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In the spring of the twelfth year of Delong, Emperor Delong decided to make the six-year-old eldest son a prince, and to forgive the world. This move allowed the entire Dafeng to see the importance of the prince today.

Before setting up the prince, Gao Luoguo aggressively violated Dafeng, but General Dafeng was like a godsend, and he knew the enemy's platooning methods well, defeated the enemy, lost his helmet and armor, and finally even captured The princes and princes of Gao Luoguo, causing Gao Luoguo's face to lose face, collapsed.

Gao Luoguo was defeated, and the prince and the prince were taken prisoner. In desperation, they had to submit a surrender letter to Dafeng and signed a lot of treaties that humiliated the country before they took back their prince and prince.

From then on, in hundreds of years, Gao Luoguo was unable to invade Dafeng, and the bones of future generations were all printed with awe and fear for Dafeng.

Yang Chuiwen, as the son of Guo Gongfu, the champion of Delong for six years, after five or six years of official life, gradually established a foothold in Chaozhong and became a conspicuous class of young people.

In his early years, Sima's son, Li's son, etc. were on the same level as him, but with the Sima's closed door to thank guests, the Li's family was ransacked, and he appeared sharp among his peers.

After coming out of the rite department, he met Gu Zhiyu of Hube Shangshu on the road. He is now just a small bureaucrat of ritual department. Before Hube still writes, he naturally behaved a ritual.

If he is more outstanding among the younger generation, then Gu Zhiyu is the best in their age group. He entered the dynasty at the age of seventeen and served as an assistant to the household at the age of twenty-eight.

Although there are twelve-year-old champion Yuan Lang and seven-year-old man in history, they are all rare geniuses in a hundred years. It is very rare to be like Gu Zhiyuan. What's more, this man is trusted by His Majesty, and he does have real skills. Even if some people are jealous behind their backs, when they look at Gu Zhiyuan's face, they are all smiling and holding carefully.

Yang Cuiwen has no flattering heart but admiration.

"Xiaguan has seen Master Gu." He was willing to do this gift.

"Senior Yang," although Gu Zhiyu was a civil servant, he was riding a horse. When he saw Yang Cuiwen, he smiled back and said, "What a coincidence."

In the past six or seven years, this man was still a young man, and Mrs. Hu had been used as a prosecutor. Who knows that so many years passed in the blink of an eye, and the young man who has not been worried has become a stable young man.

"Yeah," Yang Cuiwen smiled, and there was a trace of sorrow between his brows, "It's a coincidence."

There is not much friendship between the two. To be honest, there is not much to say.

"I heard that the post of Li Shizuo has been vacant," Gu Zhiyuan bowed to Yang Cuiwen on his horseback. "I'm here to wish Master Yang a promotion."

Yang Cuiwen was stunned for a moment, apparently did not expect that Gu Zhiyuan, who has always been steady, would say such words easily.

"Master Yang doesn't need to mind. Your document will probably be down tomorrow." Seeing Yang Cuiwen, Gu Zhiyu guessed that he probably had scruples, and explained the words. "It was only then that I accidentally saw the adults. This is the only official document. "

"Thank you, Master." Yang Cuiwen accepted Gu Zhiyuan's kindness and bowed to him.

"Sir Yang is polite." Gu Zhiyuan smiled, then glanced at the sky and greeted him. "It's not too early, I will say goodbye first."

"Sir, go slowly." Yang Cuiwen saluted again, watching Gu Zhiyuan go away.

At that time, Gu Zhiyuan and Chen ’s husband and wife were deeply affectionate. After Chen ’s death, he had no children under his knees and he did not want to marry again. Treating the Gu family as an injustice, and finally annihilating the past sentiment, even the queen in the palace was inexplicably scolded by the princess of Chengcheng, and then caused his majesty to be angry, so that his majesty was not treated. The life of Princess Chengjun's family in the capital was even more difficult.

The three sons of King Cheng and the eldest son passed on to the first emperor and the empress, which became His Majesty. The second son was stubborn and was beaten to death by the son of Chen's family. Finally, it was the third son who had never been exposed to the mountain's leaks that inherited the title of King Cheng.

Originally according to the rules, the father died from the succession, there was no succession from the heirs, and the three sons did not have the qualification to inherit the title, but the rules were dead and the people were alive. Today, His Majesty changed the name of the three sons to Princess Sima Under his name, he was not a sister-in-law and became a sister-in-law.

Uninformed people praised His Majesty's benevolence, and found ways to let the blood of King Cheng inherit the title. However, it seems to those familiar with the matter that Her Majesty is cruel today. Princess Chengjun has always been bad for her Majesty and Shuzi. Now that the son has inherited the title, can Princess Chengjun have a comfortable life in the future?

Thinking of the grievances and hatred of the royal family, Yang Cuiwen couldn't help but think of someone, so he couldn't help but smile bitterly. Back at the Guogong Mansion, he first met his parents and then returned to his yard.

"You're back?" When Shen saw Yang Cuiwen coming back, there was a dignified smile on his face, and then turned around to let the young ladies cook dinner.

