.

In this scene, let alone a group of people in Nexi City, even the sea beasts in the sea clan army-are all shocked.

Tough Lie’s brutality has all been heard, but no one thought that he was so cruel that he would not hesitate to use his family’s life in exchange for his own safety.

But I have to say that although his move may seem cruel, it does work.

Ao Lie’s Thunder Chain had been locked, but all of them were blocked by the Sea Beast King.

Zheng Lie had nothing to do, but the sea beast king was not so lucky.

The slender body of the snake was already broken into two sections, and there was no brilliance in the round eyes.

Perhaps he would never think that he would die in the hands of his own clan.

At this scene, Liu Zimo was a little stunned.

But after reacting, the killing intent in his eyes became more intense.

The powerful aura instantly enveloped this ten thousand li realm, and the thunder spear in his hand was already condensed.

With his current strength, wanting to deal with these sea beast kings is as simple as pinching an ant to death.

Suddenly, Liu Zimo seemed to think of something in general. He actually put down the thunder spear in his hand.

I saw him staring at Zheng Lie, and after a full five seconds, he said: “Answer me a few questions, maybe you can spare your life.”

Hearing the words, not only the people in Nexi City, but also Ao Lie and the other two sea beast kings were all stunned.

After more than ten seconds, he saw Zheng Lie suddenly roar, and he broke free from Liu Zimo’s coercive restraint and turned into a giant sea crab that has been nearly 100 meters high!

Vigorously waving the huge double ao, coldly replied: “What are you? How dare you decide my life and death?”

Unexpectedly, this Ao Lie was so reckless, on the contrary, he became provocative.

But Liu Zimo was not angry about this. Since he likes to be hard-mouthed, just hit him until he can’t speak.

The Thunder Spear was lifted again, Liu Zimo aimed at Ao Lie’s crab foot, flung it lightly, and cut it over.

This blow is not strong for Liu Zimo, and it can even be said that he has never used his strength.

But in the eyes of Ao Lie and others, it was like an enemy.

Zheng Lie hurriedly waved the giant ao, seeming to want to block the offensive of the thunder spear.


But who would have thought that as soon as the spear touched Zheng Lie, a heart-piercing scream came from his mouth.

Above the huge pincers, there was an empty mouth the size of a bowl. Not to mention, the giant foot that Liu Zimo aimed at also left his body at this time.

One hit succeeded, but Liu Zimo didn’t stop there. This time, two thunder spears appeared in his hand, still aiming at Ao Lie’s giant foot.

Two more screams sounded, and at this time there were only five of Ao Lie’s eight giant feet.

Although the crab’s ankle is broken, it can grow again.

But the pain during this period is far beyond what people can bear!

The tragic wailing sounded painful.

But this doesn’t affect Liu Zimo in the slightest. He has already given the opportunity. If you want to blame, you can only blame, this big crab himself doesn’t cherish it.

And this time, in Liu Zimo’s hands, five thunder spears appeared together, and he was actually trying to make Ao Lie completely disabled.

Seeing this scene, Zheng Lie didn’t care about the pain in his body, and he begged for mercy: “Wait a minute, I will answer your question! Please let me go.”

Hearing this, Liu Zimo just smiled faintly, then glanced at Ao Lie, and slowly uttered two words: “It’s late.”

The voice fell, the spear came out, the thunder fell, and the giant foot broke.

Hearing a puff, Ao Lie fell to the ground without resisting.

The eight huge crab legs were already broken. At this time, he looked like a huge mountain falling to the ground.

However, Zheng Lie passed out completely.

Liu Zimo didn’t rush to kill him, his life was also useful, and then he turned his gaze to look like the other two sea beast kings.

The two sea beast kings, after feeling Liu Zimo’s gaze, seemed to have seen a plague god, without saying anything, they were ready to escape.

But who is Liu Zimo? He is Thunder God! The only rank 5 powerhouse in the human race.

With these two sea beast kings in front of him, there is no room for escape.

0………Look for flowers

The breath of horror instantly enveloped the two bodies, and the two sea beast kings were set in place.

Liu Zimo slowly approached them until he stood in front of them, then slowly said, “I don’t want to be like that guy, just answer my questions honestly.”

They could see the end of the game violently, although they didn’t lose their lives, but the appearance is no different from death.

And they didn’t want to be like that, so they nodded quickly.

Upon seeing this, the corner of Liu Zimo’s mouth curled slightly: “What is the strength of the sea monster?”

“Master Sea Demon is currently in the fifth-order transcendent realm.” A king said truthfully.

Hearing this, Liu Zimo felt a little shocked.

Although he had guessed that the Sea Demon was likely to be a Tier 5 powerhouse, after he was sure, he still couldn’t help but marvel at the strength of the Sea Clan.


However, Liu Zimo’s shock did not show up, but was well hidden by him.

Therefore, the two sea beast kings did not know what Liu Zimo felt at this time.

Moreover, even if they noticed something was wrong, they didn’t have time to think about it, because Liu Zimo’s second question had already passed into their ears.

“Your patriarch, what realm is Sea King?”

Hearing this, the two sea beast kings were embarrassed.

Seeing this, Liu Zimo frowned and continued to urge: “Say it quickly.”

“It’s not that we don’t talk about it. We really don’t know the realm of Sea King.”

“Master Aquaman has always been very low-key and rarely reveals his strength. The only thing we can be sure of is that he is stronger than Master Aquaman.” King Aquaman said helplessly.

Judging from their helpless look, what they said did not seem to deceive Liu Zimo any more.

However, this made Liu Zimo a little surprised.

He didn’t expect that as a powerful king among the sea clan, he would not know the strength of his patriarch.

To do this, there are only two possibilities.

One is that Sea King is very cautious, and even his closest tribe doesn’t trust him.

The second is that the strength of Sea King has reached a very terrifying state, and he can dominate the clan without revealing his strength.

But no matter what it is, it is not a good thing for Liu Zimo.

Because such an enemy is really terrifying. wide,

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