"Mrs. Lao." Yang Chuiwen took the towel from Shen and wiped his hands, and then chatted with Shen for a few words. The two asked each other a question, but they were a little bit intimate, but they were used to each other. This way of getting along feels like this is very good.

The two of them have a son under their knees, and they look cute in Yuxue. After Yang Chuiwen returns home, he often spends time educating his son.

"In a few days, my mother will have a birthday, can you have time to go?" Shen asked after eating.

Yang Chuiwen nodded. Every year when he encounters this kind of thing, even if he doesn't have time, he will find a way to vacate it. This is the face he gave his wife.

Seeing him nod, Shen's heart sighed with relief, and after the two men washed away, they were ready to sleep.

One bed, two quilts, and then each had no dream until dawn.

The next day, Ren Ling came down, Yang Cuiwen became the left servant of the bureau, and all his colleagues laughed and asked him to treat guests to drink, and he should be accepted. That night, everyone was drunk and drunk. When he returned to the house, his mother's concern made him prepare a sobering soup before he returned to the yard.

Back in his yard, the Shen family had already fallen asleep. He stood outside the dark room, silenced for a while, and turned to the study.

When the Shens got up in the morning, they saw that the quilt lying next to them did not move, so they asked the maid nearby: "Did Shizi not come back last night?"

"Little grandma, Shizi came back last night, but just drank a little too much, and fell asleep in the study." Ma Hua replied in a low voice.

Shen's head nodded, and asked no more, and then turned to look at the invitation letter sent by the Beijing Women's Circle.

Her close girl wanted to say something, but the corner of her mouth moved. Seeing that Shen did not care about Shizi's drunkenness last night, she swallowed it again.

It was another five-day dynasty meeting. As a courtesy of the ritual department, Yang Chuiwen leaned forward a lot. He looked at the emperor on the throne and hung his head down again.

Halfway through the meeting, suddenly an **** said something in the ear of the emperor, and then everyone saw that the emperor, who had always been ecstatic, stood up and left in a big step, leaving the ministers of the Manchu Dynasty to look at each other.

He subconsciously glanced at Gu Zhiyu standing in front, maybe the other party knew what had happened.

In addition to his accident, several ministers also looked at Gu Zhiyu, hoping he could say something. To everyone's disappointment, except for some ugly faces, Gu Zhiyu never spoke from beginning to end.

Yang Cuiwen was a little worried in his heart, and even Gu Zhiyuan's face changed, showing that something must have happened in the inner palace. I'm afraid it's still related to the Queen Mother.

Half an hour later, news came from the harem that the queen gave birth to the little princess.

After hearing this news, the courtiers all showed the expression "it turned out to be so". The queen was seven years old and had two princes under her knees, but there was no princess. It is said that the queen seems to be particularly sorry for her.

Knowing that Your Majesty must have been patient to meet the courtiers at this moment, everyone dispersed in twos and threes. After Yang Chuiwen walked out of the hall, he found out that it was raining and the jade steps were soaked.

He walked in the rain, allowing the rain to wet the outer shirt, but his heart was empty and unspeakable.

In the distance, I saw a few young girls with gauze hats riding horses in the rain, and there was a faint laughter. He suddenly remembered that the empress queen was riding on horseback like these girls. Laugh like spring flowers.

Later, she married into the palace, because the emperor was only favored, and after being scolded by the country demon, and later gave birth to the prince, the emperor said in front of the heavy minister that he would never accept the concubine.

The most ruthless thing in the world is time, because everything stops, but it will never change because of human feelings.

He was thankful that His Majesty had always followed the Queen, and Gu's family was also safe and trustworthy. If not, what was the destiny of the Queen's mother?

A blind old man was stalling on the street, pedestrians coming and going were busy stalling, but he was shaking his hands on the table because of the inconvenience of his eyes.

He stopped and helped the old man pack the things on the table, then tied a knot and stuffed it into the old man's hand.

"Thank you this official," the blind old man took hold of his wrist. "This official is very noble, and he wanted to be a born and wealthy man."

Yang Cuiwen looked at his dull eyes and smiled indifferently: "The old gentleman is so clever."

"Where and where, the little old man only found that the wrists of the officials were delicate and fleshy, and he only speculated on this," the blind old man withdrew his hands, slung the tied bag on his wrists, and then felt a cane at the root of the wall behind , "It's raining heavily, why do the officials stay here?"

Yang Cuiwen looked at the crowd running on the street to hide from the rain, and said with a smile: "Walking in the rain helps to calm down."

"Quiet is in the heart, not in the foreign things," the blind old man "looked" in the direction of Yang Cuiwen, then shook his head and sighed, "There is always a life to death, don't be too demanding."

"There is nothing to ask for," Yang Cuiwen said after a moment of silence, "Just ..."

It's just a little melancholy.

The blind old man sighed, using his cane to explore the road, and left step by step.

Fortune tellers can count the past and the future, but not the people.

Yang Cuiwen sent the old man away, wiped off the rain on his face, and suddenly remembered that he would teach his son Miaohong to learn Chinese characters today, and he couldn't help but speed up his pace.

After a while, it rained harder, and the entire capital seemed to be caught in a mist.

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